Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 66 - Righteous Thievery 3

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After a couple of searches, an indistinct sound came from the treasure vault. Seeing this, Emma dashed toward the direction where the search was found. He opened a big box. "Y…" He stopped his abrupt shout and look at the surroundings. 'I don't need to shout. Yes! Yes! Yes! Now, I can plan for my next plan.' He smiled, closing the box, carrying it out of the vault.

>>I guess your luck is not bad.

'What do you mean my luck is not bad. My luck is the best in this world. If I don't get lucky. Then, no one could.'

>>…Speechless. If Lily had eyes. She would have rolled it.

>>Stop being such being a narcissist because of this small success.

'if I don't walk through the fire, then, who would. So, if I can't become a narcissist, then who. Humph! Don't tell me it is wrong to praise oneself.'

>>Shut up… Sighed.

Suddenly, numerous footsteps approached the vault. However, Emma only smile, returning the small device in his hand back to the bag while he brought a detonator from his pocket. 'I guess it's time to give them a nice gift.' He pressed the detonator, looking at the entrance.


The DarkKnight mansion shook with the sudden explosion. All the incoming footsteps stop abruptly while everywhere was silent. After a few seconds, the fire system kicked in, blaring throughout the building. Like a chain reaction, all the steps coming toward the treasure vault change their direction, rushing toward the explosion.

"That my cue. The jammer is now offline. I need to move quickly."

>>Let see how you escape in one piece… God of luck…No. No. I should call you… Mr. Righteous.

'Yeah. You should call me any one of the names. Think am scared. Watch and learn.'

>>Shus! Show me.

Emma carried the black and rushed out of the underground while holding a pistol with one hand. Though the bad was quite heavy. His back was straight, showing no discomfort. Coming out of the basement, he began a light jog. 

"A masked man detected at the left-winged. All personnel please rushed there. This is presumed as the attackers." A voice echoed from all the guard comms.

Emma made a left on the corridor and was accosted by two guards. Without delaying, throwing the big bag forward, running step on the right wall and make an acrobatic twist in the air, avoiding the sudden bullet also he shoot the two guards on the forehead. Landing on one knee, Emma raised his head and looked at the corridor, seeing no one. He picked the bag and continue his run.

"Target is on the run, going to the north wing."

>>More people are coming. Run Mr. Righteous. Ha-ha. This fun

'Fun your head.'

>>Isnt it. I want to see how you reach your rendezvous point without injuries or got  caught.

'Will you be happy if I'm caught, Hmm?'

>>That shows you're useless. You got ahead without proper planning. I only need to choose another host. That's all.

'I should have known. You care not about me. Humph!'

>>Oh…Are you hurt. Did I hurt your feeling? Ha. Ha. Ha. Get your ass moving.

Meanwhile, during the conversation. Emma didn't for once stop moving. Suddenly, Emma stop moving and looked at the people in front of him with a squinted brow. The atmosphere tensed, everywhere was quiet, only the sound of erratic breathing echoed in the narrow corridor.

"Drop whatever you stole and surrender. Then, I may consider giving you a painful death." Matriarch Flora announced, gnashing her teeth. While the guard behind her held their weapon firmly, ready to fire.

Emma chuckled. He looked at the people, shaking his head. "I guess you taught everything is based on your security, encamping me. Hmm?" His voice was coarse, not his usual voice.

"You can bluff has you like. But I will only count 1 to 3 before I make your life a living hell."


Everyone raised their brow, seeing the confidence in Emma's voice. Is he ready to die? Didn't he care about his life? Maybe he had another plan. Numerous thoughts run in the minds of the people watching Emma.

"Whatever plan you may have made. It futile…. 1" Matriarch Flora announced confidently. 'I believe all the backup should have arrived now. Humph. You dare robbed from the DarkKnight. Watch how I make your life miserable.'


