"By the way, is it true that you and I can drive whoever you want?"

After hearing this, Qi Zhe glanced at Gu Qinghan, and then said seriously:

"Of course, I'm the boss, you're the boss, why can't you? 35

After saying this, Gu Qinghan turned to look at Qi Zhe with a smile and then said:

"Then the first thing I do when I take office can I let you go."

Hearing this, Qi Zhe shook his head decisively.

"That won't work. If you drive me, I don't have to go to work, so you can't drive to the company every morning? So no, I have to drive you to the company every day."

"Hey, you will be poor.

"Speaking of the cold, the temperature has dropped significantly recently and it's cold."

Suddenly, Gu Qinghan was still a little uncomfortable when it came to the weather when he was joking, and nodded blankly.

"Yeah, it's a little cold.

Seeing that Gu Qinghan was successfully brought up on this topic, Qi Zhe scratched his head and said embarrassedly:

"So when will you warm the bed for me?"

"Cut, you're thinking about that kind of thing all over your head and won't warm your bed for you."

"Then can I warm the bed for you? I feel sorry for you when it's cold."

"I have an electric blanket 383, don't bother you, you are my immediate boss."

The next morning, after breakfast, Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan went to the company together.

When he was at home these two days, Gu Qinghan was wearing casual clothes, and he even took a set of Qi Zhe's long-sleeved one size up. When he went to the company today, he also changed into a lady's casual black suit.

Her hair was also tucked behind her head, and the whole person looked a lot colder and more capable.

Walking into the company's door, many people looked at the woman beside President Qi from a distance, and they didn't know what she was here for. They had never seen such a number one person before.

In the company, Gu Qinghan kept a sense of distance, even if others knew that she was Qi Zhe's fiancee, but she would not be arrogant, walking halfway behind Qi Zhe.

After bringing Gu Qinghan to his office, Qi Zhe called Li Wanru in directly.

As soon as she came in and saw Gu Qinghan, she immediately nodded and said hello.

"Mr. Qi is good, Mr. Gu is good.

Gu Qinghan also smiled and nodded in response, and then Qi Zhe said:

"Little Li, go and clean up the conference room, and wait for Beba to arrange a high-level meeting. If there are more, put two chairs on the main seat.

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Li Wanru immediately understood that Mr. Qi was going to officially announce Mr. Gu's appointment today.

"Okay, I'll do it right away.

After Li Wanru left, Qi Zhe said with a smile:

"How about Mr. Gu, my office is not bad."

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan put his hands in front of him, then looked around and nodded.

"It's really good, but can you stop calling me President Gu when no one is there, it sounds awkward."

"Okay Mr. Gu.

Seeing Qi Zhe's mean smile, Gu Qinghan knew that he was excited.

However, in treating him, Gu Qinghan is a professional, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he said softly:

"Well, you can call me whatever you want, but I don't mind calling you Xiaozhe in front of other people during the meeting later."

After hearing this, Qi Zhe was immediately dumbfounded, and then he spoke with a bitter face.

"Qinghan, don't, I'm wrong.

Hearing this, Gu Qinghan immediately showed a satisfied smile. Over the years, the family has always called Xiaozhe Xiaozhe. Although he was a few months younger than him, he also called him that.

"By the way, your office is not bad, but what about mine? 99

After hearing this, Qi Zhe pointed to a small table by the window in his office.

"That's it, I work here, you can work over there, anyway, there is only one president's office, and both of us are presidents.

Going to the desk pointed to by Qi Zhe, Gu Qinghan nodded.

"Yes, yes, but I need to change the table, which is too small."

Seeing that Gu Qinghan was in front of him, Qi Zhe smiled bitterly and took her to the office next to his office.

Originally, it was planned to be the office of the president, but it was reserved by Qi Zhe a long time ago, and now it is right next to him, so it is the office of the vice president.

"Nuo, this is the key. Open it and see for yourself. I have arranged it for you. I don't know if you are satisfied or not."

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan's eyes showed a touch of emotion, but he also muttered in his heart.

I don't know how this guy arranged it, I had known to tell her that I would arrange it myself.

After all, everyone, even her and Qi Zhe's relationship aesthetics will be different. If you follow your own arrangement, the office will definitely make you more satisfied.

But after all, Qi Zhe arranged it himself, and he was also doing it for his own good.

After a while, no matter if you are satisfied or not, you must show a surprised expression.

After making up his mind, Gu Qinghan took a deep breath and got ready, then opened the office door directly.

After a large door, Gu Qinghan immediately showed a shocked expression, then stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, his eyes were full of joy.

This was not faked, Gu Qinghan was really surprised and delighted.

Because all the arrangements inside, including the placement of the pen holder on the desk, are completely according to her preferences.

Gu Qinghan can be considered to know why this guy is so confident. Except for the larger area of ​​the entire office, other aspects are completely arranged according to the president's office of the beauty company.

It is equivalent to his original office, how could he not like it.

"Qi Zhe, how do you remember the details of my arrangement? You have only been there twice, and I can't remember it so clearly."

For this, Qi Zhe chuckled lightly, then shook his phone.

"I said how your head is sometimes smart and sometimes so stupid, I have a mobile phone, and I took pictures when you weren't paying attention.

After saying this, Gu Qinghan smiled, and then took the initiative to touch Qi Zhe's mouth, this time she didn't need to tiptoe for the high heels she was wearing.

But at this moment, a "cough, cough" sound came from behind.

Looking back, Li Wanru stood there embarrassed.

"Mr. Qi, the meeting room has been set up, do you want to notify the executives of the major departments to come to the meeting?

As a vice president of a group, this kind of appointment and removal usually requires a board of directors to discuss and then appoint or remove. However, as a 100% Qi Zhe holding company, Zhongzhe Power Group is naturally capricious.

You don't need to be there, you just need a meeting notice.

"Notice, Mr. Gu and I will go over here."

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