
Chapter 2 We’ve all crossed into five, but you still tell me about science?

Chen Yi from Harry Potter world twitched his lips, you think he doesn’t want to be a wizard, but wizards rely on innate talent, and unfortunately, it turns out that eating sweet potatoes can’t accumulate a lot of magic at all , because…the British also eat sweet potatoes.

As for why he knew he was in the Harry Potter world, the reason was simple, he had a childhood sweetheart playmate named Hermione Granger, her parents were dentists, and the clinic opened next door to their house.

It’s a pity that after graduating from elementary school, Hermione disappeared in his world, and she can only see each other again after school.

And he hasn’t received an admission letter from Hogwarts since elementary school.

In contrast, Chen Yi from Ludingji world had a much better life.

at first he became a shop assistant in a tavern. Chen Yi naturally rejected this kind of full salary life. Originally, he planned to make some small inventions to make some money. As for copying poems Don’t think about anything, because the time line he crossed is the Qing Dynasty, and he doesn’t even know what good poetry the Qing Dynasty has.

As a result, one day, he saw an extremely cool man, like a firefly in the dark night, so bright, so outstanding…

Then he took this guy with his backhand. Knocked out.

Relying on his knowledge of the film and novels of Lu Ding Ji, Chen Yi entered the Court Eunuch recruitment office with the mentality of becoming Court Eunuch if he failed, and replaced Wei Xiaobao as Xiao Guizi. Married Ms Perfect and gained Inner Strength from the Divine Dragon leader.

This is not over yet, and as a young pioneer who grew up under the red flag and received a socialist education, Chen Yi felt that he had to change this world, so he let Long Er kill Kangxi and impersonate him, He killed Wu Sangui himself, pretended to be Wu Sangui as the master of Jiu Nan, and entered the capital under the name of Anti-Qing and Fuming…

Other people in the chat group almost drooled when they heard it, Zhou Edition Although Wei Xiaobao’s wife is a little less, but the setting of beauty has not changed, Jianning Princess, Longer, Ake, big and small…

Compared with the world of “Lu Ding Ji”, it took so long The only successful Chen Yi, Chen Yi in “Super Power Out of Control” picked up a super power completely for nothing. After he crossed over, he was a young man. He owned a supermarket at home. Luther, decisively participated in the party, and then separated the three protagonists, and obtained super powers himself.

Of course, as a three-good student, although Chen Yi has super powers, he is not too brainless to treat himself as a predator. Obediently and honestly, he stays in school and studies hard every day.

As for Chen Yi from “The Matrix”, it’s even worse. When Morpheus came to him, he swallowed the blue pill without the slightest hesitation, laughing to death, who wants to go to reality with you world gnawing?

Then he resolutely woke up.

Although Morpheus solemnly vowed to say that he didn’t take the drug, and other people later proved his statement, Chen Yi still felt that he was cheated.

Of course, on the surface, he also said that it may be due to the technical failure. After all, the level of Zion is limited, and some defective products are understandable.

【Lu Ding Ji】: Now I plan to get a constitutional monarchy. Although it is still capitalism, it is at least stronger than feudalism. After all, as you know, I don’t read much.

Whether Chongzhen is a fool is another matter, but it is definitely not the material for the emperor, and Jiu Nan is not the material for the emperor. She is now a nun. It is difficult for the strong.

Although Chen Yi of Ludingji world lived a life of three wives and six concubines that other Chen Yi envied, he could only grit his teeth and keep going in order to sit as Regent King.

[Superpower Out of Control]: It doesn’t matter, I’ll buy you some Ma Sheng’s books now, no thanks.

【Lu Ding Ji】: Forget it, I still like the decadent capitalist society.

Chen Yi of Lu Ding Ji is very speechless. In this unconnected world, even if he prints Ma Sheng’s book as a booklet, he can’t distribute it all over the world.

Not to mention that today’s common people are illiterate, if you tell him that everyone is equal, he will definitely look at you with the eyes of a fool.

