Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

045 The Pilot Is In Place, And The Emergency Flight Department Is Established!

After hearing this, Gu Qinghan suddenly felt that his heart beat a little faster, and he didn't know what Qi Zhe did. Recently, he felt a lot more courageous.

"You think it's really beautiful, why don't you, what about the seafood you promised me?"

"Okay, let's go eat now."

Haining Qi Zhe has been here before. The seafood in the hotel is not necessarily as delicious as the food stalls by the sea. Of course, the premise is that the good food stalls are all fresh from the seaside, not to mention how delicious they are after simple processing.

After driving to the beach, Qi Zhe took Gu Qinghan to look for it, and Qi Zhe found the food stall that his college classmates brought him to eat when he came to Haining.

Sure enough, a good food stall has no shortage of customers, and it is still here after a few years.

After finding a slightly clean place to sit down, Qi Zhe also directly handed the menu to Gu Qinghan.

"Whatever you want, I'll treat you."

Seeing Qi Zhe's proud face, Gu Qinghan unconsciously showed a smile, and then ordered some things on the menu that he liked and Qi Zhe liked.

The temperature this evening is not bad, not as hot as the daytime, and the sea breeze is quite cool. With seafood and beer, Qi Zhe feels that there is only one word, cool.

Because he didn't relax much recently, Qi Zhe drank a lot of beer even if he was alone, and felt a little dizzy, so he walked to the car next step with the help of Gu Qinghan.

"I've told you to drink less, but you don't listen. Next time you're alone, you can't drink so much."

I don't know if Qi Zhe didn't hear his words clearly, but he kept saying "oh" anyway.

If she didn't want to drive by herself, Gu Qinghan would definitely accompany Qi Zhe to drink a little less, but she had no choice but to drive. She helped Qi Zhe to the co-pilot, then fastened his seat belt and Gu Qinghan started the car .


The next morning, after the two checked out from the Hilton, Gu Qinghan took Qi Zhe to the airport, and she drove back to Binhai.

Qi Zhe walked to the airport and looked at Gu Qinghan who was behind him without saying a word. He just smiled and stretched out his hand to gently ruffle Gu Qinghan's hair.

This time, Gu Qinghan wasn't angry either, just looked at Qi Zhe quietly.

"I'll go back to Binhai when I've dealt with some recent affairs. Don't forget to pick me up at the airport."

"Know it."

Flying from Haining to Pingyang is about the same time as Haining driving to Binhai, so when the plane landed, Qi Zhe also received news from Gu Qinghan that she had already arrived home.

After returning to Pingyang, Qi Zhe found his second-hand Audi in the parking lot of the airport, and then started the car while dialing the number of Chen, the owner of the construction company.

The old power plant has a large open space, which can be used as an apron if it is simply cleaned up. Although the second power plant under construction in the industrial park is also very large, there was no plan for the apron at the beginning.

So Qi Zhe needs to tell Boss Chen and ask him to arrange for workers to build another apron in the open space.

Boss Chen answered the call shortly after the call. He was a little surprised when he heard Qi Zhe's request for an additional apron. I bought it on an airplane, and it was used in a power plant. .

Although he was surprised, Boss Chen agreed.

After all, the most expensive thing to build an apron is the land occupation. The second power plant also has a large open space. You only need to put a layer of cement on it, and then smooth it out and set some symbols, which doesn’t cost much.


Three days later, there were six people sitting in front of Qi Zhe. They were all pilots recruited into Zhongzhe Electric Power. Qi Zhe met them directly and then told them the general requirements.

They are responsible for aircraft maintenance and repairs on weekdays, and then just stand by.

Take-off work is required when people and equipment need to be transported, and some emergency situations also require emergency take-off for circuit repairs in bad weather conditions.

These requirements are the basic qualities of a pilot, and they are professional and naturally no problem.

Moreover, the treatment given by Zhongzhe Power Group is also very generous, and it also has a special dormitory, and in addition to the monthly minimum salary, there is also a field allowance. Basically, there is a subsidy for one flight.

The pilots were ready, and then two Robinson R44s and a Bell-505 flew directly to the factory grounds for landing.

In the next few days, pilots from these manufacturers will conduct operation training for pilots of Zhongzhe Power Group, while Qi Zhe is staring at the laying of electrical circuits leading to the six counties under Binh Duong.

The longest one of these six lines is also more than halfway through. According to the current situation, it will take a long time to complete the power-on if it goes well.

But just when Qi Zhe thought that the process was going smoothly, an accident happened. The county seat of Pingyang's subordinates closest to the sea, that is, Xihe County, where Qi Zhe first went, suffered a typhoon. The typhoon directly damaged some local traffic and blocked some local traffic. Road, circuit laying work is directly blocked.

After receiving the news, Qi Zhe was fine, but the road was blocked. It was good that the locals and the staff of his own power plant were not injured.

Just when Qi Zhe planned to let the two circuit laying teams on this line stop laying first and go back to the factory for repairs, Qi Zhe suddenly received a call from the power plant over the Xihe River.

This made Qi Zhe a little surprised. After the call was connected, the owner of the power plant over there also stated the reason why he called.

It turned out that the typhoon also caused serious damage to many of their local circuits, causing power outages in many places in the county. If this happened before, they might slowly repair it and then restore the power supply.

After all, for them, the factory has few people, and the situation of such large-scale power damage that needs to be repaired can only come slowly.

But now it's different. Now their power plant has issued an announcement that Zhongzhe Power will receive power supply for a while, so he is also afraid of affecting the reputation of Zhongzhe Power, so he called and said in advance.

After all, their repair work is really slow, just seven or eight people.

After listening to him, Qi Zhe frowned, and then thought of one thing, maybe he can send someone to repair the power to give local users confidence, and also give confidence to all users of Zhongzhe Power Group.

But now the road is blocked, how can I send someone over?


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