Humanity Itself is Strong

Chapter 28 - Park Moo-hae

Chapter 28 – Park Moo-hae

Deep night. Jin-seong leaned against the railing and looked at the sword in his hand.

The blade of the dagger, which was illuminated by the moonlight, was flashing purple. Jin-seong saw the information about the dagger.

+ Name: Malek’s Original Sword Classification: Dagger Grade: S Description: Made of black magic and Malek’s curse. The opponent who is cut by the blade will feel terrible pain, and those who are not resistant to the curse may die depending on the degree of the cut. A short sword that’s 30cm long. +

It was a reward for Jin-seong because he achieved this main quest.

At the end of the dagger was a silver angry bull head. Next, Jin-seong looked at compensation items for his achievements, ‘There must be friendship between father and son.’ and ‘killing two birds with one stone!’

+ Name: The necklace of the black beast. Rating: Legend Effect: It quickly recovers fatal injuries, abnormalities, and diseases that occur to the wearer. Number of remaining uses : (3/3) Description: If you don’t die during a battle, you win. +

+ Name: Ring of the swindler ‘Maeng’. Rating: Transcendence Effect: You can create an afterimage of the protractor at any desired location. The number and duration of the afterimage that can be made are determined by the amount of mana retention. Additional Effects 1: An illusion that acts exactly like the members of the group to which the protractor belongs can be created in a desired position. This function maximizes magic power consumption as distance increases and is greatly influenced by imagination and willpower. Description: The Ring of the swindler ‘Maeng’ was a magician that protected Yougos from Ksackroot. Unknown skills have been granted. +

All three were pretty good rewards. In particular, it could be useful in the next quest.

‘These would be useful for catching Park Moo-hae.’

Jin-seong tried to look at the new quest window in front of his eyes.

+ Classification: Anomaly main quest #2-2 Title: Hunting the living-dead. Difficulty: A Objective: Reveal Park Moo-hae’s Identity while being uncaught. Time: 127 hours In case of failure: A unity between the forces of the living-dead and Park Moo-hae will be formed. Compensation: Additional ‘Queen of pentacles’ card function slot. Add tarot shuffle function. Briefing: Park Moo-hae noticed that someone was trying to hunt for the living-dead. Kill him first before he finds you. +

[You can receive 4 achievements in this scenario.]

Jin-seong knew that Park Moo-hae ran away just before attending the midnight banquet.

‘Park Moo-hae, he’s another problem.’

Park Moo-hae, who followed a demon with the power of greed, had a tricky ability to deal with.

Park Moo-hae, who is nesting in downtown Seoul, was one of the priests of the greedy king, Botis, who was active in Korea.

The reason why Park Moo-hae is so tricky was because he borrows the power of “Predicting the Future” from the demon.

Of course, his own limitations allowed him to only see an hour or so into the future, but it was enough to avoid his own death.

‘It’s good that Park Moo-hae is silent.’

However, Park Moo-hae, who holds the media tightly, was not leaking any information about Lee Jin-seong even after a few days.

‘In his vision of the future, he will only be attacked and killed by a masked man.’

Lee Jin-seong, along with Kim Oh-sung, was planning to him without taking off their masks. This means that Jin-seong’s plan was seen by Park Moo-hae’s future prediction.

And Jin-seong’s plan was possible because his skills were so good that they overwhelmed Park Moo-hae and the deamon he followed.

From now on, Jin-Seong was going to rob Park Moo-hae again from the advantage of information.

First of all, Jin-seong had to get him out of the rabbit hole and get him there.

The place where Park Moo-hae is currently confined is the residence of the watchman. No matter how strong Lee Jin-seong may be, it is difficult to break through the surveillance center with his current powers. Since it was the home ground of the living-living-dead who greatly weakened the power of the intruder and greatly strengthened the power of the giants, bringing Park Moo-hae out was the key to this operation.

‘If you are a coward, Park Moo-hae, you will definitely move as I wish.’

It was when Jin-seong, who organized his thoughts like that, was thinking of a detailed plan.

“Aren’t you sleeping?”

Looking next to him, Lee Yeo-jin, the granddaughter of the first hero, was standing. Lee Yeo-jin, dressed in neat clothes, talked to him in a cautious voice.

