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"What we are going to face in the next couple of minutes will be beyond your imagination…." The blue man paused, looking at the squadron briefly before continuing. "Fret not. We've made all arrangements to keep everyone alive. Follow the order giving and you will be safe."

[[The Kpriv are coming!]]

"How many?"

[[Sir… 1000 Kpriv]]


The blue man stopped for a few seconds without uttering a word. Everyone looked at him wondering why he's not talking but no one dares to question him. The blue man was oblivious to the gaze directed at him. He was already lost in his thought.

"How many 1-star"

[[50 1-star]]

Inside the helmet, suffocating and breathing erratic. The blue man murmured. '50 murmured'

"How far are they now?"

[[3 km… closing fast]] 


Taking a deep breath, without knowing, the blue man was already feeling the pressure of the Kpriv. Surely, the fear of the unknown is scary. He recover his bearing and looked at the horizon. While all the knights could not understand what was going. However, some could feel something was not easy as it seems.

"Zeus began the assault."

[[Ok sir.]]

At once, 2 km from the knights. A streak of dark brown animal was traveling at extreme speed. Everything on their path was destroyed, including the lush green grasses. The grasses were stump, leaving withered grasses and a deep footprint. If the grasses and animals could talk, they would've complained. Why would you destroy us leaving nothing? Did we offend your ancestor or what?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rows of missiles were released from the UAV. Smoke and soil raised in the sky, sending tremors everywhere. However, the Kpriv sensed the attack before it reached them. Nevertheless, the attack was calculated with every possibility of avoidance, leaving the Kpriv no room for escape. 

Ah! Ah! Ah!

The Kpriv made some indistinct sound in pain. The battalion of Kpriv fall into disarray, avoiding the point of attack while the 1-star Kpriv look at the surrounding for the source of the attack, but it found none. When the smoke receded, only five Kpriv was lying on the ground not moving while about fifty Kpriv were injured. But something happens a few seconds. The injured recovered a little and stoop with their big eyes looking at the surrounding with fury.

Who the fuck attack us!? 

Kreeeee! Kreeeee! 

The 1-star Kpriv made another shocking sound and immediately, all the Kpriv began their traveling, including the injured that just recovered. Seeing this, more missile was released. But this time, the Kpriv did not stop from the attack. They left the dead and injured and continue their journey. Moreover, their speed increased to another bar.

The sudden tremor and rise in smoke in the sky shocked the knights, they looked at the source of the commotion and wondered what the hell was going on?

[[Sir, the attack is ineffective. We need another countermeasure.]]

Inside the helmet, the live video feed of the attack was displayed. 'What a strong defense!' he gasped. 'There recovery….'

[[1 km and closing fast]]

Hearing this, the blue man arranged his thought and looked at his Knights for a few seconds, no one know what he's thinking. 

"The enemy is coming. Use everything you have to fight. Don't fight blinding. Listen to command that would be communicated during the battle." The blue man announced. Everyone heard the seriousness in his voice. 

"This is a battle you never fought before. Try your best to stay alive."

Hearing this, everyone took a deep breath. A battle we've never fought before? What are we fighting for god fucking sake! They wanted to cry out.

"Spread out. At once!" He shouted. "500 meters distant between each team and create a curve…." He looked at the knight rushing to complete the order. "You've 10 seconds to complete the order."

"Don't depend on your gun alone. When you realize your gun is not effective. Don't dilly dally. Switch to manual weapon immediately."

[[30 seconds more.]]

>>Your enemy is beyond your capabilities. May your planning and weapon save your lives.

Ignoring Lily's comment. Emma thought was running Mach 10, thinking for every possible means to come out of this attack in one piece.

"Snipers!" He shouted. "Move back, far from your team immediately."

Immediately, all sniper picked their weapon and began to run behind their team not looking back. The battle had not even started, people had already started sweating. This was not from fear. But from the unknown.

[[10 seconds countdown begins now!]]