It’s really hard to reverse a person’s thinking. Even if some people have lived in the socialist world for most of their lives, they still look down on those mud legs in her eyes, even if she can only work as a bus, she has already Not the royal family.

[The Matrix]: Damn, why can’t the memory be shared, I want to study it in depth!

[Harry Potter]: In fact, in terms of scientific teaching, whether it is shared memory or ability, this does not conform to the law of conservation of energy.

As a Muggle abandoned by magic, Chen Yi of “Harry Potter” was too wicked and decided to study magic by scientific means… Although he has never seen magic until now, Hermione wouldn’t let him check his body either.

[Super power out of control]: Ha, we’ve all transmigrated into five, and you still tell me about science?

[The Matrix]: Maybe there are two hundred million Chen Yi who haven’t joined the chat group yet.

【Harry Potter】: About this, I have a guess, maybe the real Chen Yi is dead, we are just the recipients of his memory, and this chat group is actually his Memory.

[Marvel]: Hiss, I’m terrified of thinking about it!

That said, but this theory is actually very unreliable. For example, they found that this chat group can not only send out superpowers as red envelopes, but also send out Inner Strength, and even some of their own memories. Can be packaged into red packets.

The client has completely lost these things, super powers, Inner Strength, and memories.

It seems that this chat group is more like Chen Yi’s body, but this chat group can even send money, tables and chairs, drinks, and fruits as red envelopes, which completely overturned Harry. The guess of Zhong Yi of Potter World.

The only pity is that not only can Chen Yi send themselves as red envelopes, but even animals cannot be used as red envelopes, which disappointed Chen Yi who tried to use red envelopes to escape.

The question of cheat made Chen Yi puzzled, and finally had no choice but to give up. They complained that this cheat was too stretchy, which was far from the honeycomb dream space of the previous generation.

But pull the crotch and pull the crotch, it’s too late to go back, it’s time to use it.

The first thing is to lay down the rules, Chen Yi should help each other, otherwise everyone will reject him and not give him good things.

After all, although they are both Chen Yi, they have different experiences. The ghost knows if there will be a blackened Chen Yi who wants to drag everyone to the funeral.

But giving for nothing is not enough, there must be something in return, still that sentence, although they are both Chen Yi, but each Chen Yi has his own life, throwing his blood for another Chen Yi Obviously not realistic.

The Matrix’s Chen Yi said that he can load all kinds of fighting skill packs for everyone for free. Anyway, he only needs to get a program to copy his memory, and then he can complete mass production.

Of course, in return, he needs food, a lot of food, he has been drinking in Zion for three years, if he hadn’t been able to deceive himself by eating something good in the computer program, he would have About to collapse.

Chen Yi of Lu Ding Ji world said that he can send all the martial arts he knows, plus one year of Inner Strength to Zhong Yi of The Matrix for free, so that he can learn the martial arts, and then copy and send these memories. to all.

As for Chen Yi, whose super power is out of control, he is responsible for exchanging the gold and silver jewelry of Ludingji world into their world money, buying food for Zhong Yi of The Matrix, and helping Chen Yi of Ludingji world buy various books and Construction tools, so that Chen Yi from the world of “The Deer and Ding Ding” can better build a capitalist society.

The reason why he entrusted this important task to him is naturally because his battle strength broke the table, and he really fought. Chen Yi of Lu Ding Ji is not necessarily his opponent. This kind of thing that sells gold to buy a lot of food , the risk is definitely high.

Harry Potter’s Chen Yi can wait until he has obtained the martial arts and have a certain self-defense ability before going to Knockturn Alley to buy some magic books or props. Let’s study together, maybe there will be someone Become a wizard now.

As for Chen Yi of Marvel World, it’s the responsibility of hugging the thighs.

at first the protagonist was going to be called Zhong Yi, but it was changed later, so sometimes the name Zhong Yi would appear.

(End of this chapter)

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