Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

204 Return to Binhai to inspect the progress of the 'Zhongzhe Power Building' project

The video ended, and then the group returned to their residence. XQC took a rest after eating, and his team was responsible for editing the video and uploading a picture.

Soon, as the video went to bed, the broadcast volume of XQC's personal channel also continued to rise.

As a video blogger with tens of millions of fans, his videos can not only be received by fans, but also by other users.

In this video, XQC's "collapse" and being tortured by the "eraser" to the point of "no love" have also become a great program effect. At the same time, his program effect also shows the huge "eraser". capacitance.

The effect of funny programs led to an increase in the like rate. After the likes increased, the broadcast volume also increased, and the increased broadcast volume was finally seen by these foreigners.

It turned out that in China, there was a Niubi company called Zhongzhe Power Group.

The "Eraser" they launched has a huge electric capacity, which also surprised many foreigners and generated the desire to buy.

After all, a million mAh power bank, or a pocket version, who doesn’t want to have one? This at least ensures that their mobile phone will not shut down due to exhaustion no matter where it is.

So the comments under the latest video of 350XQC have also become exciting.

"I'm already laughing out loud, this is the most lifeless day I've ever seen XQC."

"By the way, can only Hua Guo buy this 'eraser'? I really want to have one, so that my phone will never shut down because the power is exhausted."

"My God, I spent more than an hour chopping wood, weeding grass for more than an hour, and then walking the electric wheelchair for a few hours. Is this actually the amount of electricity generated by such a small piece of power bank?"

"I searched on Amazon and couldn't find the 'eraser' at all. It seems that it can only be bought on the official website of Zhongzhe Electric Power in China."

"Please, XQC, use your influence to contact Zhongzhe Power Group, let them also go online on the official website of Baiyingguo, I want to buy one!"

"As an outdoor lover, all I can say is this is amazing, would love to have one!"

After such a video, the shopping desire of foreign consumers was completely ignited. They were the same as the (beba) consumers when the "Eraser" was launched in China.

The urgency for the "eraser" has reached a climax.

In China, Qi Zhe also saw XQC's video on the picture, and I have to say that his program is really good.

Seeing that he couldn't run out of electricity, but was tortured so badly, Qi Zhe couldn't help laughing.

However, after being happy, Qi Zhe began to consider launching the official website of the international version of Zhongzhe Power Group. In addition, the "eraser" of the overseas version also needs to be changed a little, such as changing Chinese to English.

In addition, about the price of the overseas version of the "Eraser", Qi Zhe felt that he also had to think about it.

After it was confirmed, Qi Zhe returned directly to Binhai with his assistant that night.

All the work in Xinjiang Province is going on in an orderly manner, so naturally there is no need for Qi Zhe to worry about anything now.

That night, Qi Zhe and his assistant walked out slowly outside Binhai International Airport. As usual, after the staff greeted each other, they all left the airport, and they would just report to the office the next day.

Qi Zhe, on the other hand, smiled and walked towards Gu Qinghan, who was waiting there.

The weather is getting colder. Today's Gu Qinghan is also wearing a denim jacket with her delicate face, which makes her feel a little cold and glamorous, but after seeing Qi Zhe, the "cold goddess" temperament she created before has followed suit. The corners of his mouth went up and disappeared.

"Mr. Qi is back.

Hearing Gu Qinghan's teasing, Qi Zhe also smiled and nodded.

"No, just drive the door for me.

Reaching out his hand to take Qi Zhe's bag with a smile, Gu Qinghan also stretched out his other hand and pinched Qi Zhe lightly.

"If you say you're fat, you're still out of breath, right? Get in the car, my mother cooked the food, and the two families will be waiting for you."

"Okay, does my mother-in-law make sweet and sour fish? I like the sweet and sour fish she makes.

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan rolled his eyes, and then said:

"I haven't married you yet. Who told you to change your mind?"

"Sooner or later.""

Early the next morning, Qi Zhe, who had just returned to the company's office building, did not sit in a hot chair, and went outside with the staff directly.

When he just returned to Binhai, Qi Zhe still had a lot to deal with.

First, we have to go to the Bund to inspect the progress of the "Zhongzhe Electric Power Building". It has been a while since construction started. China Construction is no better than Pingyang Construction, which is a subsidiary of Pingyang Construction.

China Construction Zainiubina is also a company of other people, and its own projects have to go over and stare at it from time to time.

So Qi Zhe contacted Boss Chen this morning, and then directly transferred five or six engineers and architects from Pingyang Construction Engineering. They are professionals and can see many ways from a professional perspective.

So Qi Zhe took them to inspect the construction site of "Zhongzhe Electric Power Building".

After taking a special car to the Bund, the people from China Construction were also notified. The project leader and some managers were already waiting at the door.

After seeing Qi Zhe and his group getting off the bus, the project leaders also stepped forward to say hello.

And Qi Zhe also responded with a smile.

Then the engineering side also handed over a white safety helmet. This is a necessary process. For construction safety, a safety helmet must be worn when entering the construction site.

Qi Zhe naturally took the lead in abiding by this regulation, and put on the white safety helmet directly, and then the group walked into the construction site in a mighty scene.

At that time, when I bought this piece of land, I didn't feel that it was dozens of acres, but when I came to the construction site, I also had an intuitive feeling that it was big, so big.

At this time, many workers at the construction site also noticed the movement here, and looked at them one by one while waiting for the crane to lift the materials.

"Third uncle, who is that person over there? Why do you wear a helmet of different color, a white hat and a blue hat.

After hearing his words, his third uncle smiled and then said:

"On our construction site, the yellow hats do the work, the white hats turn, the red hats watch, the blue hats have the final say, the white hats are the leaders, the red hats are the clients who are viewing the house, and the blue hats are our construction site. leaders and technicians.

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