
Emma's eyelid twitches; his hand trembled slightly. Slowly his eyes opened. At once he closed his eyes. 2 seconds later. He opened his eyes, blinking. His eyes adjust to the brightness of the room. The first thing he saw was a white ceiling, and while he tried to look at the surroundings. On his body, cords of various types had been attached to his body.

'I guess everything works fine after I pass out.' He tried to sit up. But he heard a mechanical voice.

'Patient is advised to relax. Your body is presently weak. You need a lot of rest to regain your strength.'

"Are you going to tell me what to do?" Emma looked at his side and saw a robot with many legs. "Fuck off!"

'Foul language detected. The patient is advised to stop speaking such language…'


The door opened and the captain entered. He looked at Emma and smiled when he saw Emma's recovery. He sat beside Emma.

"I'm Captain Murray. Thank you for saving us."

Emma looked at captain Murray for a few seconds not uttering a word. Seeing Emma's piercing gaze, captain Murray wondered. 'Is something wrong? Why is he not talking….? Why is he looking at me?… Ah! As he lost his mind.' His heart tightened, not wanting to believe his thought. 'No! Impossible for him to lose his mind.' He waves his hand at Emma's face. "Do you hear me?"

"Of course, I heard you," Emma replied, not taking his eyes from the captain. 

Captain Murray breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God. You almost gave me a heart attack."

"What's on your mind?" Emma furrowed but his expression went back to normal. "So, why are you here?"

"To check on you and thank you."


"And what…" Captain Murray raised his brow, puzzled. 

"Do you think I brave such danger because I'm the savior of the people? Hmm?" Emma looked straight into Captain Murray's eyes without any expression.

Captain Murray's mouth slacked, eyes widened, not knowing what to say. "I—" 

"Don't utter some bullshit patronizing words… Nothing is free in this world. I believe you know that…. The people will forget that I saved them when they had been saved. So…" Emma pressed his lips together while he maintained strong eye contact with Captain Murray.

'This is not going as I think. This young man is not easy… I should leave before everything goes south.'


Emma interrupted him. "I want to be an exclusive passenger on this train…"He paused while Captain Murray's back was drenched in cold sweats. 'This is another robbery.'

"Apart from that… I want... Hmm… $I billion." 


Captain Murray stood from his seat and took a step back. His mouth widened and a big egg could fit in. Seeing Captain Murray's reactions, Emma didn't fluster. He had already expected such reactions.

>>When do you turn into a thief…

'Are you telling me my life is worthless?'


'My death means nothing to these people. Everybody is selfish. So why must I be selfless? My life is worth more than $1 billion. In fact, I wanted to ask for 10 but I considered the poor passengers.'

>>Sighed. I understand.

"A-Are you… for real." Captain Murray stuttered.

"Do I look like someone that jokes with such a thing?" Emma narrowed his eyes. "Go… go and collect my fees. You've 30 minutes for that and my exclusive deal."

Sweets dripped from Captain Murray's forehead. The turn of events was beyond his imagination. He didn't know what to say. He shook his head and left the room. When he got to the door. He heard Emma's voice.

"Don't try something funny… I won't hesitate to kill you. Besides, call me Lola."

Captain Murray almost stumbled when he heard Emma's threat. 'Why would I try something like that… I still need my life.'

[[Master, every measure had been set in place.]]

"Good! How long was I out?"

[[12 hours.]]

"Any problem."

[[None. There are only 12 hours to reach your destination.]]

Emma nodded.

>> I have to say you're crazy. But well done.

'I know. Thanks for the compliment. Do you accept me as your Grandpa now?'

>>Humph! Don't blow your horn too loud...


[Hidden Mission has been completed.]

[Objectives: 1=> Save the people from the hijackers. 2=> Capture or kill or the hijackers. 3=> Restore the train system back online.]

[Reward: 5 Stat Points. 200 Exp]


[You have unlocked hidden shooting skills. Do you want this skill? Yes/No.]


[You've acquired a new shooting skill. Sharpshooter. Do you want to learn? Yes/No.]


