Following Li Wanru's notification, the senior executives of various departments in the headquarters of Zhongzhe Power Group have been waiting in the conference room. In addition, the executives of all branches in other regions of the group have basically conducted video conferences. watch.

After all, he is the No. 2 person in the group, and the appointment and dismissal of the only vice president must be notified in place.

There are very few people like Li Wanru and the others who know the "insider", only the security team of the president's office and Li Jian and the others know about it, so the others in the conference room all started while Qi Zhe didn't come. discuss.

"By the way, the level of this meeting is the highest in our group, isn't it?"

"That's right, you didn't see that the executives of various departments in our group are here, and the video conference has also been hung up, and people from various branches are also here.

As the high-level executives of Zhongzhe Power Group, the IQ of these people is naturally impossible.

After a little guessing, I have an answer in my heart. This must be a major personnel appointment and dismissal notice. Otherwise, it is impossible to get people so neatly.

While everyone was waiting, footsteps came from the corridor outside the conference room.

The sound of Qi Zhe's footsteps is naturally not obvious, but the footsteps of Gu Qinghan and Li Wanru's high heels are more obvious.

This gave these savvy executives the answer - all at once.

The new executive is still a woman. After all, President Qi usually only brings an assistant Li Wanru to the meeting, but now there are two female voices in the high-heeled shoes.

Several women in senior management positions in the group, Ke Yilan from the Legal Department, and the others are already sitting in the conference room.

So their only doubt now is where this female executive is.

There has never been a clear responsible person for the position of the finance department, and there may be drama. After all, for such an important position in the group's finance department, an important person who is trusted by President Qi must be parachuted into office.

No wonder there is such a big scene, Mr. Qi is here to "stand" for the new chief financial officer.

After thinking about it this way, many people's faces already showed a "clear" look, and in their opinion, this matter must be closely related to their guess.

Just when all eyes were on the door of the conference room, the door was slowly pushed open by Li Wanru.

The first person to come in was naturally Qi Zhe, which was not surprising, but the person who appeared next made everyone in the room wide-eyed.

Although they knew that they probably shouldn't look at it, they couldn't help but glance at them one by one. There was no other reason. This woman was too beautiful.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a peerless youth, she is standing there, but everyone's eyes can't help being attracted to her.

The delicate face and skin don't seem to need any retouching, the nose is the nose, the eyes are the eyes, everything is just right.

"Could it be that we were wrong, this is our Zhongzhe Power Group's plan to hire a spokesperson?"

In their opinion, such a beautiful Gu Qinghan stood there, no matter how good she was in other aspects, the first thing people noticed was her face.

Therefore, they all thought that this was a big star, and it was the kind of big star that they had no influence on. Compared with Gu Qinghan who was standing there, those first- and second-tier TV shows were not enough to watch.

There really is such a perfect woman in the world.

After noticing the eyes around him, Gu Qinghan's eyes swept around coldly, but this time, people shivered when they reacted, tsk tsk, those eyes were too cold.

As Qi Zhe sat on the main seat, the others noticed that there was not only a chair but also a chair in the original main seat.

Then Gu Qinghan walked over and sat on it unceremoniously.

Li Wanru stood quietly behind them.

Everyone is stunned at this time. Even the directors of the marketing department and the operation department who have real power in those large departments are not qualified to sit in that position. What is this medicine bottle for?

Just when everyone was wondering, Qi Zhe spoke up.

"Let me tell you something. Regarding the notice of appointment and dismissal of the group's personnel, let me introduce you first. The one on my left is Gu Qinghan, who has a master's degree in financial management, an MBA degree, and an art degree.

・・・・・Seeking flowers.0

When he was introduced here, Qi Zhe paused, and then everyone quickly applauded.

The boss has introduced it, and it is strange that everyone is not allowed to join in.

And Gu Qinghan also got up gently and bowed slightly to everyone, as a compliment.

After the applause subsided, Qi Zhe spoke again:

"I announce below that Miss Gu Qinghan will serve as the vice president of the group and the director of the financial department."

As a 100% controlling company, Qi Zhe doesn't need to ask anyone's opinion at all, not to mention that even if he asks for Qi Zhe's opinion, he will not accept it. No one is more worthy of his trust than Gu Qinghan.

Whether it is from a work ability point of view or a personal point of view.

After Qi Zhe said this decision, there was an uproar. After all, the news was like a bomb dropped.

The appointment or dismissal of a single vice president or a single financial controller can't cause such a big fluctuation.

After all, although the vice president is nominally the No. 2 figure in the group, if he doesn't have real power in his hands, it won't make any splash.

Although a single financial controller has great power, no matter how Niubi is, he is only a financial controller.

But if the two are combined, then it is not one plus one is greater than two, it means that Qi always really delegates power to the person in this position. To put it bluntly, it is this Gu Qinghan who speaks perfectly in the Zhongzhe Power Group. .

This makes the people at the bottom a little puzzled. After all, this is a company that is 100% controlled by President Qi. Isn't it bad to have absolute power by yourself? Why should you set yourself a vice president and a chief financial officer?

If this person is disobedient, he will be able to stumble upon President Qi in the group in the future.

After all, he is the second-ranking vice president, and he has real financial power in his hands. If he really wants to do something, he is absolutely capable.

They couldn't understand why Mr. Qi did this. After all, it seems that no smart person would do such a thing to bury themselves in the hole.

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