
Chapter 3 One Chen Yi has no wife, and there are absolutely thousands of Chen Yi who can find a wife


Chen Yi, dressed in a black suit and red tie, came to his company, looking like a standard social elite.

But his working method is actually no different from working in a factory. The former summarizes documents into computer files by keyboard, while the latter relies on machines to splicing materials into a whole.

If anything, it’s that…the factory pays more than him.

The supernova company name sounds like it is very difficult to deal with, but in fact there are only two or three kittens, and the whole company is less than ten people. Although the Boss is a good person, he gets along with the employees. But also no money… The white guy in front of him typing on the keyboard is the Boss.

“Boss, I want to resign.”

Although Marvel world has all kinds of extraordinary powers, the upper limit is also very high, what heavenly parent, single universe level, multiple universe level , Super Universe level, Almighty Universe level…

But forgive this world’s Chen Yi is just an ordinary social animal, being bitten by spiders, irradiated and struck by lightning is not his turn, even if it is his turn , It is estimated that he also died on the spot, after all, he did not have the halo of the protagonist.

So apart from waiting for other Chen Yi to rise, his only task now is to rise obediently and honestly.

Chen Yi’s alliance is quite casual and very reliable. It shouldn’t be any change in a short period of time, unless… Chen Yi, who has become a god, joins, then they just need to hug their thighs. .

The Boss suddenly stopped the keyboard and looked towards Chen Yi in amazement.

Chen Yi shrugged, saying that he has no talk nonsense.

With the support of Chen Yi in Super Power Out of Control, he has no shortage now. Naturally, he doesn’t need to work any more. He should leave the vortex center in New York as soon as possible. Who knows if the Zeta Swiss soldiers will be in a few days. invasion.

“Youngster, I know your heart is higher than the sky, but society is like this. If you don’t get beaten up by society, how do you know how sinister society is?”

Chen Yi turned away The sparse hair on Boss’s head was taken seriously. As far as he knew, Boss was not yet forty years old, and his hair was already damaged.

Or is this just racial innate talent?

I heard that the Boss is French.

“Okay, if you’re ruthless, you can get an extra $10 a month in the future!”

Obviously, Bosses really don’t have much money, and other Bosses are all the same. One hundred and one hundred plus dollars, how can there be an extra $10 for an extra meal?

Finally in Chen Yi shaking his head again, Boss agreed to his resignation.

It’s not so easy to find someone in a small company, so Chen Yi didn’t just leave, but sat beside the Boss and typed the keyboard together.

“Boss, when will your company close?”

The boss of the company treats him fairly well, not those Old Bai men who believe oneself infallible, and of course, did not put him Be your own Dragon Phoenix chick.

Boss’s face darkened. Although his company didn’t lose money, it didn’t make a lot of money every month. How could anyone ask when the company closed?

“Yi, what’s wrong with you today?”

Boss looked at Chen Yi suspiciously, wondering if this guy was mentally ill, or there was no reason to curse himself.

When I think of Chen Yi’s sudden resignation, there is a real problem with my brain.

Chen Yi sighed, he knew that Boss would be like this, but it’s no wonder, after all, who knows that after a while, a big hole will be opened in the sky, and a group of monsters will break into Earth, slaughter all sides in New York .

While watching the movie, I thought the battle between superheroes and monsters was cool and cool, but as a background board, it felt terrible.

It’s like watching a disaster movie and always teasing that the Golden Arch Bridge has collapsed again, but if it really collapsed, I don’t know how many people will die.

But he also knows that if you can’t see people, you will say that aliens are about to invade. No one believes it. It’s considered a mental illness at most.

“This place…I got news that the gang in Hell’s Kitchen is planning to expand here.”

That’s all Chen Yi said.

The official name of Hell’s Kitchen is Clinton, but because of its messy and backward living quality, serious ethnic conflicts and high crime rate, everyone is more used to calling it Hell’s Kitchen.

This is just an ordinary urban world. If you are in Marvel, guns and guns are fired from time to time. It can only be considered everyday.

“Strange, I’ve never heard of it!”