On the count of two, another explosion echoed throughout the building, shaking everyone to their core. Shocking everyone. However, Emma already start moving to the nearby room. Matriarch Flora recovered faster that the others. She saw Emma escaping and shouted.

"Kill that asshole! Now!"

Instantly, the others wake from the initial shock and began to shoot. But it was too late. Emma entered the building, avoiding the bullets by an inch. Inside the room, Emma didn't stop running, rushing toward the window and jumped out.  Bang! The door opened while the guard rushed in and continue shooting.

Emma took a device from his back and shoot toward the mansion. At once, a tiny rope came out of the device attaching to the mansion. With that, Emma landed, escaping into the dept of the night. By window Matriarch Flora heart puff up and down. Her eyes shooting fire.

"Run! Don't let me catch. But know this. There is nowhere you can hide in Reaper that I won't find you." She screamed.

At the Hotel, Emma sat on the couch lifelessly. He looked at the ceiling with a slight smile on his face. 'Wow…That was really close.' He sighed in relief. Beside him were twins looking at him stupefied. They couldn't wrap their head around what just happen in the Blue flower district. 


They looked at each other and gulped the wine in their hand lifelessly. Is this the person we are going to be working for? They shivered with that thought. 

"I thought you guys would be scared..." Emma sat up and looked at the twins. "But I guess you have the balls. And I like that." He picked a wine from the center table and drain it in one motion.

Arce and Jimena jaw dropped, not knowing what to say. But to sighed. Balls their ass. They didn't leave because Emma was the last strand of survival. They had nowhere to go. They're wanted by underground mobs. So, they could only bet their life on Emma's survivalist. And thank God, it works.

Seeing the look on their faces, Emma understood what's going in their mind and chuckled. "Since everything is over now. I fully accept both of you as part of my people. The funds and resources needed for your research will be done by me. You've nothing to fear." He announced seriously.

A slight smile crept onto the face of the twins. Though they didn't understand how powerful Emma was. But it would be better than their current miserable life. Arce straightens his back. "Thank you for finally accepting us. We not make an unnecessary promises. Our action will speak for us."

"That good to hear. But you have to do one thing when we return to my base."

The twins looked at each other, asking, "What?"

"Simple, signed a contract," Emma answered casually.


"Yeah. It a contract, binding to your brain which guard and prevent external factors from prying into my secret or you trying to betray me." Emma raised his brow. "Do you have anything against that?"

The room descended into an abrupt silence. Jimena and Arce glance at each other nothing what to say. A bind. He's going to turn us into his puppet. Numerous conflicts thought flashed through their minds. Watching their expression, Emma shook his head.

"Whatever you're thinking. Forget it. Come and see the contract before your thought goes haywire. "Emma opened his laptop.

Hearing this, they moved closer to Emma, looking at the computer screen. Emma turned the laptop screen to them. The twins skimped through the contract. After a couple of minutes. A sigh of relief exhaled from the twins. 

"Is… this true?" Jimena asked, trying to control her breathing. Her gazed fixed on Emma's face. 

"Yeah. What are you expecting? Or should I add more?" Emma joked.

"No! No! That enough" The twins shook their heads vigorously, answering at the same time.

Seeing their reaction, Emma gave a light laugh. "Relax. Though, I'm not a good person. I won't turn an innocent person into a puppet or whatnot. This contract is just for prevention from my enemies. Also, I will be fully able to trust you. Your freedom and lifestyle are still yours. I won't meddle in it."

"Thank you," Arce replied, smiling while his racing began to calm down. 'Meeting Mr. Manny is a fortune. There is still hope to save our parents.' He thought happily.

Emma waves his hand. "Now, tell me about your research in detail and how it is useful for me."

Hearing this, the twins looked at each other and smiled confidently. They adjusted their seat and began to talk about their research. Emma listened attentively.

After 30 minutes of continuous explanation. The twins finally stop talking while their faces glowed with pride.. This is their life work, why won't they be proud. 

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