Humanity Itself is Strong

Chapter 29 - Park Moo-hae 2

Chapter 29 – Park Moo-hae 2

“Wow… What’s this?”

Kang Min-ah made a ‘tsk’ sound when she saw the living-dead lying on the floor. The investigator was no longer a human being. The investigator was revealing his demon horns and arms and fainted on the floor.

Setz, who was standing next to him, said coolly.

“I think Professor Lee did a good job.” Professor Setz was referring to Lee Jin-seong.

Kang Min-ah tapped Setz’s shoulder.

“You must be excited. I think I can pressure the others with this case”

Setz smiled quietly at her words.

In fact, the opposition to Lee Jin-seong’s appointment as a professor at the meeting was more extreme than expected.

As a result, the majority agreed to the appointment of Jin-seong, but many in favor pointed out that Jin-seong was given special treatment.

Therefore, if Jin-seong failed to perform well enough to match the special treatment, it could have been a burden on Setz.

And surprisingly. Two days after his appointment, he found out that the investigator was a living-dead. Now, even professors who viewed Jin-seong as bad had no choice but to admit Chairman Setz’s judgment.

In addition, as long as the investigator was found to be the living-dead, it was possible not only to turn public opinion to the advantage of the military academy, but also to lay the groundwork for counterattacking the living-dead.

At that time, Kang Min-ah was poking the cheek of the living-dead who fell on the floor, and looked around.

“By the way, where did Jin-seong go?” “He went on a business trip because he had to check something urgently.” “A business trip?”

Setz replied with a smile.

“He caught the trails .of the living-dead.”

Two days later.

A man in a hood was walking in a windy wasteland. This wasteland was the site of the Kaesong Industrial Complex in the past. Although it was ruined after the Great War, there were still people living in the shanty houses.

A man walked between the shacks.


A skinny five-year-old girl was sitting on the old street. The girl looked at the approaching man and asked in a different voice.

“Hey, do you have something to eat?” “…….”

The girl stood still. The man took a grape candy out of his pocket and gave it to the child.

The child immediately put the candy in her mouth. She enjoyed the fresh sweet taste, so she looked up at the man and smiled.

Quietly, the man said.

“Go out of the village for a while. Then I’ll give you one more.” “Okay.”

With that said, the child ran out of the village happily. Many residents had already been evacuated outside the village.

It was then.

“Oh, my. What are you doing here? Who do you think you are to come barging into our village?”

He heard someone speaking Korean from the roof. There was a big gangster squatting down.

The man in the hood asked.

“Is this Park Moo-hae’s workshop?” “Huh? Well, well. Look at you.”

These gangsters hid their workshops in Kaesong and were making drugs by threatening the residents and not paying them.

The gangster spits on the floor without answering.

“Who are you? More than that, do you have any money?” “…….”

At that moment, the man in the hood pulled a blue carambit from his waist pocket.

“…… Well, that dagger looks expensive.”

Tkk, tkkk…

Then, the gangsters hiding between the shacks each appeared with a soldier’s flag in their hand and began to surround the man.

“Hey, we’re all pretty talented in fighting. I don’t know why you have so much confidence, but you’re going to die here, you idiot.”

The gangster’s words were not lies. In the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, there were already numerous illegal activities going on. Therefore, it was impossible with ordinary skills to deal with the gangsters and protect the residents.

Of course, subjugated groups often come quarterly to prevent outbreaks, but they only focused on preventing foreign substances from flowing into Seoul and did not protect the residents of Kaesong.

Of course, gangsters sometimes protected the residents. It was nothing more than minimal management to preserve cheap labor.

“Is that so? But Bae Young-jin seems to have gotten a little heavier now.” “What?”

Suddenly, when he recited his name, a gangster boss sitting on the roof jumped to his feet.

“Who are you? Are you from the Big boss?” “Yes, exactly, the boss sent me.” “…Fuck.”

In response, the gangster boss concluded that Jin-seong was sent from the Big boss.

“Hey, don’t you know what’s going on? If you do something to me, you’ll all be dead!”


The man took off his hood when he said that. It was Lee Jin-seong.

“That’s why I’m here”. “Ha… I’m going crazy.”

Bae Young-jin was wondering. It was funny that he visited on his own, and he couldn’t understand why the Big boss was looking for Park Moo-hae’s workshop. “What is this idiot thinking?”