Boss hearing this is also a little nervous. The reason why his company can open is because it’s very close to Hell’s Kitchen , the price is relatively cheap.

And it’s not far from the wealthy area of Manhattan, stuck in the middle, it’s a good location, this place was carefully selected by him.

“Then I don’t know, anyway, I think it’s dangerous.”

Chen Yi shrugged and said that, believing or not with him, it’s not easy to talk deeply. .

Inner Strength was delivered to both hands. Chen Yi quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands. He won the cheat for the first time, and was about to leave Sea of Bitterness. He was in a good mood and decided to type a few more lines.


peng peng peng!

Just as he was about to fight until it was dark, there was an explosion outside, and Chen Yi was startled. Big jump, he just casually nothing serious, is it possible that Jin Bingzhen intends to expand his power?

Then he saw a silver humanoid appearing outside the window, standing on a treadmill-like flying device, raised the energy gun in his hand, and aimed it at him.


Zeta Swiss Soldiers!

Why is this guy here, this plot is wrong!

Chen Yi is not a die-hard Marvel fan, but he likes to watch sci-fi blockbusters, so he doesn’t watch too many Marvel movies. In my impression, Loki should first go to Germany to find some kind of manufacturer in Transmission Gate. material before a large hole is cut in the sky over the Stoker Building.

In the process, Loki not only killed a lot of people in order to be caught, but also made a large group of people kneel. This is a proper news headline, and there is no reason why the entire world should not pay attention.

That’s why he’s still so committed to staying in New York, because he thinks he’s a forerunner and can wait for Loki to show up before leaving.

Damn, what about freedom of the press!

in a flash Chen Yi wanted to understand the truth, scolded the reader for hurting me, and squatted down to escape the sudden energy cannon.

Pu chi!

He crouched down, but the boss behind him was hit, and the energy cannon went through the boss’s chest, hitting the staff behind him again.

Damn it, Boss hasn’t paid me yet!

dong dong dong…

Chen Yi’s heartbeat was so fast, he picked up a pen that had fallen on the ground and threw it in Chitauri’s direction.


The head of the Zeta Swiss soldier who was driving the aircraft with all of Chen Yi’s Inner Strength pens was sunk into the Zeta Swiss soldier with the gun in the back.


The aircraft crashed straight into the office building, shaking the entire office building.


The people in the company finally reacted, screaming and running towards the door.

“It’s over, I’m off!”

Chen Yi lay on the ground weakly, smiling bitterly.

Although I have another memory of my own, I can produce Inner Strength from the cultivation of the familiar, but the cultivation is less than a day, so I can imagine how much Inner Strength there is.

[Marvel]: Brothers, I’m dying, remember to burn me a wife after I die.

[Super power out of control]: Don’t worry, one Chen Yi has no wife, and there are absolutely thousands of Chen Yi who can find a wife.

[The Matrix]: When I unify Zion, I will build a Divine Idol for you, and find some Saintess to serve Chen Yi.

【Lu Ding Ji】: Don’t worry, I will marry a few more wives, it’s up to you.

[Harry Potter]: I still like Hermione, but if you really don’t have a wife, then I’ll marry another Luna, and that’s yours too.

[Marvel]: Damn it, I’m dying, can’t you guys say something nice?

Chen Yi realized that the other party was not joking, and hurriedly asked what happened.

Chen Yi did not hide it, and told the story of the Zeta Swiss invasion.

[Marvel]: Alas, it’s really unfortunate, I thought I would be able to go to Peak in life and marry Bai Aomei, didn’t expect the protagonists to be you.

【Lu Ding Ji】: Don’t give up, I’ll help you!

[Deer Ding Ji] sent [Centennial Inner Strength] red envelopes to [Marvel].

[Marvel]: I knew I was a good person, thank you!

【Lu Ding Ji】: No thanks, but I have a small request.

[Marvel]: No problem, I’ll pay it back after I use it up!

【Lu Ding Ji】: No, I want a specific memory of marrying Bai Aomei.


[Super Power Out of Control] sent a [Psychic Power] red envelope to [Marvel].

[Marvel]:  …

The new book is on the shelves, please collect it! I have decided, three times a day!

(End of this chapter)

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