Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

206 was caught by Qi Zhe with a small braid, it must be a wave of wool

After a cramped smile, Luo Fabao said with a smile:

"Mr. Qi, stop joking, we still know how much our equipment is worth."

Although Gao and Low are also the bosses of two big factories, and they are also worth several hundred million. On weekdays, the two brothers of the Luo family don't talk too much about other people, but at least they are on the shelf.

But here in Qi Zhe, they can only laugh at it. After all, compared with Qi Zhe, their assets are really worth it. Not to mention other places, even Binhai’s electricity bill income for a week or two can even carry the land. Bought their factory.

Seeing them laughing, Qi Zhe also smiled and continued:

"Mr. Luo, I'm not joking, I'm serious, the land will be paid at the price negotiated before, and I will give you a total price of "three to five zero" for these equipment, which is calculated at 200 million. Why? Sample?"

At this time, the two also reacted. Qi Zhe is definitely not a fool. Since a full 100 million "free" is given to them, it is naturally conditional.

So Luo Fabao, the eldest brother, also tentatively said:

"If it can be traded at this price, it would be excellent, but I don't know what additional conditions Mr. Qi has?"

After hearing this, Qi Zhe smiled and then told them directly.

Giving them an extra 100 million can’t be for nothing. The dormitory buildings, canteens, office buildings, and factory buildings in the factory area are not counted. If you really want to count, these buildings will add more It can barely be worth two million.

And Qi Zhe is to pack the building and equipment of the factory for 200 million yuan, and the land fee is calculated separately.

After listening to Qi Zhe's words, the two brothers also shook their heads quickly.

"Mr. Qi, this is not good. If you do the calculation, these equipment and workshops add up to 300 million yuan. Your 200 million yuan is really..."

Seeing the two brothers of the Luo family refuting, Qi Zhe was not in a hurry.

Slowly getting up, Qi Zhe walked to the corner of the living room, then casually skimmed a piece of white paint from the cracked wall and opened his mouth to say:

"The meeting room has become like this, so I don't need to talk about the other rooms in the factory area? It's been in disrepair for so many years, it's a bit ugly to say, and the two bosses' factories will be a burden after we take over.

"If I had a choice, I would rather not have these buildings here, and rebuilding it directly would save a lot of trouble. 5

Saying that, Qi Zhe directly "confirmed" his own statement from all aspects. These rooms will be re-planned after the Zhongzhe Power Group takes over, and then the decoration and maintenance will be contributed.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a "negative asset". Negative assets must not be able to spend much money, and even spending money can be regarded as Qi Zhe's "good heart".

That's why Qi Zhe only gave two hundred million packaging equipment and workshops. This condition is also dead. Besides, Qi Zhe is not willing to pay a penny more.

After listening to Qi Zhe's "aggressive" words, the two Luo brothers also broke out in cold sweats on their foreheads. Despite being young, this mother-in-law spoke in a straightforward manner, which really brought a lot of mental pressure to the two of them.

And they are also regretful, they would have paid attention to this detail if they knew what it was, and decorated the reception room a little better.

Although these buildings in their factory have no safety problems, after all, it has been a long time, and it is normal for the walls to age and dry out. put.

"Mr. Qi, wait a moment, I'll discuss with my brother."

Saying that the two brothers of the Luo family left the living room directly, Qi Zhe was not in a hurry, and dangled Erlang's legs freely on the chair.

The two brothers also summed it up outside. If they don't sell to Zhongzhe Power Group now, someone may buy it for tens of millions more in the future, but it may take a long time.

Moreover, Zhongzhe Power Group has a big business, and it is also easy to make money, which is also well-known among people doing business in Binhai.

As long as it is the business of Zhongzhe Power Group, after ensuring that there is no problem with the goods or the work is no problem, the payment is made directly, and there is never any default or any excuses such as giving a portion first.

So after summing up, the two also made a decision.

"Mr. Qi, we are willing, willing to sell the equipment and plant to Zhongzhe Power Group at a price of 200 million..."

After getting the answer, Qi Zhe nodded with satisfaction, then reached out and shook hands with the two of them.

"That's all right, by the way, I hope that the handover will be done as soon as possible, and we, Zhongzhe, will put the factory into use as soon as possible. If there is no accident, I will send people from the legal department and the financial department to sign the contract tomorrow.

Upon hearing this, the two Luo brothers nodded their heads.

"That's natural. I'll explain the matter today, and immediately arrange for someone to clear the factory area, so as to get your company to settle in as soon as possible."

The land price of 1.2 billion, plus 200 million for equipment and workshops, a total of 1.4 billion is basically spent, and Qi Zhe has no fluctuations in his heart.

I remembered that when I first returned to Binhai before, I had to sign a down payment contract with the officials of Qidu District to acquire land in Qidu District.

And now, he has plenty of cash flow in his hands.

Not to mention finding the bank by herself, every day Li Wanru even had to reject account managers from many banks for herself.

The four major domestic banks are all greedy for the cash flow in the hands of Zhongzhe Power, and they all wonder whether Zhongzhe can sign an exclusive deposit contract with their bank, but Qi Zhe has been pressing this matter down.

At present, there are official accounts of Zhongzhe Power Group in all 1.0 major banks, and no exclusive agreement has been signed.

After finishing this matter, Qi Zhe checked the time, it was not too late to go back to the company, so Qi Zhe directly asked the driver to return to the company.

The launch of the official website of the international version of Zhongzhe Power Group in foreign countries has also been put on the agenda. Once the "Dianbao" factory here is completed, Qi Zhe will arrange the production of the "overseas version" eraser.

When the time comes, it will be launched directly overseas. Regarding the price, Qi Zhe thought about it in the car and came up with an answer.

When selling to foreign friends, Qi Zhe naturally needs to earn more foreign exchange. It is impossible to convert the domestic price of 599 to the local exchange rate, and the price must be increased, not to mention that when it is exported to foreign countries, it has to pay some tariffs.

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