Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 93 - Pressure, Hidden Danger....

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A group of expensive cars parked in front of CommandIntel. The guards looked at the cars with a frown while the guard captain approach the car. Just then, the door of the cars opened. 5 men in a black suit and three elderly people came out of their individual cars.  Seeing this, the captain halted his footstep and widened his eyes when he saw one of the famous people in Vulture. The Vulture. 

Why are they here.?

Though he knew not the others. But for them to come together with the Vulture. They are not ordinary people. Sweat dripped from his forehead. He approached Vulture with a slight smile. "Sir, how may I help you." He bowed. 

Vulture looked at the guard captain and furrowed slightly. He waves his hand, not looking at the man again. "We need to see your boss." He said, walking inside CommandIntel while the others didn't bother to look at the captain.

Seeing this, the captain smile wryly. He pressed his comms, reporting the news to the higher up. The captain shook his head and returned to his position. He had nothing to do with whatever they had with the Boss.

Amanda was working on a file when her comms beeps. She picked and received the news and immediately her expression change. Her calm expression turned into nervousness. 'Why can't I have a moment of rest in this office.' She rubbed her temple. 'Whatever they are here for, it's nothing good.' She sighed, and picked her cell phone, and called Emma. Unfortunately, only for Zeus's voice to come from the other end.

[[Ma, Master is currently not available.]]

"Why is he so unreliable!" She snapped and hang up the call, gnashing her teeth.

But immediately, she received a notification on her phone. She looked at her phone in fury. Immediately, she opened the notification, and details of those that were coming were listed. Reading the details, Amanda's eyes widened also mouth formed O. The last data that throw her off the cliff was the image of PAR.


Amanda slumped on her chair, dropping the phone lifelessly, her eyes lost focus. She remained in that position for a few minutes with various thoughts flying through her mind. It was when her secretary knocked on the door before she woke up from her trance.

"Ma, there are visitors to see you."

"Let them in." Amanda adjusted her seating position, straighten her dressing, and wiped a beat of sweat off her forehead. 'When that bastard comes. He won't hear the end of it. He better assists me or I resign from this position.' 

Emma, in his black car with the Ghost Hunter convoy, was racing toward the Sambisa forest. It had been 20 minutes since they left their base. Leaving him to think on various possibilities to avoid being corner to a tight spot like the previous battle.

[[Master, the three powerful organizations and—]]

"Zeus, handle it. When I come back from this mission. I will settle everything. I can't afford to lose focus right now." Emma interrupted Zeus.

[[Ok sir. I will try my best.]]

Emma nodded.

>>Why don't you hear what you little AI wanted to say?

'If I listen… What would it change? I can't go back and abandon the mission. Can I?'

Lily couldn't refute Emma's idea. So, she kept quiet. Seeing this, Emma delves back into his thought. He hates his previous helplessness in the battle. But he could do nothing against it but be prepared for the worst.

Shortly, the convoy stopped in front of a barricade, also the Ghost Hunter came out of their vehicle. While Emma also gets out of his car. He looked at his five guards and nodded, approaching them. Now, they are at the boundary of the Sambisa forest. The Sambisa forest spans more than 100km. Without the appropriate coordinate. It was easy to get lost in the forest.

"Welcome, Commander." The first Guard saluted. And immediately all the other guards saluted with their team.

"At ease. Did you discover any anomaly in the forest?" Emma walked past the first guard and stopped at the edge of the forest, looking at the thick condensed forest.

"None sir."

"Good. You'll protect this location and wait for our return. If there is any disturbance. You are free to engage and if those beasts are to somehow find another path out of the forest. Retreat and notify the city while you do nothing."

Do nothing?

Hearing the command, the guards and other knights raised their brows, looking at the commander, not understanding the command. "Can I ask why, sir?"

Emma turned his head and looked at his knights. "Because you have to do nothing. Besides, you have already done something by warning the city of the impending danger. Isn't it?"

The surrounding was quiet while the flapping of leaves and squeaking of animal echoed in from the forest. Emma turned his head and stared at the forest, ignoring his lost Knights. 'When we can only try our best. And we've done that. We're no savior. If the Kpriv raid, then the people and the selfish people will bear the burnt. By this, the people will cherish the death of the lost Knight.'

"Am I clear!?" Emma asked with his voice raising an octave.

"Clear" they chorused. Though they don't understand why they won't have to interfere in the battle. However, they need only to follow the command. And that was the most important thing to knights. 'Order'

"Prepared to advance," Emma shouted.

At once, the Ghost Hunter began to disengage all the boxes from the vehicle while arming themselves to the teeth. Some of them release Butterfly into the forest, with a square device in their hand, displaying whatever the butterflies are seeing. They dressed in a black protective suit with various weapons on their bodies.

"Are we ready?"


Emma took a deep breath. " Let go."

In another part of Vulture, a young woman was sweating profusely, facing a group of people that look like a pack of wolves. She tried everything to win the battle. But the look on her face didn't…...

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