Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

222 sparked a wave of job applications on Hong Kong Island, choosing the best among the best

Looking at his watch, he should be working at Qiwen Building at this time under normal circumstances, but he will not be there this afternoon, so it is not considered a salary to go at this time, so naturally it is impossible to go.

There is nowhere to go, so I have to go home first, after all I am still wearing work clothes.

Went to the nearest subway station, then walked into Guo Wenjie, did seven stops, got off the subway and returned to the door of the community at home.

Guo Wenjie looked helpless in this old community. At this point, there should be only my mother, grandma and grandfather left in the house, and it won't be too noisy, which is good.

If it is at night, it will be miserable, and I will be at home at the time of seven o'clock. My father, brother and sister-in-law all came home from work, and the whole small room could feel crowded when passing by.

Not to mention the daily noise of talking and cooking, which gave Guo Wenjie a headache.

After taking out the key to open the door, there were really only my mother and two old people at home.

Seeing Guo Wenjie come back so early, his mother was also puzzled.

"Wenjie, why did you come home so early today? Didn't go to work?"

After hearing this, Guo Wenjie nodded solemnly, his heart was not very good, because he felt that he was almost out of luck to enter Zhongzhe Electric Power, and those individuals wore more formal clothes even if they went to the interview.

And because of time, I couldn't go home and change my clothes, so I could only wear this dirty work clothes.

Besides, my education is just a very ordinary college, so I can't call it an advantage, it can only be said that there is no disadvantage.

But after all, so many applicants went, Guo Wenjie felt that he had gone far.

Guo Wenjie's mother felt a little uncomfortable looking at her young son who was sitting on the sofa sullenly.

A person in his twenties can only live on the balcony, which makes everyone feel depressed, but Guo Wenjie has never complained.

"Wenjie, do you want to talk to your mother about what happened? My mother is not in good health and can't go out to work, so I can only temporarily grieve you. 35

After hearing this, Guo Wenjie took a deep breath, then forced a smile and said:

"Anna, it's nothing, just some work."

Seeing that the younger son was unwilling to express his heart, Guo Wenjie's mother had no choice but to go to the kitchen and take out a piece of matcha cake and hand it to Guo Wenjie.

This guy likes to eat matcha cakes since he was a child. It is not cheap to buy outside, so she learned to buy matcha powder and then make cakes at home.

Guo Wenjie smiled after receiving the iced matcha cake handed over by his mother.

Anyway, this piece of matcha cake is my favorite.

At the same time, various headlines were also issued on the major online forums on Xiangdao.

"Zhongzhe Power enters Hong Kong strongly, and Mingde Power will face strong competition"

"Crossing the river and encountering local snakes? Is the entry of Zhongzhe Electric into Hong Kong more beneficial than detrimental to ordinary people?"

"Crazy Welfare, Zhongzhe Power Shows Strong Means to Attract Young Personnel in Hong Kong to Apply"

"There are early warnings, a few days ago, Zhongzhe Power quietly purchased two buildings to prepare for entering Hong Kong"

Each of these titles is very mysterious, but there is no doubt that it has increased the popularity of Zhongzhe Power in Xiangdao. Almost everyone in the mainland knows such a company.

But in Xiangdao, there are very few people who know Zhongzhe Power Group.

After the news on the forum is so fermented, many people know the name of Zhongzhe Power.

On some young people's forums, some people also shared the situation of the recruitment site of the Xiangdao branch of Zhongzhe Power Group, and a large number of posts discussing Zhongzhe Power Group also appeared in the comment area.

"I'm an electrical engineering major, so it doesn't feel good to apply for an electrician."

"Hehe, the guy in front will have your regrets at that time, not to mention other things, that is, as long as you become a full-time employee of Zhongzhe Power, you can be assigned to the apartment housing as many people want to go.

"Really? If that's the case, I'll consider applying for a job, but wouldn't the 30-square-meter single-person apartment be a bit exaggerated?

"I went to see it today. I rely on too many people, and I don't know if I can apply for the job, but the staff apartment must be real. I have seen that the brand of Changhong Commercial Apartment has been removed and replaced with a new one. The words and logo of Zhongzhe Power Group are displayed.

"In the mainland, Zhongzhe Power Group is famous for its benefits, and now it needs manpower for the first time when entering the island. Maybe the recruitment conditions are looser, and it will definitely be difficult to get in at that time.

"Have you seen the company's tooling that can be co-branded with Adi? Oh, the company with hundreds of billions of dollars, some people actually dislike it.

"Hahaha, it's disgusting in the building, anyway, I'm going to apply for a test.

Finally, while this matter was still being discussed in the online forum, the personnel from the personnel department completed the first round of recruitment today.

A total of 632 people applied for the job, and 323 people's resumes were left.

Among these more than 300 people, we need to screen again. After all, although the recruitment conditions for just entering Hong Kong are very relaxed, Zhongzhe is Zhongzhe, and there must be a threshold.

"How about this, the others are okay, and the person is young. He also has an electrician's certificate, but his education is a little lower, and he only has a college degree.

In other places, let alone college 367, it is enough to be an electrician in a junior high school or high school.

But since the growth of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group, the college degree can only be regarded as the lowest grade in the company. After all, the best is the best. Under the same conditions, if someone has a key graduate to apply for the job, they must be inclined to the degree. higher.

After hearing the colleague's words, the other two took the record and looked at it, and then recalled it.

"This is not bad, the education is indeed a little lower, but after all, there is nothing to say about professional skills, we need it."

"Indeed, everyone else came here in clean clothes before, but he came here in his overalls. He was an electrician in charge of electricity in the building, and he was fully functional.

"Okay, then I'll mark him in the passing column.

Just when several people from the personnel department of Zhongzhe Power Group decided the fate of Guo Wenjie, he was sitting in the room with a grimacing face.

With the arrival of the end of get off work, the family members came back one after another, and the house was crowded again.

He told his mother at that time, and now everyone else knows that he went to apply for a job at Zhongzhe Power Group this afternoon.

"Wenjie, turn on the TV and watch the news for a while. 35

Guo Wenjie nodded after hearing his father's words, and then turned on the TV, but what he didn't expect was that it was actually broadcasting about the recruitment of Zhongzhe Power Group in Xiangdao.

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