Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

205 Acquired two major electronics factories in the suburbs to expand the production capacity of &#0

He was stunned when he heard this, the yellow hat must be them, but the person in the lead looked so young, could he also be the leader?

"Third uncle, that person looks too young, how could he be the leader?"

After hearing this, the third uncle thought for a while, then glanced over there and reacted.

"What is the name of this building we built?

After hearing this, he didn't hesitate, he's been working here for half a month, he must have known it.

"Zhongzhe Electric Power Building, what's wrong?"

"That's okay, they are from Zhongzhe Power Group, and they are the bosses of our boss. If they come to the construction site to see if they don't wear the highest-level white hats, they can't do other colors. 99

"Yes, but that man looks so young and very promising.""

"Everyone has their own destiny. You can build the bricks under your feet and you won't be able to make a profit."

As they walked inside, Qi Zhe and the others listened to the introduction of the project leader.

At present, all the previous blasting project residues on the construction site have been cleaned up, and the foundation has also been excavated, and the first stage of foundation treatment is being carried out.

This progress is still one to two months away.

After hearing this, Qi Zhe nodded, he completely understood.

This is not the kind of self-built house in the countryside. To lay a foundation, you only need to dig a meter or two down, and then lay the steel bars and pour the cement for a few days.

This kind of building does not need to be an ordinary building. The height is placed here first. The height of the foundation is also stipulated in engineering. It must be 10% of the height of the building.

If it is lower than this value, the construction side will not approve the project, so the foundation alone has been laid down more than 80 meters, and the surface height is expected to be about 560 meters.

And not only was the project party on the construction site introducing, but several white hats that Qi Zhe had transferred from Pingyang Construction Engineering were also constantly exchanging opinions against the design drawings, and also going to test the strength of the buried steel bars and so on.

Finally, it took Qi Zhe more than half an hour to walk around the construction site, and several engineers and architects transferred from Binh Duong Construction Engineering also gave answers.

At present, the project is progressing smoothly, and the quality is absolutely online.

After hearing their answers, Qi Zhe was relieved. After all, Zhongzhe Electric Power Building will be used as the headquarters and facade of the group in the future, so there can be no mistakes at all.

"It's been a lot of hard work for you all this time, and you still need to pay attention.

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, the project team nodded.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, President Qi, it should be.

After leaving the construction site of Zhongzhe Electric Power Building, Qi Zhe returned to the company, then took a break and had a meal, and he did not idle in the afternoon, and he showed up again in an industrial area in the suburbs with his people.

The purpose of coming here is also very simple. Qi Zhe wants to acquire two factories here, with a total area of ​​more than 80 acres, plus factories, staff dormitories, canteens, etc., as well as a total of 21 assembly lines on the factory site.

If it is the work of the headquarters of Zhongzhe Power Group, Qi Zhe will definitely spend money to rebuild a factory with a better environment and more complete facilities.

But after all, it is the office space of its subsidiary "Dianbao", and now the supply pressure of "Eraser" is very high, so it is best to buy ready-made ones.

You don't need to spend too much time and effort, just buy it and put it into use.

Originally, Qi Zhe did not plan to participate in this project, but after all, he returned to Binhai just in time to catch up, and since the land of the two production areas is also included in this project, the amount will be relatively large, so Qi Zhe came to see it for himself.

As his special car was stable, Qi Zhe took a look at the factory area after getting off the car. From the entrance of the factory, the area was quite large, but it seemed a little deserted now.

It stands to reason that there are thousands of people in a factory of this scale.

However, with the reduction of their foreign trade business orders, a lot of assembly lines have also been shut down. At present, only six of the 21 assembly lines in the two factories are still working normally.

After waiting at the door for a while, a group of people walked out of the factory in a hurry. After seeing Qi Zhe and the others, they walked up enthusiastically.

"Hello Mr. Qi, I'm the boss of Xinghui Electronics Factory No. 1. My name is Luo Fabao."

"Hello Mr. Qi, I'm the boss of Xinghui Electronics Factory No. 2, my name is Luo Cungui, hello hello."

・・・・・Seeking flowers.0

Hearing this Qi Zhe was stunned, and then seeing Qi Zhe's doubts, the two of them also took the initiative to explain with a smile.

It turned out that they were two brothers, and the two factories were also distributed to them by their father, one for each person. The factories were originally combined, but they were calculated separately.

After hearing what they said, Qi Zhe nodded. No wonder the candidates below chose these two factories when choosing the M&A plan. Although three parties were involved, the M&A was much more convenient.

After chatting, the two Luo brothers also reached out and welcomed Qi Zhe in.

While walking to Qi Zhe, I saw that although the factory is a little old, it looks good, and they maintain it quite well.


Because it is a family business, their land is not rented or contracted, but property rights including the land. The first factory has an area of ​​32 mu, while the second factory is slightly larger, with 46 mu of land. area.

Add up to a total of 78 acres of land, this area is indeed not small.

But unlike in the urban area, the land in the Zhongzhe Electric Power Building in the city center, Qi Zhe can be auctioned for more than 10 billion yuan.

It's far from the city, and it's a bit far-fetched to say that it's even a suburb. Qi Zhe and the others drove from the city to the Ring Expressway, and it took more than an hour to drive there.

Therefore, the market price of the land price and the two factories together are worth more than one billion yuan.

There is no problem with the land price, but now the two brothers and Zhongzhe can't agree on the transfer of these equipments.

After coming to the reception room to sit down, Qi Zhe also looked at the various equipment lists in detail, and then the people in the purchasing department also whispered to Qi Zhe the value of these equipment.

The total price of these equipment and pipelines is about 100 million yuan, and the old dormitory buildings and other buildings are not included.

After listening to the professional person, Qi Zhe also had a bottom line in his heart. After reaching out and tapping his finger on the table, Qi Zhe opened his mouth.

"Mr. Luo, how about I pay two hundred million for the price of these equipment?"

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, and the two of the Luo family didn't know what kind of medicine Qi Zhe was going to sell. They couldn't agree on a hundred million before, but now they turned their heads and offered two hundred million? Ten.

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