Instantly, Emma felt a refreshing feeling in his brain. After the feeling reseeded. Emma realized this skill was different from the punching skill. He didn't need to practice sharpshooting skills. Everything had been ingrained into his muscle brain. 'As long as I hold a gun. I can't miss my target.'

'System, why is sharpshooter different from Heavenly stone punch.'


[Heavenly Stone punch is not part of you and it is a piece of new knowledge. You practice it to ingrain it into your muscle memory. But shooting is already part of your muscle memory. You're just lacking the knowledge of sharpshooters. Now, with the understanding of a sharpshooter. Your brain and muscle memory were in perfect sync.]

Emma nodded with a smile while he brought his phone out.

Meanwhile, the train was in an uproar when they heard the captain's announcement. The passenger immediately protested. Especially people from the economy class. The captain tried to make the people understand why they need to contribute such money. However, the crowd didn't listen at all, demanding to report to the authorities since the reception is back on their phone.

'So, this is the meaning of the young man's words… Everybody is selfish.' Captain Murray stared at the monitor. 'You should show appreciation toward the young man that saved you all, but all you think is about yourself and money.' 

'Then, plan B'


"I'm pleased to inform you all… Anyone that fails to contribute to the health of our savior. An in-sense of his bravery and to encourage more people. Will immediately be thrown out of the train… Don't test the water to check whether it is deep or not…" Captain Murray's stern voice echoed throughout the train.

Silence filled the train. All the protesting passengers looked at each other dumbfounded. Should they continue to protest and risk being thrown out of the train or succumb and donate their share? While still in thought. They heard the voice of the captain.

"The VIP Class will contribute 50% while the business class 30%, and the economy 20%." 

Smiles blossomed on the faces of the protesters because most of them were mostly from the economy class while the business and first-class had a slight frown on their faces but kept quiet. After a minute, the hostess began to move from one coach to another. The people accepted their fate and contributed. Though some still grumbled. 'Is this not the same as those hijackers.' But they didn't dare to say it out loud.

>>Fortune inside misfortune…. Poor people.

'What about me..?' Emma's eyes never left his phone, smiling. 'Now, I can speed the production of those projects.' He thought.



The door opened, entered by a pretty woman with enchanting straight boobs, glamorous smile, and twisted ludicrous small red lips. Her eyes never leave the young man sitting on the bed. While the smile on her face made it impossible for people to guess what she's thinking. Taking her seat, she looked at the young man with a conflicted expression on her face which disappeared in a second.

"How's your health?" Lola asked.

"Good. I should be on my feet in the next few hours." Emma responded, taking his phone from his pocket.

"Manny, you're full of surprises. I must say." Lola teased.

Emma raised his head from his phone and looked at Lola. "Should I call you Lola or Mrs. Longbottom…I must ask." He shrugged.

Lola chucked, enhancing her graceful appearance. "You're not naïve expecting me to give you my real name, right?"

"Of course. I don't care which is your name. All I care about is the deal we make. That's why I ask."

"Oh!" Lola raised her brow. Shocked by Emma's frankness. Regaining her composure. "I won't talk about your little antic of collecting money from the people and me...So, you've nothing to worry about. Since the attack fails. The deals still stand…" She looked straight into Emma's eyes. "Mr. Manny. Care to tell me what you want for the 

Emma looked at Lola for a few seconds without uttering a word. Seeing Emma's continuous gaze. Lola blushed and averted her eyes. 

"Why are you looking at me like that... Is there something on my face?"

"I don't know and I don't care how you were taught to behave like this. But not everyone will condone your mischievousness…" Emma's eyes sprout fire. Lola's back had already been drenched in cold sweats. "My little antic is my life. So, if I die… To you, it's a little antic…"


"Get out!" Emma yelled, his vein pulses and twitches, breathing erratic.

Lola jumped up, stumbling back. She looked at Emma with wide eyes, swallowing excessively. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. 'Why didn't I learn he's a sensitive person.' She sighed.. 'What should I do?' She blinked.

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