Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 82 - Preparing For Kpriv Attack

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"Yes. Prepared the best among the Med team for the research" Emma answered plainly, looking at twins who are yet to accept the emergence of the Kpriv.

"Leave that to us…." Jimena took a deep breath. "We'll be ready when you bring the beast."

"Good" There was no expression on his face, looking at the twins briefly, before leaving the building.

Right inside his car, Emma was checking some data on a device like an iPad but slightly different from an iPad. His expression was not as blank as before, his brow raised, looking at the data loss in thought. 'Whatever the three organizations are planning, they will need to reconsider when they witness the dismiss of Viper gangs. Hmmm…. And before they could should their card. My people should have infiltrated their organization. Then…'


[[Strange movement detected in Sambisa forest.]]

[[Scanning….. Location detected…. Location locked.]]

One thousand meters above Vulture air space, a UAV flies with extreme speed toward a particular location. However, no one could detect this drone's movement because when people look into the sky, all they could see was a plain sky. Ten seconds later, the UAV arrived above Sambisa while three circular objects like a camera rotate every second under the UAV

[[Kpriv Detected]]

At once, the image on the screen on Emma's device changes, displaying the arrival of the Kpriv coming out of Sambisa. Emma watched the arrival of the beast without blinking eyes. Now, he could see the real image of the Kpriv. 

The one on the screen was 5-meter-tall, big head like a French bulldog with their long sharp teeth which also makes it impossible for them to fully close their mouth while its flat nose was barely visible. Two longhand with 7 inched dark claws could tear humans into pieces if dug into human skin. The beast stood on its two-leg while a long tail sway at the back. Also, at the end of the tail was a thing like an arrow. Its two big eyes were purple with a black pupil at the center. 

>>This is the real deal…

Emma took deep a breath, previously the image captured by the UAV was blurred, so no one saw the fearsome appearance of the Kpriv but now…. The real appearance could give some nightmares. While still looking at the video feed, more Kpriv began to rush out of the forest. Emma had recovered from the shock. He squinted his eyes, looking at the increment of the Kpriv.

"Zeus, have you detected the exact location where this beast is coming from?"

[[Sir, I'm 80% sure of the location.]]

Hearing this, Emma furrowed. "Why!"

[[The sensors are picking spatial interference in the Sambisa forest.]]


"Spatial interference?" He widened his eyes.

[[Affirmative. Through unknown means. The Kpriv could affect the stability of space.]]

Emma was speechless.

[[Sir, according to the sensors reading. I propose the Kpriv are coming out of a spatial tear.]]

Emma exhale and calm his raging heart down. 'We've prepared for this. Nothing will go wrong.'

"Collet every intel about the spatial tear. Gather all Knights require for the attack. We meet 500 meters outside the city."

"Ok, sir."

At once, every knight receives an order on their device, to assemble at a location that was displayed on their device. In District 13, in a particular round building. 5 Military trucks rushed out of the building, loaded with various boxes. In the Med facilities, Arce and Jimena were reviewing their research the voice echoed in the room.

{Alert! Sir Arce and Miss Jimena. One of you is to choose five Meds and are to meet at this location immediately.}


What is going?

The twins widened their eyes and looked at each other. They saw the shock on each other face but was woken up by the Goddess's cold voice.

{Every second is precious, please decide who to go.}

Arce quickly recover from the shock and took a deep breath. "I will go."

{Good. Since we don't have enough time, I have selected all the Med base on their profile. All the med are waiting for you, Sir Arce}

"Ok." Arce gulped.

Jimena looked at his brother, "Be careful" She said looking straight into his brother's eyes. 

"I will"

Meanwhile, Vulture continues their usual activity without knowing the danger at the back of their backyard. Furthermore, Zeus controlled every security camera in the path where all Starlight Genesis trucks will take. People only saw how fast the trucks were moving and wondered what was going. However, since it had nothing to do with them, they completely forget about it.

500 meters outside the boundary of Vulture various trucks arrive while many people strong men and women arrived, looking at the surrounding in a puzzle. No one knew what going on. They only received orders to come and nothing else. Every minute, more knights arrive while the puzzlement in their eyes could not hide.

They looked at the surrounding, checking for anything that may warrant they were called here. Their surroundings were filled with lush green grasses and some sparse tree which was far from one another. The plain could be seen as far as the eyes could see. While the knights were checking their surroundings, five military jeeps arrive with various armed trucked. 

While everyone was still looking at the new arrival. Another truck arrived but it was entirely different from others. The truck was 20 meters long, painted in blue and white. The truck was secured with strong heavy alloy, preventing bullets from penetration. 


The door of the five jeeps opened at once and five strong men dressed in the black suit with a blue stripe and white helmet on their head jumped out of the jeep. All knights looked at the five men in amazement and puzzlement. What is going on?

"We are the five guard." The first guard announced. 

Five guards! The knights raised their brows. Five guards? Who are they?

"Don't bother about our identity. Just know we are all part of Terra World." 

Hearing Terra World, all the knights breathe a sigh of relief. They are part of us. The thought in their mind. But that doesn't stop them from wondering why they were commanded to come here. The knight waits for the first guard to continue.

The first guard raised his hand. The five trucks behind him opened and men and women dress in black suits fully armed jumped out of the truck. While they began to load various boxes out from the truck.

"The captain of each team should come forward and please be grouped according to your team."

Receiving the order, all knights instantly regroup according to their team. There are 10 teams, making 500 knights led by A knights. When all the captains of each come forward. The five-guard brought out a palm device and gave the captains. 

"That the mission directive Device. Check it and discuss it with your team. You 60 seconds to accomplish that." The first guard announced. 

The 10 checked the device and were frozen on the spot. It took a couple of seconds before they recover from the shock. Without further Ado, they rushed back to their team and disseminate the information. Just like what the five guards expected. Shout and various expressions were seen on the faces of the knight. However, as experienced soldiers, they quickly recover from the shock and look at the surrounding with seriousness. 

"Listen. We have a minute set up a barricade before our target arrives while also don't forget to choose the weapon of your choice."

Two minutes later all the knight has accomplished their task while they were all fully armed to the teeth. These shocked them, though they didn't see the target, but the description give them what are to expect. But how strong this beast could be. They wondered in their mind.


A black car arrives while all the knights was waiting patiently for the target. All heads turned and looked at the black car. Who is it again? The door opens and the first thing they saw was a blue shoe… what followed was the appearance of a man in blue. Everything about the person was blue, including his helmet. The only different thing in his dressing was the star on his chest. The three stars were white.

"Attention!" The fifth guard shouted. 

At once, all knights stood attention. They looked at the man in blue and wondered. Is he from the Terra also?

Everyone was silent, the torrential wind blew to the face of the knight while the chiming of insects and clattering of lizards rustle in the plain. Every knight felt the gaze of the blue man on their body while they tensed up slightly. 



Every footstep of the man in blue echoed in the heart of the knights. Badumm, Badumm. Their heart echoed. Is this fear? But why would they fear? Subconsciously, the knights feared to breathe too much. Every one of them controlled their breathing while their eyes were fixed on the man. Standing in front of the squadron.

"At ease." The blue man announced.

All the knights exhale and took a deep breath.. What was that? They thought.

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