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"Will you get out or do you want me to force you out." Emma raises one of his brows, exuding coldness.

Biting her lip. "I'm sorry for not considering your feelings. But I want to be your friend. So, I'll go out and come back." Lola announced, thrusting her chest out. She left not looking back.

>>Why did you behave like that…?

Emma kept quiet for a few seconds controlling his breathing. 'People toy with other's emotions without understanding what that person had passed through in life. However, rich people don't understand and will not care how you feel. Everything is just for their amusement. So, if I kept bottling everything up and never let people realize my reverse scale. Then, I will easily be controlled by them.'

Emma took a deep breath, finishing his monologue, controlling his disarray emotions.

>>...You're right. Emotions are fragile tools. If care is not taken. People will become slaves to their emotions. I don't know if you could explode like that. It's good though…

Emma sighed, resting on the bed.

After a few minutes, the door opened. A middle-aged man walked inside. He sat beside Emma with a complex expression on his face. Taking a deep breath. He brought a grey box from his pocket and presented it to Emma.

"Young man. I heard your name is Manny. So, I will call you that. The compensation had been arranged." Captain Murray announced. 

Emma sat up from the bed. He collected the grey box from Captain Murray with a slight on his face. "Thank you."

"I don't need your fake appreciation. According to you, nothing is free in this world. So, you deserved it. More so, the rescue team had yet to arrive when we almost arrived at the next station. So, if anything had happened to us, we would have long died for nothing. Money is useless without life. So, you deserve our appreciation. Thank you."

Emma nodded.

Finishing his mission, Captain Murray stood up ready to leave. "And the exclusive deal had been accepted. I report to the higher up about your feet about the attack. Hearing it, they graciously accept your deal." He announced not looking back


Emma looked at closed-door and smiled. 'I never expect the spontaneous action of mine will be accepted by those shrewd businessmen. I guess they value this train and don't want a potential enemy. Hmm?' he twisted his lips. 'Perhaps, there more to than eyes could see. Anyway, they should be prepared for my arrival.' 


Three people entered the room. Two females and a male. They looked at Emma with different expressions on their faces. The infirmary descended into an awkward silence. The three looked at each other not knowing how to break the silence. Only the beeping coming from the machine echoed in the room.

Emma looked at the three, not ready to say a word. 'Those are probable twins. They are too identical.' He raised one of his brows. 'This woman, why can't she leave me alone. Sighed.'

"These two want to thank you. So I brought them." Lola announced lowering her gaze.

"I'm Arce… and this is my twin, Jimena" Arce made the introduction pointing to his twins.

"We are here to say Thank you for your bravery. In Thango, It's not every day you find someone like you to fight a battle that you can easily avoid. So, thank you for your bravery." Jimena said, flushing slightly.

"It's just a business. Don't mention it." Emma answered casually.

"To you, it is a business. But to us. It is our life. In the presence of death, money is useless." Jimena added.

'Why are all the women so troublesome?' "Ok." Emma put on a forced smile. He turned to Lola not uttering a word.

Seeing this, the twins looked at each other with a knowing look. "Mr. Manny will take our leave." Without waiting for Emma to respond, they left the room. Leaving only Lola and Emma in the room.

"10 minutes to reach the next station. Passengers should be ready to depart." A mechanical voice announced on the train.

Hearing this, Lola raised her brow, biting the corner of her lips. "I'm sorry for behaving insensitively earlier. Sorry." She paused; her eyes dimmed a little. "I want to be your friend. Where I come from. Every single day is a fierce battle. It is not easy to find a true friend. But you don't care who I am. You say what is on your mind without any hidden agenda. I want a friend like that isn't a hypocrite"

"If you're not my friend you won't be standing." Emma smiled.


A young man sat inside a driverless taxi looking at the surroundings with a fascinating gaze. Tall buildings were everywhere and there were a lot of people on the road, using various forms of transportation to commute easily among the busy streets. 'Vulture City is really a backward City. Compared to Reaper City. But everything is about to change.' He determined.

>>You have a lot to do.

'I know. But it is quite easy to accomplish.'

>>Yeah, with the new friend of yours. The road is cleared. 

Emma didn't reply. He was lost in deep thought. 'Though I can have enough resources from Lola. But not all. Also, I need intelligent and capable people around. I can't do everything alone.' Sighed. 

>>Have you realized your problem already…?

'Of course. I know.' He snorted.

'Sir, you've arrived at your destination. Thanks for using our services.' A mechanical voice came from the car.

'Sighed. The common car here is even our top car in Vulture City. Going easy on those idiots won't work. I know what to do…'

Emma stood in front of a glittering skyscraper. Trying to look at the top would make a person an idiot. For how high it is. Emma entered the building controlling the expression on his face. Walking to the counter. Two women are sitting, one old and the other young.

"Sir, welcome Hiystar. How may we help you." The old woman asked.

"I want a VIP suit for one week," Emma replied.

"Ok sir, please stay in front of the device and give me your coin box"

Emma presented his grey box and stood in front of a device that captured his facial expression. After a few seconds, the process was complete.

"Sir, your room 90-floor room 14BA" She returned the coin box to Emma. 

Emma collected his box and went to the elevator. Entering the elevator, he pressed 90. A couple of seconds later, Emma arrived at the 90 floors and quickly found his room. Standing in front of the door, a small camera scanned Emma for 2 seconds and the door opened. 

'Vulture is still stuck with E-card.'

Emma entered the room and jumped on the bed. 'Ah, I can finally relax.' At once, he drifted into a sound sleep. Emma woke up in the evening. He stressed his body.

"Zeus, how long did I sleep?"

[[6 hours.]]

"I guess I'm more tired than I think." He murmured. 

>>What do you think…. You lost a lot of blood. If not for your endurance and some factors. You'll still be in bed.

'I know'

Emma entered the bathroom and took a cold shower, relaxing his body while the point where he had been shot had a little scar. He looked at the scar and shook his head. 'I need to be careful in the future. I don't want any scar again.'

Coming out of the bathroom. He ordered food, dried his body and put on loose cloth, getting his laptop ready to work.

'Sir, your order has arrived…'

Emma raised his head and looked at the ceiling without uttering a word. He opened the door and there stood a robot with his orders. The robot drove the trolley inside the room and set all the food on the table and left. While the robot was arranging the food. Emma was busy with the net. Seeing the robot had left.

Emma stood up, famished. He sat and tasted the food. Hmm! 'It's been a long time since I tasted good food. All I have been eating was junk. I should learn to enjoy life.' He sighed and dived into the food ludicrously. A couple of minutes later, the table was empty. He looked at the empty table with a satisfied smile. 

'Now, I can work better.'

Sitting in front of his laptop. "Zeus, how's the hotel security?"

[[Secured. I can't breach it. It is supported with a powerful Ai. If I am on my main server. I can easily breach it.]]

"Is there anything worth knowing about their security?"

[[No, sir. It is full of loopholes that can't be counted.]]


Emma focused on his laptop while his hand danced on the keyboard. On the laptop screen, various consoles were opening and closing at the same time. After a couple of minutes, data of various people began to appear on the screen but Emma didn't stop. However, his hand increased in speed. 


"Found you," Emma yelled.

>>That's a new record. Your hand speed is improving every day. Keep it up.

"Thank you." He puffs his chest out.

>>Don't get too conceited. You hack 10,000 websites in five minutes isn't a proud feet. You could have achieved it in 3 minutes. So, do it for 2 and half minutes then you will receive my acknowledgement. 

'To hell with your acknowledgment'

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