In the office, where is Gu Qinghan already waiting?

Seeing Qi Zhe come in, he squinted and smiled, then got up and made a cup of coffee for Qi Zhe, and then waited for Qi Zhe to sit on the chair and then extended his hand to massage his neck.

Qi Zhe was not used to this set.

"I said Qinghan, did you go out without taking medicine or did you take the wrong medicine? I used to beg you to press my neck, why are you so proactive today?"

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan said with a smile:

"Because I am rewarding you, in my own way."

From Gu Qinghan's point of view, today his future husband, his husband, has done an earth-shattering deed, something that only a hero can do, his own husband has done.

She is proud of Qi Zhe.

"Your way? Can you follow my way? I think massaging other parts is actually better.

Hearing this, with Qi Zhe's wicked smile, Gu Qinghan immediately understood what was going on in his mind.

Freeing his hand, he tapped Qi Zhe's head lightly.

"Don't even think about it! You have all those things in your head, I know very well."

Going home from get off work in the afternoon, Qi Zhe, who was going to drive, was also pulled aside by Gu Qinghan.

"Although you are my hero every day, today you are the hero of the whole country, so let me serve you today, just leave things like driving to me.

After a chuckle, Qi Zhe was also happy. Driving in Binhuai during the evening rush hour is not a good job.

Just being blocked makes people panic, or it is better to sit on the co-pilot and play with the phone.

When I got home in the evening, my mother also prepared meals.

Lao Qi and Uncle Gu had a dinner tonight, so they didn't come back for dinner. There were only four of them at home.

However, it can be seen that the meals are very rich, and they are all dishes that Qi Zhe likes to eat.

"Xiao Zhe, your father and Uncle Gu talked on the phone and told you that they will support you no matter what, but don't be proud, since you have decided to do it, do it well.

Qi Zhe smiled and nodded after hearing his mother's words.

"Mom, why didn't Dad say it himself, let you pass the word.

"Your father said he wouldn't call you because he was afraid of your pride."

Qi Zhe smiled when he heard this, the Chinese-style father-son relationship is like this, deep love is never expressed, but it is always reflected.

And Aunt Gu also took out the chicken drumsticks from the boiled chicken soup and put it in Qi Zhe's bowl with a smile.

Then he reached out and touched Qi Zhe's head.

"Rewarding you Xiaozhe, it's awesome, Xiaozhe has become a man who stands up to the sky, and when the time comes, handing Qinghan to you will make Aunt more at ease."

While the four of them were eating, my mother's phone rang, and after listening to a few words, she quickly turned on the TV. It was seven o'clock, just before the news broadcast started.

She also knew from her "girlfriends" that this time their Qi Zhe was on the news again, and asked her to turn on the TV to watch.

Sure enough, as soon as the TV was turned on, the host was introducing the press conference of Zhongzhe Power Group.

This also made Qi Zhe surprised for a while, did not expect such a big reaction?

Originally, I only invited some local media in Binhai because I didn't want to attract too much attention, but I didn't expect it to be on the news.

And it's the 7 o'clock news of Yangma's TV station.

On the TV, the host introduced the company of Zhongzhe Power Group, and then released a picture of Qi Zhe announcing the "Light Up the Countryside" plan at the press conference. In the picture, Qi Zhe said those words earnestly.

The host then commented.

"Zhongzhe Power Group is an excellent enterprise with a strong sense of responsibility that we advocate. Once again, we also sincerely congratulate Zhongzhe Power Group on the early success of the "Light Up the Countryside" plan for the residents and children in the village. A glimmer of light.

After saying this, the host cuts to the next news.

My dear, there are quite a few pieces of this article. The news for a total of half an hour took up more than four minutes on the matter of Zhongzhe Power Group, which is enough to show the attitude of the above.

And Qi Zhe's mother also recorded a small video early, and then directly sent a circle of friends when the host introduced the next news.

"Qi Zhe, Qing Han, hurry up and like Aunt's circle of friends."

After hearing his mother's words, Qi Zhe reluctantly turned on his mobile phone, and then saw the Moments posted by his mother.

There is a simple short video in the circle of friends. The content of the video is when Qi Zhe speaks at the press conference of Zhongzhe Power Group. In the video, you can clearly see the logo of the TV and the CTV in the upper left corner.

"Our son is on CCTV news again, this time for four minutes, I hope to continue to work hard next time!"

There are already a lot of likes below, and Aunt Gu and the others all liked them, and Qi Zhe was a little embarrassed when they arrived.

At this point, my mother is complimenting her circle of friends, and it would be shameless to give her a compliment.

Although Qi Zhe has always been thick-skinned, he still can't let go of the bed under the "public execution" of his mother's circle of friends.

Putting away the phone, Qi Zhe left the sentence "full" and fled the scene in a hurry, lest his mother ask "why didn't he like him" after a while.

(The one who got the money) On the second day of the press conference, Longcheng in the northwest is a city, but it is a bit shabby compared to a county in the south with a population of several hundred thousand. An entire municipal district has eight counties. A total of just over 400,000 people.

And because there are no enterprises, they can't retain talents, because some local young people will stay in big cities after school.

The resident population staying here is in the early 200s.

There are many villages in the jurisdiction, but because of backwardness, there are only two small towns that are close to tourism except the county seat.

But today, the team of Zhongzhe Power Group, which drove from Lancheng, came.

There were a lot of people in the convoy, there were more than 40 five-seat pickup trucks alone, and there were also five large trucks. The trucks were full of wires and equipment. .

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