Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 65 - Righteous Thievery 2

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>>Really… Are you saying you know how to jump that….?

Emma ignored Lily and squinted his gaze, looking at the hidden security camera. He took a deep breath, preparing mentally for what about happening next? 'Let see if I still had it in me.' He thought excitedly. 

>>Humph! Behaving like some masters. When your ass is being kicked. Don't come crying.

"Time up" Emma's watch has the security camera changes angle. At once, He dashed like a rocket toward the fence, getting closer to the fence. He increased his speed. Hiyah!

He jumped forward, landing on the wall with one foot, using it to spring upward. He twisted in the air, using his right hand on the top of the wall, supporting his body, and leaping over the fence.

Everything happened in less than 5 seconds. Emma landed on the other side of the fence, nimble, without making any noise. Discovering everything went smoothly. He released his pent off breath. He was not 100% confident that he could pull off the stunt. But he succeeded. He grin, looking at his surroundings.

>>What! Where did you learn that…!?


>>To Hell with a secret. Will you tell me or not? This is getting me confused. Your brain activity had no such stimulus.

'I'll tell you, but not here. I need to perform my righteous deeds. I can't let those waiting for my righteous deeds waiting for too long. Can I?'

>>Shut up. To hell with your righteous deeds. With that stunt. I believe you have a chance to pull this off…

Emma moves stealthily, bringing out a small device from his backpack. Checking the devise. He grumbled. "Why would there be so many guards? Is this some military base or something?"


Emma stopped abruptly and jumped into a row of flowers. A few seconds later, two guards matched past Emma's position. They stopped neared Emma's position, looking at the surrounding. 'I see nothing. Is my intuition failing me? It is not possible. I may have worked too much. I need to relax.'

The two guards left while Emma came out from the flowers, breathing a sigh of relief. 'I need to be more careful' Shaking his head. He dashed toward a particular location. 

>>Your people know how to enjoy themselves. This place is far cry to the city.

'What do you think? That's why I tell you no one is a saint. Since they have the power. Who would question them if they steal all the resources meant for the people...?' 

>>I know. You don't need to lecture me. Tsk.

Beep! Beep!

Emma looked at the gigantic mansion in front of him. 'So, this is the DarkKnight mansion.'


"Their guards are twice the normal mansions." Emma raised his brow. 'Humph, no one can stop the righteous once from performing his deeds.' He brought his two 9mm pistols with a silencer, looking at the patrolling guard with sharp eyes. He looked at the device in his hand. 'I have 2 minutes tops'

"Let the righteous deeds begins." He dashed toward the building, avoiding the guards.

>>You know you can't dodge all the guards.

'I know. Why do you think I bring my guns out? For decoration?' He smirked.

>>…T—That… You're getting cockier, Hmm.

He moved like shadows, killing all the guards obstructing him with one shot on the heads. While also hiding their bodies in obscure places. Emma entered the DarkKnight mansion through the window. He quickly hid behind the door. He brought another device from his backpack, pressing it. 

The device makes a low inaudible sound, blinking a green light every second. 'The jamming device will only work for 5 minutes. I need to get moving.'

"How's the business?" A sturdy man entered Emma's room with a cigar in his left hand.

Seeing this, Emma held his breath. Swiss! He used the Heavenly stone punch movement skill and appeared behind the sturdy man. "Sir, you need to take a serious nap."


The sturdy man fell to the ground with wide eyes, unconscious. What happen? That was his last thought. But he would have to wake up to find out the answer. Emma looked at the unconscious man for a few seconds and took the cigar from his hand, placing it in his mouth.

"I can't let the cigar go to waste." He murmured. "I'm a good person. I must fulfil my righteous deeds."


"Yeah. Smoking while sleeping will make him have a marvellous dream. Don't you agree?"

>>Fuck off!

Emma chuckled and left the room. Entering a corridor, he began a light jog. 

"Where is Stem?" An elderly woman's voice came from the room ahead of Emma's left side. Emma stopped and looked at this surrounding.

"Grandma, he went to finish a business deal." A woman replied.

