Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

283 The Western Region Took The Lead In Starting Rural Basic Power Construction

Ma Shengrong was in the team. He was born and raised in Longcheng, but he settled down in Lancheng later, so he came back to visit relatives in Longcheng during the festivals.

Majiazhuang is his hometown. When he was young, he was the only college student in the village, and then he went to the University of Electric Power.

After graduation, he has also worked as a power engineer, but the two years have been sluggish, and the salary is not very good. This time Zhongzhe Power Group is recruiting in Lancheng, and he also went to the recruitment site with a heart.

In the original company, he was an electrical engineer and wore a white hat.

But in Zhongzhe, he is only a front-line electric power operator, because Zhongzhe Power Group is only recruiting front-line electric power operators.

The white hat has also been replaced by a yellow hat, but the monthly salary has changed from 3,000 to 5,000, and it does not include various bonuses, performance and overtime pay.

Ma Shengrong was very satisfied and fortunate that he had seized such an opportunity.

The northwest region is very vast, and there are less than 2,000 electric power workers in Lancheng. This time, the circuit construction area was also divided, and Ma Shengrong and the others were assigned to Longcheng.

A total of more than 300 people set out from Lancheng to Osaka Castle.

The three hundred people who want to connect every village to complete the basic power construction in this lofty mountain can only be said to be a drop in the bucket, but this is only the early stage 703.

Recruitment for the follow-up "Light Up the Countryside" program is still in progress.

At that time, more people will come to this barren land and erect the telephone poles that represent hope.

Ma Shengrong and the others were the first.

"Sheng Rong, do you have any delicious food in Longcheng? Let's get out of the car and grab a bowl first. My stomach is rumbling with hunger. After eating, I have to continue to go to our first responsible person. town."

After hearing this, Ma Shengrong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said with a smile:

"Mash it, potato dough, in the fashionable words of the city people, it's mashed potatoes, it's not cheap in that KFC.

After hearing this, the driver who drove the car said suspiciously:

"Mash potatoes? What's so good about that stuff."

As soon as he heard this, he knew that Lao Zhou didn't understand at all, so Ma Shengrong introduced him in detail.

Although the potato stir-fry in Longcheng is also mashed potatoes, they are two completely different things.

In Longcheng, the sweet potatoes are picked and boiled, peeled, (bced) and then put together and smashed by hand with a big mallet.

Then put it in a bowl, sprinkle a spoonful of chili oil, then add chive flowers, shredded potatoes and sauerkraut, and finally pour a tablespoon of blended vinegar water.

Not to mention how beautiful this bowl is, it is in line with the taste buds of Northwesterners.

Don't say it's a mess, even the vinegar soup is completely drained after eating.

This may seem odd and unacceptable to southerners, but here, it's real food.

"It's not just about stirring the balls, but also rice skins, noodles, and so on. A bowl is full and delicious. The key is four yuan a bowl, which is very cheap."

Hearing what Ma Kairong said, the old master in the driver's seat also slightly accelerated the accelerator.

Unlike other companies who came to Longcheng, the people of Zhongzhe Power Group were warmly received by the Longcheng official.

Ma Shengrong and the others who were going to eat the mess had no choice but to give up, after all, the meals in the hospitality restaurant were all ready.

After getting out of the car, they followed the instructions and came to the restaurant. Ma Shengrong and the others sighed when they saw the exquisite meals on the table.

"Tsk tsk, and the welcome reception. After the whole scene, I took myself as a leader."

"Haha, Shengrong, are you going to lead a try?"

Just as hundreds of people were chatting in the restaurant, a leader of the Longcheng official also appeared at the scene, and then he picked up the microphone and said something.

Anyway, the meaning is to let everyone open to eat and drink.

This time, on behalf of the people of Longcheng, he was very grateful for the presence of Zhongzhe Power Group.

After speaking, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly let these people from afar let go of eating and drinking.

He also breathed a sigh of relief after walking outside. The task was a bit sudden, but fortunately he took it.

According to the above statement, the Zhongzhe Electric Power Group came to help Longcheng, and to electrify so many villages in Longcheng, they naturally did the hospitality work within their ability.

Not only their county towns, but also the various townships under their jurisdiction are also ready.

It is necessary to ensure that the employees of Zhongzhe Electric Power Group who enter the local area for electric power work have food, drink and shelter.

In the early morning of the next day, Ma Shengrong and a few co-workers ate breakfast directly in a nearby alley. When a few companions were full, they did not forget to bring some more and save it for lunch.

Then at ten o'clock, everyone gathered from the hotel and set off directly to the first town on the plan.

Yuhe Town, where deep in the mountains, is also in the most boundary area of ​​the Longcheng map.

According to the plan, they started from Yuhe Town, and then completed the basic power construction all the way up.

I have to say that although there is no electricity, the construction of rural roads is really good. All the way is cement road, except for some places because of the small landslides on the side there is mud.

Most of the roads are still smooth.

After a two-hour drive, Ma Shengrong and his party came to Yuhe Town in a total of six vehicles.

This time, more than 300 people were also divided into several groups, and then went to different villages and towns.

And when he came to Yuhe Town, Ma Shengrong also showed a smile, this is the place where he was born and raised.

During the assignment, he deliberately asked the leader to tell him about his situation, and the above didn't hesitate to assign him directly to Yuhe Town.

In Zhongzhe, everything is humanized, and the rules will not be too rigid.

The same is for work, and it is allowed to drop by to go home after work.

Of course, the premise of everything is that it does not affect the work.

The staff from the town have come. Before starting the basic power construction work, they want to determine the place to live, and then contact the staff from the town.

After all, the work of laying electric circuits and constructing utility poles is deep in the mountains, and most of the villages are all that kind of small roads. Cars can't go up, and they can only be pulled up by manpower.

It is impossible to have less people, and the local officials must contact some people. .

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