The leader of the Big boss, Shin Yun-hwan. Bae Young-jin was his brother-in-law, but now they are in antagonism due to their great ambition.

‘…He normally doesn’t do things this way…….’

And it was the moment when Bae Young-jin tried to doubt Lee Jin-seong’s identity.

“Bae Young-jin, our boss always said this.” “What nonsense are you talking about?” “A Gangwon-do tiger used to make fun of the living-dead, but they found out that he was not a tiger, but a kitten.”

When Jin-seong said so and laughed at him, Bae Young-jin’s face hardened coldly.

As a result, Bae Young-jin no longer cared about who Lee Jin-seong was.


He got up from his seat and signaled his men surrounding Jin-seong.

“Kill him.”

The man standing in front of the Jin-seong approached.

“Haha, you’re pretty good looking. If we sell it to the Madame, we might be able to make some money”. “…….”

Jin-seong measured the skills of the people around him. As they always live in conflict, they do more than the basics. But.

Jin-seong was a killer who had only hunted such talented people.


At that time, the man behind Jin-seong suddenly stabbed a knife.


Jin-seong’s carambit, which turned around in an instant, blocked the knife and it bounced off.


Jin-seong pulled his arm and made a cut on his shoulder.


Subsequently, Jin-seong bent his leg and made him kneel on the floor.


The man whose blade touched his neck in an instant was unable to grasp the situation. And


Blood burst out of the lion’s claws from his neck.

“A, ahhh… Ahhh….”


The man who launched the clumsy attack was killed.

The process took less than two seconds. The gangsters, who were grinning and smiling, looked stiff at Jin-seong’s clean movement. It was because the movement of Jin-seong was not ordinary.

Jin-seong said, shaking off the blood from the lion’s claws.


Because of such provocations. The gangsters finally began to scream.

You punk! You just got lucky!

They shouted to not sound discouraged.


And the gangsters all rushed to Jin-seong.

Crack, crack……!


A gangster whose shoulders were abnormally bent by Jin-seong screamed. In a row, the gangsters knelt down and showed their backs to Jin-seong.

Pssh! “Cough, cough, cough……cough….”

Jin-seong put a blade in the back of the screaming gangster’s. The gangsters’ prayers were not listened to and their whole body was shaking.

Boom… Flop…!

He fell forward and rolled on the ground.

Jin-seong said, wiping the blood off the carambit on the man’s clothes.

“Bae Young-jin, what are you doing? If your subordinates are all dead, you won’t be able to maintain your workshop.” “…….”

The workshop here was frequently attacked by monsters, and the attack could never be prevented alone. Bae Young-jin was also aware of the fact. However, he didn’t dare to do anything about Lee Jin-seong.

“You… What’s your name?….”

Jin-seong smiled at his question.

“Call me teacher.” “Teacher?”

Bae Young-jin thought he was playing with him, so he cried out.

“Fuck you! There is no way that you’re a teacher”


“Do you know what my grade is? Grade B. Got it? If you’re grade B, attacking two people that are a grade C is a piece of cake. Do you understand?”

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Jin-seong immediately approached Bae Young-jin slowly.

“Hey, you punk. If a person says something, at least respond!” “…….”

However, Jin-seong still did not slow down.

“What the…”

Bae Young-jin stepped back. And cold sweat ran down his face. In the meantime, he looked at the approaching Jin-seong and aimed for the right timing.

‘A little more…A little more, a little closer…….’

Bae Young-jin was hiding a grenade on his waist.


And the safety clip of the grenade was removed.

‘No matter how fast you fly or crawl, all your flesh melts and you die if you are hit by a grenade.’

He was going to kill Jin-seong with this grenade. And it was a pretty effective way.

When this phosphorus bomb explodes, it burns, emitting ultra-high heat of 2,570 degrees Celsius for 1 minute. Therefore, if you got a burning grenade stuck to your body, it was almost certain that you would die. In order to survive, there is a way to stay submerged in the water or block the air, but in an urgent situation, it was best to cut out the whole skin before the phosphorus digs into the flesh.

Because it was such a dangerous weapon, it was an anti-human murder weapon that was banned from use when the war ended.

Bae Young-jin smiled and laughed as he saw Jin-seong approaching in front of him.