Emma didn't have time to respond to Zeus, shouting "All teams ready!" The helmet amplifies his voice, spreading throughout the battlefield









At once, a streak of dark brown appeared in the sight of all the Knights. They gulped, seeing the jaw-dropping speed and the enormous build of the beast in front of them. However, the pressure coming from the beasts made them shiver when they heard the command.


Heavy caliber bullets escape from the magazine from every team. They don't know what they are shooting at and they don't care to know. Whatever it is. They knew it is scary. Emma and his five guards were the only teams facing the Kpriv head-on. All the five guards choose a position with their team around them. While everyone looked at the battlefield that had already turned into upheaval

[[Bullets are barely effective. Their defense is too sturdy.]]

'Shut up! And look for their weakness.'

Kreeeee! Kreeeee!  

A piercing sound echoed throughout the battlefield, catching the knights unprepared. Hearing this, Emma raised his brow. 'Shit! Sound attack.' Every attack on the Kpriv ceased while everyone held their ears. While some was already bleeding from their nose. 

"Release another airstrike!" Emma shouted. He was barely affected by the sound attack. His helmet was prepared for various form attacks. And the sound attack was one of them. But the Kpriv attack was too strong bypassing the helmet soundproof system. 

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rains of missiles fell on the battlefield, disrupting the sound attack. However, because the attack was closer to the knights. Some who failed to find cover on time were sent flying by the waves of the missiles. Meanwhile, the Kpriv was pissed off. They looked at the sky but they couldn't see what was shooting such a strange attack. Nevertheless, the 1-star looked at their surroundings and detect those attacking them. Their eyes brightened, showing their sharp teeth with their long arrow tail waving. 

Kreeeee! Kreeeee!

At once, all the dashed to every team they could see lay their eyes upon. Seeing this, Emma quickly hides behind a truck and his rifle aiming at the incoming Kpriv. "All team, attack!"

Hearing the command, every team struggles to assemble. The sound attack injures some of them. But all of them were veterans in battle. Quickly, they recovered from the attack and mount their weapon. Seeing the incoming beasts. They don't need to be told they shoot with everything they've got. The shell of empty bullets fell on the ground, producing a tingling sound. However, only a few of the monsters were killed after being shot continuously. 

"Zeus, take command of the battlefield"

[[Ok sir.]]

Emma shoot the incoming Kpriv while sweats were dripping inside his helmet. Facing the Kpriv one on one. He understood the fierceness of the beast. Their physique could scare anyone to pee in their pants. 'Video feed is different from real experience.'

The bullets were only fleshy wounds on the Kpriv while they ignored with their eyes turning bloodshot. The only advantage of the bullets was they slow the speed of the speed to a considerate level.

Ah! Ah! Ah! 

The human cried echoed on the battlefield. The Kpriv began their massacre. However, no one has the time to care about others. Everyone had was busy defending his fate.


A truck was sent flying in the air while Emma rolled on the ground, barely avoiding the collision of the truck. 'Why are they fucking strong.' He barely stands up when something blurred in his eyes sight. His instinct cried danger, without dilly-dallying, he jumped back avoiding the claw of the Kpriv by an inch. He stumbled back while trying to regain his footing. 

Ah! Ah!

Another cry came beside Emma, but he had no time to check who it was. Both he and the Kpriv stared at each other. 'Scan for weakness' Inside Emma's helmet, a periodic scanning was happening against the Kpriv in his presence.


At once, the Kpriv attacked while Emma withdrew two pistols from his side pocket, shooting the incoming Kpriv. 'Fighting in the open is not effective.' He thought. With that thought, he used the Heavenly stone punch movement skill and run toward the nearest barricade. However, in terms of speed, it was still slower than the Kpriv. 


Emma was sent flying, spouting blood from his mouth. He crashed on the ground and puke another blood. But he had no time to care about his injury. Thanks to daily exercise and the practicing of the Heavenly Stone Punch. His physique was above normal human beings.


'Incoming attack' A red alert echoed inside his helmet. 

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