Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 40 - Buying Server Farm 2

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Action or exaction? Voting, petitions, solidarity, information, human rights: all these things are gently extorted from you in the form of personal or promotional blackmail. While some people earn love. Some people blackmail into it.


Inside an expensive room. Emma sat on a thick leather chair, looking at the middle-aged woman in front of him with no expression on his face.

"Mr. Thomson. I'm sorry, but I will have to reject your bid for the server farm." The middle-aged woman said professionally, not letting any emotion show on her face.

"Mrs. Ada. Care, tell me. Why can't you sell it to our firm? Is our bid too small?" Emma replied casually.

"This is not about money. Getting the server farm is not easy as you think. If you get the money. Probably, you may not have the chance of getting those servers. The resources and time needed for creating the farms are beyond what you can think of," Mrs. Ada in form with slight annoyance.

"Oh, don't patronize me. You used 325 men, paying the average amount of $1500 daily. While it took you 3 months 12 days to finish building the farm." Emma announced, looking straight into Ebun eyes "Do want me to continue…"

>>That's what am talking about… Show her how's being done. No one can stop me from acquiring the server farm. This mama needs the farm and you can't say no.

'Seriously. I'm the one acquiring the farm. When did it turn to you, buying the farm?'

>>Shut up! What do you know…?

Meanwhile, Ada had her eyes widened. She couldn't understand how Emma got the intel on their secret server. But being a professional. She quickly regained her composure. She looked at Emma suspiciously.

"So, you've done your assignment," Ada said casually. She relaxed her back on the chair.

"What do you expect?"

Ada pick a glass cup and sipped the wine, looking at Emma. "Nevertheless, our standstill remains. We're not selling. Please, find the door."

"Oh! Won't you regret that? Whatever our firm wanted to acquire must be acquired." Emma stood up, adjusting his suit. "You have 20 minutes to think about it."

"Are you threatening us?" Ada raised her voice.

"That's for you to decide." With that, Emma left the room.

Ada stood from her seat, looking at the backside of Emma. Her eyes appear cold, dead, and flat. "Who does he think he is? He needs to be taught a lesson."

She walked to a big glass round table and picked her phone. However, the moment she picked her phone, a notification rang on her phone. Ada clicked on the new notification, and what she saw made her jaw dropped. After a few seconds, Ada's phone rang. She answered the call.

"Do you like my gift. It will be live in 10 minutes." Emma paused. "The more you delay, my offer will be diminishing by 10%. The ball is in your court. You decide." Emma hanging up the call with a slight smile on his face. He was currently sitting inside the black car.

>>Bad boy…Bad boy…

Meanwhile, Ada was restless. She rushed out of her office in a large stride. Anyone that accosted her had their eyes widened.

What happened to her?

However, she turned blank eyes to those dumbfounded gazes. Only she knew what's hitting her.

After a few minutes, she came back with slight sweat on her forehead, slumping into her chair. The server farm was paramount to their business. If sold, their business will receive a major hit. She checked the watch, not knowing what to do. A few seconds later, she sighed.

Ada picked her phone and called. A few minutes later, Emma entered the room.

"Thank you for considering my offer," Emma announced innocently, looking down to hide his grin.

Hearing this, Ada wanted to choke Emma to death. Her chest going up and down 'Consider your head.' Taking a deep breath. Ada controlled her emotions.

"Will you sign a contract not to release those videos on the net?"

"Why not..." Emma crossed one leg on top of the other. "But that server farm, I will buy at 40% of the actual bid."


Ada's gaze shoots fire toward Emma. She tried to control her facial expression, but it was for nuts. Her heart moved up and down. She gnashed her teeth, not knowing where to look.

"..D-Do you believe I can't ask the security men to capture you and tortured you until you give me the clip." Ada furiously yelled. "Who do you think you are?"

"Don't give yourself an unwanted heart attack. Keep calm..." Emma said, not looking at her. "My time is precious. Do you us to complete the deal? Yes or no?" He turned to face Ada, not caring about the menacing gaze she used in looking at him.

"What did my Happy House did to you?" Ada was exasperated. She wanted nothing but to strangle Emma's neck.

"Nothing. You get what I need. And you're not bringing the full potential of those servers out. So, I come in my infinite mercy to help you bring their full potential to the world." Emma twisted his lips, looking straight into Ada's eyes. "Where do I sign?"

Ada opened her mouth but Emma cut her off. "Don't" He raised his finger, shaking it gently. "No, no. I'm done with this unnecessary conversation."

'I will give you the server, but I will see how long you can survive with the server. You wait. I'll make you pay.' Ada smile evilly.

Emma sat inside the car, whistling happily. He had completely bought five out of the six server farms for his next project. He was currently going to the last location for the last deal. Thus, this last organization was the hegemon of the Vulture City. The Vulture gangs.

>>Are you not scared??

It baffled Lily with Emma's confidence.

'Why would I be scared? Though they are notorious for their evil deed. But this Thango. No one gives a shit. It is either you killed or you're being killed.'

>>Do you have any measures against them?

'Of course! Do you think I'm stupid to go to the lion de without no preparation?'

>>of course, you're stupid before. Only god knows what happens, turning you into this maverick.

Emma chuckled. 'Watch and see. There can only be one king inside a pride... and that's me'

>>Hmm….King.. Let see.

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