Jin-Seong was now back at a hotel owned by Lee Yeo-jin’s father, Lee Young-woo. He was waiting for the results of the appointment from the faculty meeting, but from what he heard from Kang Min-ah, it was almost confirmed.

“What about the kids?” “Everyone’s good……They’re all eating well and resting well.”

Jin-Seong stored his original sword in a slot. [Malek’s original sword is saved in slot two!]


When the original sword disappeared without a trace from Jin-Seong’s hand, Lee Yeo-jin twinkled with curiosity.

“Wow…… How did you just do that? Is that also a special ability?” “That’s right.”

Jin-seong stepped back slightly, summoning a golden spear with both hands one after another.


And Lee Yeo-jin asked carefully in admiration.

“Can I, by any chance, touch it……?”

At that, Jin-seong willingly handed the long spear to Yeo-jin. She carefully accepted the gold-glowing metal spears.

“Oh…… it’s lighter than I thought……?”

And Yeo-jin swung around the spear once. And suddenly, she asked, enlightened.

“Is this………… Is it made of oriharcon?” As far as Yeo-jin knows, the only weapon that could be this light was legendary oriharcon.

“That’s right.” “What?! Really?!”

Then Lee Yeo-jin began to swirl the spear she had been holding.

“Oh, my God…! I was actually going to do a dungeon investigation of the ruins of the Oriharcon gemstone! Oh, my God, I didn’t expect you to have this……!” “…Is the place safe?” “Oh, yes! It’s a really safe place this time! Nothing like last time will ever happen!”

She clenched the spear, determinedly to herself. Jin-seong thought.

‘…I’m sure she’ll be okay.’

Lee Yeo-jin’s father, Lee Young-woo loved his daughter very much. So after learning that Lee Yeo-jin almost died this time, she had a security guard attached to her.

Of course, he wants just to keep an eye on his daughter.

Lee Young-woo did not mean anything bad, but Lee Jin-seong’s movements were also closely watched.

Jin-Seong leaned on the lobby railing of the hotel on the 30th floor and looked down at the ground.

Under the building opposite, a man sitting by the window of a late-night cafe was staring at the lobby of a hotel on the 30th floor where Lee Jin-seong was located.


He was one of Lee Yeo-jin’s bodyguards. Lee Yeo-jin, unaware of such facts, said, looking at the dazzling forest of buildings.

“Isn’t it pretty?” “What?” “The city doesn’t turn off at night.”

The lights in the city were brilliant at night.

“My grandfather said that Seoul was ruined during the Great War. Still, after the war, people joined forces to rebuild buildings like this, and I think human power is amazing.” “…….”

Jin-seong stared blankly at the city center. Indeed, the dazzling lights lit up the dark night, showing off their presence. But Jin-seong thought the light was no better than a match fire just before it went out.

These magnificently tall buildings. After 13 years, all of them will break off and fall.

That was the end of mankind. For Lee Jin-seong, the reconstructed city seemed like the last resort of mankind.

Jin-Seong quietly took the spear back from Lee Yeo-jin and said,

“……I’ll be heading off now.” “You’re going already?”

Jin-Seong had no intention of waiting for the end of mankind to come. So far, it’s been smooth. ‘Come on, let’s get this country back to normal.’ In order to protect that light, or to keep people alive, Jin-seong should not rest. Then Lee Yeo-jin asked.

“Hey, Jin-seong…….” “Yes.” “Are you… free for lunch the day after tomorrow?” “…….” “No, it’s nothing else, I just haven’t treated you yet….and I really want my father to meet you…….”

At the words, Jin-seong nodded, not agonizing anymore.

“Yes, we can.”

Lee Young-woo, her father and rich man at home and abroad. As long as becoming a professor was confirmed, the cooperative relationship would be established.

Lee Yeo-jin, who was nervous, jumped with joy at the moment.

“Wow, wow, really?! Are you sure?!” “…Yes.”

And as Jin-seong stared at her, Lee Yeo-jin’s face turned red in an instant. It was because she was belatedly ashamed that she jumped up and down.

“Yeo-jin, I’ll be going now.” “……Oops.”

Then Jin-seong bowed his head and began to leave.

