Human Binary: The Unrivalled King of Technology

Chapter 94 - Unknown World....Danger

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Emma and the Ghost Hunter's walked steadily inside the Sambisa forest. Every step was carefully taken, while the recon team never let their eyes off their monitoring devices. Gripping his rifle, Emma controlled his breathing while the helmet scan for any anomaly. After 30 minutes of walking inside the forest, Emma's group began to receive interference from the surrounding. 

"Commander, the butterflies couldn't proceed anymore. Unknown pulse detected." A male voice echoed from Emma's comms. 

"Ok. Proceed with caution." Emma responded.

'Interference too strong. Unable to scan over 50 meters.' Emma helmet AI reported. (The helmet scanning range is 500 meters without interference)

"Gather every data for research," Emma command the AI. 

After another half hour, Emma and his team could feel an unknown pressure on their body. Every electronic device ceased to work, except for Emma's helmet. The sounds of animals couldn't be heard from the surroundings. Everything was eerie quiet. While the trees and bushes in this area were different from the others. They are thicker and broader, having the same thick hue of red on their bark and leaves. 

Emma raised his hand, and instantly, everyone halted. His eyes darted from one angle to another while streams of data were flowing from his helmet. "The trees are no more normal trees. They are mutated trees." He murmured. 'What the hell makes them mutated.' 

Emma made a hand signal, moving forward with his breathing getting erratic. His head running many scenarios that could cause the mutation. But he couldn't find any reasonable conclusion. 'Spatial Interference detected.'

"Crosscheck with the coordinate data."

'99% matched.'

"Listen, we are entering the unknown territory at any moment. Don't let down your guard." Emma announced. 'May we come back in one piece' He prayed in his mind.

Emma followed the coordinated with every step, felt like he was walking into the lion's den. Under this pressure, the thought of retreating never came up in his mind. Creak. His footstep made a sound, halting, not daring to look at under his foot. The air stopped blowing at that moment. The sun failed to illuminate the surrounding, while everything seems to become bleak. Emma could only hear his erratic breathing and the thumping of his heart. 

In front of him, he was feeling the sucking pressure, but he saw nothing but the wide span of the Sambisa forest. While everyone's eyes fixed on Emma, waiting for his next step. They knew in their mind they'd arrive at…. Their back drenched in cold sweats while they gripped their weapon tightly, mentally preparing for the worst…

'Worst come to worst. I will face everything head-on.'

Emma took a deep breath and took another step. Swiss! Emma was nowhere to be found. Seeing this, everyone had their jaw slackened. They looked at each other for a few seconds, not uttering a word.

"We need to follow the commander. We don't know what's on the other side. let move." Jojo strolls forward confidently, holding a rifle in her right hand while a big rectangular box in her left hand. Swiss! She disappeared. 

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed without waiting for others. Though they were scared of the unknown. However, things had already reached this level. There is no turning back.

Meanwhile, on the other side. Inside a gigantic forest, trees grow as high as 20 meters with broad leaves and strong bark. Lush grasses filled everywhere, making it difficult for rays of the sun to reflect on the ground. Though these grasses could be called tree on earth. 

But at the moment, a young man was running like his life depended on it. Truly, his life depends on it. Behind him was a green serpent with a length of 50 meters and a gigantic head that could swallow ten human beings at once. 

Shit! Shit! Shit!

The young man cursed while running with all his strength. The speed of this young man was thrice the speed fastest man on earth. But yet, the gigantic snake was gaining on him rapidly. The serpent's movement was agile, while the surrounding air produced a whistling sound, dodging every obstacle like they were nothing. This young man was Emma. 

"Why is my luck so bad." He complained bitterly.

>>Hahaha. You better run. Ops. Sorry! Your ass is about to be kicked.

'You're not helping.'

>>Beg me. Call me mama. I may help you.

Hearing this, Emma forget his ego, considering the danger he was in. He wanted to call Lily mama while he plan to revenge later. However, it was for nut.

>>Don't think about it. I'm playing with your balls. Run for your life. Hahaha.

Emma almost stumbled when he heard Lily's heart-crushing word. He gnashed his teeth. 'Don't worry. My turn is coming.' 


Emma turned his head and discover the snake was almost on his neck. The distance was barely 10 meters. Sweats were dripping from his forehead. His brain running on hyper-drive. 'I need to go back to where the snake attacked me. My weapon and other weapon are there. I should have a fighting chance with the weapon' 

'Show me the way back to my previous location.' He commanded his Helmet AI. 

At once, a map appeared inside the helmet screen. Without further ado, Emma took a sharp turn, surprising the snake. It hissed, dashing toward Emma, destroying the enormous tree on its path. Boom! The tremor spread everywhere, shocking Emma.

'Master, advice you to switch on the clock eyes.' The helmet AI informed Emma.

Hearing this, Emma wanted to bang his head on the nearby tree. 'Why would I forget such a thing?' He berated himself.

'Switch on the Clock eye and the predictive analysis.'

Instantly, a small tiny camera appeared around the helmet, giving Emma a 360 view of the surrounding. Also, the AI collected data on the serpent's movement, calculating movement path. Seeing this, Emma's courage increased. 'I should be able to preserve my life with this.'

The snake kept on chasing this puny insect, but he kept escaping from its clutch. This made the snake furious. Its green eyes turned darker while its fangs came out from its mouths. It opened its mouth and breath out a green substance.. The green gas travel at a breath-taking speed toward Emma.

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