Guo Wenjie didn't even have time to change his clothes after punching the card at the staff check-in desk of the building on the first floor, so he got on the tram in a slightly greasy overalls.

There is also the sign of Qiwen Building's property on the tooling, and the car was originally crowded.

But there was no one on Guo Wenjie's side. Although those people ignored him directly, Guo Wenjie knew that they were despising him.

Even if the tooling on his body is only a little stolen, it doesn't actually stink.

But Guo Wenjie didn't care, because he was already used to this kind of gaze.

By the way, Guo Wenjie suddenly thought of a piece of news when he was searching for Zhongzhe Power Group in an Internet cafe before, saying that it seemed that Zhongzhe Power Group and Adi launched a joint tooling.

This made Guo Wenjie interested, Adidas tooling, Niubi Oh.

Also, "three six seven" doesn't know if the most common employee like himself can have the opportunity to wear it, even if he can wear it, he will have to pay for it. A set of Adidas should not be cheap.

Even if it was close to 1,000 yuan, Guo Wenjie would definitely pay for it if he could apply for the job.

After all, that is Adidas. Adidas can co-brand with Zhongzhe, which is a kind of oath. The best clothing company can co-brand with the Power Group, which shows that Zhongzhe is also very good.

Thinking of Guo Wenjie, he took out his mobile phone and searched on it.

Adi tooling of Zhongzhe Power Group.

After entering this string of keywords, Guo Wenjie directly clicked on the search, and soon a lot of related network information links popped up. After clicking a random point, Guo Wenjie's eyes slowly enlarged.

"Damn it, this is too handsome. If you can apply for a job, don't say a thousand, I will do it for two thousand!"

The thing that caught my eye when I clicked the link was the promotional photo taken by the model that Adi and Zhongzhe had co-branded with. The tooling in the photo was really handsome.

However, Guo Wenjie was stunned when his finger continued to slide down the screen.

"Damn it, it's free? As long as it is the official electric power operator of Zhongzhe Power Group? 55

After confirming the news, Guo Wenjie was silently shocked in his heart.

Is this Zhongzhe Power Group really so powerful? If so, then it would be better to come to Xiangdao earlier, and if you say anything, you have to apply for it, and then your good days will come earlier.

But it's not too late.

After silently clenching his fists, Guo Wenjie looked out the window, as long as he could apply for the job, his life would be changed.

After more than half an hour, Guo Wenjie finally got off the bus, and after walking for another five or six minutes, Guo Wenjie saw the entire Changhong commercial apartment building in front of him.

Outside the building, there was another floor of workers busy at this time.

Judging from their appearance, they are going to demolish the advertising signs of Changhong Commercial Apartment outside, and there is no doubt what to replace after demolishing.

And not only the Changhong Commercial Apartment, but even the commercial apartment building next to it has workers busy.

"Damn it, Zhongzhe is really genuine."

Speaking of which, Guo Wenjie hurriedly walked to the second floor of the building as mentioned in the previous recruitment information.

After arriving on the second floor, Guo Wenjie noticed that there were already many people in line.

In Xiangdao, there are many young people who are facing the same problems as him. Everyone suffers from the inability to have a living space of their own. Now there is such an opportunity, all those who meet the conditions want to come and give it a try.

As time goes by, the team is slowly moving forward.

Guo Wenjie looked at the time. It was definitely too late to return to the company at this time. Between absenteeism in the afternoon and the possibility of joining the Zhongzhe Power Group, Guo Wenjie decisively chose to wait a little longer.

I took out the phone and sent a short message to the property manager, saying that I couldn't go to work in the afternoon.

Then, whether it was approved or not, Guo Wenjie directly put the phone in his pocket, and then recalled what he had to say in the recruitment project.

Finally, with the movement of the crowd, Guo Wenjie finally came to the front of the team.

"Next person."

Guo Wenjie walked in quickly after hearing the sound from inside.

"Can you speak Mandarin?"

Thanks to watching the excellent movies and TV series in the 1990s in the mainland, Guo Wenjie's Mandarin is not very standard, but at least it's absolutely fine to speak...

Compared to those who stumble when speaking Mandarin, this is a good thing for me.

"Yes, yes, I can speak Mandarin. 35

After getting this answer, the personnel recruiter in front of him nodded with satisfaction. He had to say that although there are more and more people who can speak Mandarin, there are still a lot of people in Kashima who can't speak Mandarin.

This made it difficult for them to recruit, and they couldn't understand the words, so the recruitment would naturally not add points.

Then Guo Wenjie showed his electronic certificate at the request of the recruiter, including his id card and obtained electrician certificate, etc.

"I was the head of the club in college, and I got some certificates...

At this moment, Guo Wenjie wants to enter the Zhongzhe Power Group too much, and he desperately hopes to get this opportunity, he wants to move away from the small balcony at home and have his own space.

So he racked his brains to say all the advantages and energy he could think of.

Seeing the young man in front of them pouring beans into a bamboo tube in front of them and saying this, the staff of the personnel department interrupted with a smile:

"Stop, we are just recruiting electric power workers, as long as you have no crime, you have no physical problems, and you have a 1.0 certificate, then you can make sure that your actual operation level is enough to meet the standard, you don't need so much...

Hearing this, Guo Wenjie stretched out his hand and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm a little excited."

"Okay, go back and wait for the phone call."

Walking out of the office, Guo Wenjie was a little sad to see that there were still more and more people queuing outside, and even more and more people in the corridor.

With so many people, the chances of being selected will definitely be reduced.

After sighing, Guo Wenjie walked out of the original Changhong commercial apartment, looked up at the room above, and Guo Wenjie's eyes were full of envy.

It would be great if this could be selected.

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