“Oh, yes, yes! Good night!”

Yeo-jin greeted Jin-Seong brightly. It was heartless for Jin-seong to leave without looking back, but that couldn’t stop him.


Yeo-jin looked up at the night sky after a long time where he disappeared.

“Oh, the moon is beautiful!”

All she could do now was say that and smile.

The next day, Jin-seong received a long-awaited call from Kang Min-ah.

“Jin-Seong, will you come to school now that we have the results?” Kang Min-ah explained to Jin-seong that he could meet the new chairman.

Therefore, Jin-seong headed to the military academy’s professor research center.


Then Jin-Seong arrived in front of a large greenhouse on the side of the military academy site. A familiar greenhouse building. The greenhouse, which had several large windows, was one of Setz’s labs.

Jin-seong identified an old sign hanging in front of it.

Setz Sindarin.

The name of the unknown source was deeply engraved. Jin-seong breathed in without realizing it.


She was a fairy that used to teach Jin-Seong before his regression. Before, she was one of the most powerful heroes.

Jin-Seong is excited to meet his teacher again. His heart was heavy.

Jin-Seong’s mind was still embedded in the image of her dying in his arms. In the wind, Jin-Seong closed his eyes without realizing it.

He opened the greenhouse tree door, wiping out the terrible scene with difficulty.

‘Let’s open the door and go in.’ The familiar scent of herbs changed the face of Jin-Seong.

Warm, bulky warmth began to envelop Jin-Seong’s whole body.

“You’re here just in time.”

A gentle voice greeted the genuine voice. The familiar voice naturally turned Jin-Seong’s head.

A blonde woman was standing in front of a large window. She had a small pot on the flowerbed with a long shawl around her shoulders.


She turned toward the Jin-Seong, leaving the pot in place. With a pleasant smile, she greeted Jin-Seong.

“…Good afternoon.”

Jin-Seong bowed his head calmly. Then, as she approached Jin-Seong, she looked up.

“It’s an honor to meet you like this…It’s our first time seeing each other, right?” “No.”

Jin-Seong replied like that without even realizing it. Setz tilted her head at such a response.

“Oh, well, you’re pretty famous.”

Setz smiled.

“Ho-ho, I see. Anyway, have a seat.” “… Okay.” “Would you like something to drink?” “Oh, yes…”

Jin-Seong sat at the bench table in the garden. And he looked around the inside of the flower garden. Inside, not only light green, but also various plants, including blue, red, and yellow, were growing.

“As a matter of fact, I’m confident that this tea…….”

Setz lifted the silver kettle on the table, tilted gracefully, and poured hot water into the cup with a long snout. Then a light green water came out of the tea bag in the cup.

“It’s a drink I’ve always had in my hometown. It’s called purgatory tea, and it helps stabilize the mind and body and improve concentration.”

At the words, Jin-Seong looked quietly into the teacup.

‘This tea leaf was the tea leaf powder that my teacher loved.….’

When he fought against the demon, his teacher Setz used to sing that she wanted to drink purgatory tea. Jin-Seong carefully held the tea in his mouth. Then the warm scent lingered in his mouth. When he swallowed it, a pleasant and sweet taste followed.

“It’s delicious.”

Jin-Seong said. Setz grinned at his answer.

“I’m glad it suits your taste.”

Setz also took a sip of tea and opened her mouth looking at Jin-Seong.

“As you may have heard from Min-ah, Jin-Seong has been appointed as a professor. Congratulations.” “…….”

Jin-Seong nodded calmly.

“There were opinions against Jin-Seong’s appointment, but I strongly argued. I couldn’t let you waste time as a cadet with a talent like yours.”

And smiled again.

“……Thank you.”

She put the teacup down and said.

“Actually, Jin-Seong. No, Professor Lee. To be honest, the school situation is not good.”

Jin-Seong blurted out at the words.

“…I heard there’s an investigator coming to school. You want to make sure the investigator’s a living-living-dead?” “……Ah.”

When Jin-Seong skipped a few steps, Setz opened her eyes wide. Then she laughed again.

“Professor Lee, the more we talk, the more surprising you are.….”