While Emma was listening to the conversation between the DarkKnight family. A guard entered the corridor. Seeing this, Emma didn't dillydally, shooting the guard straight on his forehead. The guard couldn't process what happened when everything around became dark, falling. 

Before the guard could reach the ground. Emma appeared beside him and support him from making a sound. He looked at the surrounding and drag the dead body into a nearby room. 'It is good that this is a vast mansion. If not, I won't have a place to hide all the bad people while I perform my righteous deeds.'

Every few seconds, guards were dragged into a room while a black man kept dashing toward the base of the mansion. The guards in the mansion's basement were more than the surface. But that didn't deter the black man from performing his righteous deeds.

Meanwhile, in another section of the mansion. Inside the surveillance room. Two men were looking at the mansion footage with a frown in their eyes. 

"Do you see what am seeing?" Derek asked.

"Yeah. All the footage has frozen" Nako squinted his brow.

Derek and Nako looked at each other and saw the shocked on each other faces. Without talking, they began to punch a set of instruction on the keyboard. However, after a minute. They discover the footage didn't recover. Sweats began to drip from their forehead, looking at the frozen footages. 

Darek picked his comms. "C-Code… R-Red." He stuttered.

"What do you say!" A voice yelled from the comm.

"Code Red. Code Red. The mansion is under attack." Derek shouted, punching the red button on the table beside him.

At once, Blue Flower district was in upheaval. Guards running everywhere. Especially, The DarkKnight mansion. All the guards began a painstaking search. They left no stone unturned. The DarkKnight family was pensive. Every one of them gathered in the family room.

"What the hell is happening." An elderly woman demanded sternly. She looked at the man in front of her, demanding an answer.

Seeing the gaze of the matriarch. The back of the man was already drenched in cold sweats. He took a deep breath and gathered his thought. 

"Ma, according to the surveillance team. All the security footage in the mansion had frozen about 3 minutes ago."

"What! How did that happen without them knowing?" The matriarch yelled.

Akord opened his mouth, but nothing came out. 'I know nothing about the surveillance. Why are you pulling the fault on me?" He cried in his mind.

Watching the silent Akord "Useless. Bunch of useless people. Do you know how much I spend to secure this mansion? Now, you are telling me it was frozen. Hmm?" Matriarch Flora looked at her family with anger. "Where the hell is the stupid Stem when everything is happening right now."

All the members of the DarkKnight family looked at each other and then turn to a particular. Seeing the gaze of everyone. The woman shivered. 

"I don't know. He went out to answer a call. That all I know." Stem's wife answered, trembling.

"Get the fuck out and find your stupid husband." Matriarch Flora yelled. Her heart moves up and down while also her eyes turned bloodshot. 

A guard scrambled inside when everyone was preparing to look for Stem. "Ma, we found sir Stem." 


"In one of the rooms, unconscious."

"Did anything happen to him?" Matriarch Flora asked with her heart missing a beat.

"No. I believe the intruder knocked sir Stem unconscious." 

Hearing this, Matriarch Flora paused for a few seconds before dashing out like a scare cat. Everyone in the room looked at each other, not understanding what was going on. But Madam Flora woke them up with her yelled.

"Idiot, won't you follow me?"   

At the basement of the mansion. A man in black cloth whistle happily. 'It is good to prepare. I knew this kind of people will not only go digital. But also go analogue. Ha. Ha. Only the righteous people can be prepared. Ops! I'm one of the righteous once. I guess that their bad luck.'

"Let see what the mighty DarkKnight has in their treasure vault." His eyes brightened.


The enormous door of the vault opened. Emma's eyes brightened as the door. He could barely contain his anticipation. When the door was finally open wide. His eyes were already on his head. Ops! He looked at the so many treasures without blinking. After a few seconds, he recovered, while his eyes darted from one angle to another.

'I guess this is the reason so many people rubbed than to work.'

A sudden alarm echoed throughout the building, startling Emma for a bit. He rolled his eyes. "That took them a while" He grinned, walking into the treasure vault, ignoring some glittering ore and jewelleries. He brought out a small device from his bag and press a key on it. At once, Emma began to used to scan the treasure vault.

Beep! Beep!

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