It didn't take a second for Qi Zhe to think of the emergency flight department he had just established. This kind of sudden emergency seemed to be suitable for them. They could choose to fly directly with the personnel from the circuit maintenance department when the weather was slightly fine. Repair the circuit.

Then repair the damaged circuit as soon as possible in the local area, and then restore the normal power supply of the local power plant to the users. This seems to be helping their local power plant, but in fact, it is helping the locals and Zhongzhe Power Group itself.

After all, the essence of a company's long-term foothold lies in its users, and building a brand is a result of repeated accumulation.

If you do this, you will undoubtedly see the goodness of Zhongzhe Power Group in the eyes of the local people, and it reflects the sense of responsibility of Zhongzhe Power Group.

After thinking about it for a while, Qi Zhe directly settled on this matter, it must be done!

When he came to the training site of the pilots, Qi Zhe called the trainers of the two companies directly, and then asked if the pilots of the current company are qualified to take people to take off.

"Mr. Qi, the pilots you recruited are basically experienced in the industry. Their flying skills are very proficient. After these two days of training, they have fully mastered the flying capabilities of our Robinson R44 and Bell-505 crews. I think it is can take off."

Several other trainers also said the same tone, saying that these pilots of Zhongzhe Power are now fully qualified to take off.

After getting a positive answer, Qi Zhe came to the company's six crew members and said:

"Everyone, there is a typhoon in the coastal area that damaged the circuit this time. We need to send personnel to repair it. The weather forecast will be suitable for flying tomorrow. Can you complete this mission? Transport the repair personnel to the designated location."

For this, several pilots of Zhongzhe Power nodded one by one.

"Don't worry, President Qi, we can do it."

"Yes, Mr. Qi, I've flown in worse weather than this. It doesn't matter if it's windy or rainy."

"Leave it to us, Mr. Qi, and we will transport the group's staff to the designated location safely and safely."

Now that everyone has made such a statement, Qi Zhe is relieved a lot.

"Okay, then prepare for it. You have to leave tomorrow. In addition, after returning safely, the finance will receive a flight subsidy, 2,000 per person."

The salary subsidy for a profession like a pilot is already high, and in this kind of weather, Qi Zhe’s opening of two thousand is really not high.


After the pilot was fine, Qi Zhe came to the conference room again and asked everyone to notify everyone in the circuit maintenance department to come to the meeting. Previously, the people in the circuit laying department were busy and could go out to the field. This time it was their turn. , and by helicopter.

With the first expansion of the power plant, the circuit maintenance department of Zhongzhe Power Group now has a total of 38 employees, all of whom are skilled old electricians, fully capable of repairing various complex circuits.

President Qi announced that there was going to be a meeting, and all these people came to the conference room very quickly.

Then Qi Zhe briefly talked about the situation of Xihe this time. It is necessary for the circuit maintenance department to take a helicopter to urgently support the Xihe circuit repair, and cooperate with the local power plant staff to restore the power supply to the user.

After this information was said by Qi Zhe, a lot of people in the conference room were emotional.

"Mr. Qi, we can go."

"Mr. Qi, I haven't been in a helicopter before. I can go this time."

"That's right, I'm afraid of typhoons. I grew up by the sea since I was a child. I'll go!"

"We usually let the people in the circuit laying class show the limelight. This time, it's our circuit maintenance department's turn."

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Qi Zhe was also relieved.

In the end, after a decision, the 38 employees of the circuit maintenance department left a total of eight older ones to stay in Pingyang, who were responsible for the maintenance of various circuits in the urban area of ​​Pingyang for the past two days.

The remaining 30 people were divided into three classes, and three batches flew to Xihe by helicopter of the Emergency Flight Department for circuit repair support.

And this time Qi Zhe also gave a lot of subsidies. After all, it takes courage to fly a helicopter in the rain. Most of these people have never been on a plane in their lives, and the local situation is not very good.

Therefore, Qi Zhe decided directly. The circuit maintenance department went to support Xihe with an extra 500 subsidy per day. In addition, once the repair work is over, each person will also have an extra bonus. This is the pattern of Qi Zhe!


When walking out of the conference room, the people in the circuit maintenance department were discussing.

"Haha, this time I can also experience what it's like to fly."

"Qi is always good, let's go to support Xihe, he will give us an extra 500 yuan a day as a subsidy, and a bonus."

"That's right, what is there to say about Mr. Qi's pattern? Going back and showing off to the circuit laying class, haha."

"Is it safe for the plane to fly over in heavy rain? I'm a little scared."

"I'm afraid of a hammer. Boss Qi treats us so well. Now we need to do something for sure, and take 10,000 steps back and say, even if we have three strengths and two weaknesses, can Mr. Qi treat our family badly?"

"That's right, anyway, I've been working in Zhongzhe all my life, and I'll do whatever I want. Just like Mr. Qi, if something happens to me, it's estimated that my child's company won't care."

"Yes, yes, what are you saying? Haven't you seen the plane? It's all high-end goods bought by Mr. Qi, and the pilot's basic salary is 10,000 a month, so can he be a novice? You can rest assured. ."

"Go home and pack up. It's estimated to take a few days this time. Bring some clothes, but not too much. It won't fit on the plane."


Like last time, this time Qi Zhe also gave all the staff of the circuit maintenance department to leave work early before departure. After they left, Qi Zhe was not idle, and immediately took people to the flight management department in Pingyang, and then flew to the flight management department. The route of Xihe was approved.

When they heard that they were flying to Xihe, the staff of the flight management department were a little surprised. After all, the weather there was not very good.

"Are you sure you want to fly to Xihe? Although the weather will be better tomorrow, it's still raining."

"Okay, please apply for the next route. We are from Zhongzhe Power. We need to support Xihe and restore power to the local area."

After hearing this, the staff of the flight management department were in awe, and they saluted directly to Qi Zhe after the route was approved.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it should be."

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