“I can’t believe you’re here with only a single knife and without equipment.”‘

Therefore, no matter how far the ranker was, he could suffer great damage from the phosphorus grenade in the absence of protective equipment above grade B.

But Bae Young-jin said as if he was just begging.

“Hold on, stop! I changed my mind! I’ll tell you all the information you want.”


At the same time, the safety pin was removed.

“So, calm down and stand there”.

Bae Young-jin stopped moving at the entrance of the building. Then Jin-seong also stopped walking and looked at Bae Young-jin.

In the meantime, when the safety pin of the grenade was removed, he calculated the perfect timing to throw it.

Bae Young-jin, who was talking about miscellaneous things, smiled with great determination.

“You idiot! You should’ve killed me when you had the chance!”

And he threw a white grenade at Jin-seong with all his might. Just before the grenade flew exactly toward Jin-seong’s face.


Along with the explosion shaking the ground, foggy smoke and sparks emitting intense light erupted in all directions.


And the grenade began to fiercely burn everything that the large and numerous flames touched. The area around Jin-seong was quickly covered with white gas.

Bae Young-jin quickly wore a mask and hid in the building. This white phosphorus gas is also a poisonous substance, and when exposed to white phosphorus gas, the skin becomes necrotic.

Bae Young-jin, who hid in the building, shouted with joy.

“Hahaha! You idiot! Where are you? Where are you?”

But the joy didn’t last long.

Thud, thud, thud…….

This is because he could see a black silhouette approaching through the cloudy smoke.

“What the…Fuck?!”


And through the cloudy smoke, Lee Jin-seong, covered with a fiery spark, was walking. The sparks were dazzling like flames emitted during welding.

“But this doesn’t make sense!”

A lot of white grains were burning on Jin-seong’s body, but not a single strand of Jin-seong’s hair was burning.

[The eye of Assisi is working, “Flame Resistance”! You have come in contact with an excessively high temperature! Flame Resistance will work for 1 minute!]

Lee Jin-seong, who was fine even when he was covered in the flame, asked.

“Bae Young-jin, did you prepare anything else?” “Huh!”


At that moment, Bae Young-jin pulled out a knife he was wearing on his side and swung it.



Bae Young-jin’s knife bounced off by overwhelming force when it collided with the Carambit.


At that moment.


Jin-seong, who approached right in front of him, stuck a grain of white phosphorus in Bae Young-jin’s shoulder.


The white phosphorus burning at 2,650 degrees Celsius quickly began to dig into Bae Young-jin’s shoulder.

“No, no, save me!”

Bae Young-jin rolled around the floor in throbbing pain.

He quickly tried to shake off the flames digging into his shoulder.

However, the white phosphorus already stuck like candle wax and began to dig into his skin.

Jin-seong crouched down in front of Bae Young-jin, who was struggling on the floor.

“Do you want to live?” “Aah!”

Bae Young-jin was not responding properly, but Jin-seong calmly continued to ask questions.

“I need the code required to enter the surveillance officer’s residence. You know the code, don’t you? “I don’t know!!”

When Bae Young-jin said that, he screamed and responded.

In response, Jin-seong held another piece of white phosphorus that was attached to his clothes.

“This is a little bigger than the first one…….”

And the second piece of white phosphorus was placed right in front of Bae Young-jin’s nose.

“Argh! No, no!” “You have two options. If you tell me the code, you live or…….”

And he stabbed the shining phosphorus on his other shoulder.

“You burn to death.”


“Ahhhhhh. I’ll tell you everything! I’ll tell you everything!” Bae Young-jin was already out of his mind. Jin-seong laughed at his answer.

“That was good judgment”.

And Jin-seong removed the phosphorus and touched his skin that had already been penetrated.


And in an instant, he pulled out the phosphorus with his fingers.

Then Bae Young-jin screamed, and the bottom of his pants was wet.

Jin-seong was looking at the bunch of white phosphorus that he pulled out.


The white phosphorus quickly lost its light and turned off, and began to smoke up.

Jin-seong said while watching him.

“Bae Young-jin, your attempt was good.”

It was then.


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[You endured the superheat without any protective equipment. – Achievement. – “Playing with fire will make you pee.” Achievement rewards will be sent to the storage box!]

And Jin-seong nodded after confirming the compensation sent to the storage box.


There were essential items for his next plan.

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