The next morning. Due to the influence of the cold air from the sea, it was also raining in Pingyang.

Qi Zhe was on the tarmac watching the first group of ten people board the helicopter. The West River was not far away, and it only took a little more than half an hour for the helicopter to go back and forth, and the remaining twenty people would be transported there in turn.

"The engine parameters are normal."

"The fuel tank parameters are normal."

With the roar of the engine, the helicopter also left the ground after the propeller turned, and then completed the liftoff with the wind and rain helicopter. At this point, the emergency flight department of Zhongzhe Power Group flew to Xihe with circuit maintenance personnel.

When the height was relatively low at the beginning, people nearby could see the logo printed by Zhongzhe Power Group on the fuselage from the ground.

This is the newly established Zhongzhe Electric Power Emergency Flight Department, and it is also the first time to perform a mission, so the farewell scene is also very large. Basically, all the factory workers who are not alive are watching from the apron.

This also filled the hearts of the workers in the circuit maintenance department with a sense of pride.

Not only the employees of Zhongzhe Power Group are paying attention, but some ordinary people around have also noticed the helicopter that suddenly appeared in the air. In this era when most people have never been on a plane, seeing a helicopter is even more rare. , so it has attracted a lot of attention.

"Honey, those are three helicopters!"

"Let me see, it really is the helicopter of Zhongzhe Power Group!"

"Wow, so handsome, if only I could sit on it."

"Is Zhongzhe so good now? All the helicopters have been assembled, darling, or three!"

"It's amazing, this Zhongzhe Electric Power is really amazing. It's good that the electric power company can drive there. They actually use helicopters."


Although the typhoon in Xihe this time did not cause any casualties, it also caused power outages in a considerable number of communities and schools, although the local power plant workers have done their best to repair the circuit.

However, there are not enough manpower, and it is still a bit stretched, and it is too late.

This time, even the reporter of Binh Duong TV station stationed in Xihe also made a live broadcast on Binh Duong TV station.

"Hello host, my location is the location of Wuyi Square. You can see that it is still raining a lot now. As far as I know, many areas in Xihe have circuit failures, resulting in power outages. appearance."

The host of Binh Duong News Live also asked a question at this time.

"Okay Xiaoyang, can you tell us what is the expected recovery of this power?"

The reporter naturally knew about this question a long time ago, so the host also said after asking:

"According to the information I have learned this time, there are only about ten people responsible for circuit maintenance in the local power plant. These people are really busy, so it is expected that it will take a long time for all circuits to be repaired and power supply restored."

But just as the reporter was talking about this, he was suddenly hit by a gust of wind and rain, and he almost became unsteady.

Then everyone watching the live TV heard a loud boom from the cameraman's radio.

A helicopter slowly landed halfway in the open space behind the reporter. The helicopter was bright yellow, and the name and logo of Zhongzhe Power Group were also printed on it.

Then a few electricians from Zhongzhe Power Group came down with work bags and raincoats. After these people got down, the plane took off quickly, and then another same plane fell, and several people got down.

At this moment, the camera was facing the helicopter and the staff who fell from it. The host and reporter were also a little confused, and just watched silently here.

This is not the end. After the helicopter lifts off, another big one will come down, and the six employees of the circuit maintenance department of Zhongzhe Power Group will come down directly from it. They are all neatly dressed in raincoats and carrying work bags. It should be a variety of tools to repair the circuit.


As the helicopter whizzed away in the wind and rain, all the circuit repair personnel of Zhongzhe Power Group who came down gathered together and began to roll their names to ensure that there was no mistake.

This scene was not only for the reporters and photographers who were stunned at the scene, but even the host in the studio in downtown Pingyang was a little shocked for a while, and the thousands of viewers in front of the TV were shocked.

With such a heavy rain, the power of the Xihe River was damaged, and the traffic was blocked due to some reasons, and there were not enough local power repair personnel. What did they do to restore the residents' electricity?

Zhongzhe Power Group directly sent a helicopter! And more than one, the crew formation composed of three helicopters flew directly over, and air transport personnel supported the emergency repair of electricity.

After all, those people are electricians at first glance, and the fall in such bad conditions is definitely not for tourism, but for circuit repair work.

"Dad, are the electricians Uncles who got off that helicopter?"

A man in a family gently touched his daughter's head, and then said softly:

"Yes, it's the workers Uncles of Zhongzhe Power Group. There was a power outage over there, so the workers Uncles rushed over by helicopter to repair the electricity for the local children."

"It's so inconvenient to have no electricity, these Uncles are great."

On the other side, a few young people in a residential building in Binh Duong were just thinking about what to watch, but after the TV flashed past the scene of the local station, they all stopped playing and started watching.

"I'll go, Zhongzhe Power Group is really good. It would be great if I could work in Zhongzhe in the future."

"Too handsome, Zhongzhe Power Group Niubi."

"In such a heavy rain, helicopters transported personnel to rush repairs. No wonder Zhongzhe Electric Power can supply electricity for Quan Pingyang. This is too powerful."

"What should I do if I am inexplicably moved?"


At this time, the host finally reacted. Although the connection time has passed, according to the plan, some other news should be inserted, but the background noticed that the ratings were soaring at this time.

Therefore, the station temporarily decided to change this incident to live broadcast, and the reporters in front kept the connection at all times.

So the host hurriedly said:

"Okay Xiaoyang, we noticed that several helicopters appeared on the screen to transport the circuit repair personnel of Zhongzhe Power Group. Could you please go to interview and find out?"

"Okay host, I'll go over here."

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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