As will be known later, the Korean administration, president, and many others during this time were living-living-dead. At least, the number of lawmakers who were living-living-dead was small, so state affairs were not operating as the living-living-dead wanted. Even so, the ruling party was in collusion with the president, regardless of whether he was a human being or a living-living-dead man.

“Of course, it would be great to be able to do that, but it’s hard to reveal that…… Just give me an answer when the investigator interrogates you, Professor Jin-Seong.”

But Jin-Seong shook his head. And he affirmed.

“The investigator will be a living-living-dead.” “…What do you mean?” “You’ll find out tomorrow.” “…….”

Setz looked quietly at him firmly. There seemed to be no change in Jin-Seong’s expression.

Setz was pleased to see such sincerity.

The next day. Second Conference Room of the Military Academy. Investigators and Lee Jin-Seong were contacted in the conference room.

“Hello, Professor Lee. I’m Lee Hak-gon, an investigator at the Awakening Management Agency.”

The man reached out to Jin-Seong. Jin-Seong laughed, holding his hands.

“Yes, nice to meet you.”

The investigator thought to himself about Jin-Seong’s appearance.

What, you’re saying this little guy killed the chairman? And all the living-living-dead at the banquet?

Lee Hak-gon was an investigator and a high-ranking member of the greedy demon served by Park Moo-hae.

Lee Hak-gon could not believe that the chairman was robbed by such a young-looking man. He didn’t think he’d have much information to get from the interrogation.

‘Should I report this to Mr. Park?’

And it was time for the inspector to take a seat.

Grab. Suddenly, Jin-Seong snatched him by the wrist.



In succession, Jin-Seong swung a blade and put it on the investigator’s neck.

Jin-Seong had a purple-edged dagger and Malek’s original sword in his hand. Jin-Seong said.

“From now on, if you tell me the truth, you can walk out of here without getting hurt…Answer what I ask.” The inspector was greatly in shock. He never dreamed that he would be subjected to such violent acts at a military academy by such a young man.

But the investigator retorted in an angry voice.

“You, did you just put a knife into an investigator at the Bureau of Management?” “If you had eyes, you’d know.” “This, this, this crazy guy……! This is an act of rebellion! How dare you threaten an investigator who’s on a sacred mission to take care of his awakenings?! Now you’re going to be locked up in a private prison until you die!”

But Jin-Seong smirked.

“Well, if you were the living-dead, would that still be the case?” “What…?” “Don’t you think that if the honorable inspector turns out to be living-dead, the Awakening Agency will be devastated, and I will be rewarded?” “Huh, that is crazy…”


At that moment, the blade of the original sword was very thin and scratched the investigator’s neck.

[Malek’s original sword causes extreme pain in proportion to the wound to the injured person.]

At that moment, the investigator’s expression, who had a stubborn expression, changed dramatically.

“Oh, my God, oh, my God!”

As the curse of the original sword started to work, the investigator fell to the ground in extreme pain that seemed to tear his neck apart.



He grabbed the inspector by the neck and began to roll around the floor. The inspector was screaming, but there was no one to run to hear the screams of the conference room that was in a remote place.

A little later.

“Gasp…… Gasp……Gasp…….”

The inspector was barely able to calm down. His hair was soaked in sweat, his face was a mess with tears and a runny nose, and his mouth was drooling.

However, despite the intense pain, the inspector’s wounds were so tiny.

Jin-Seong looked at the scene and saw his sword in front of him.

Not a single drop of blood formed on the purple blade.

‘That’s a good performance.’

Jin-Seong thought so and approached the investigator again.


At that time, another purple blade appeared before the inspector’s nose.

“Argh, argh, argh……!”

It was an extreme fear, a fear that he had never experienced before. The eyes of Jin-Seong, who was pushing the terrible knife in front of his eyes, were no different from the Grim Reaper.

The inspector had no choice but to give in.

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“Speak, speak, speak! I’ll do whatever you ask, so, please save my life!”

Then he bowed on the floor. Seeing that, Jin-Seong said.

“Park Moo-hae, tell me all the information about him. Then I’ll let you live.” “Oh, I see! I’ll tell you everything, please, please, that sword……!”

The investigator was surprisingly obedient since the time Jin-seong slightly cut his neck.

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