The first batch of circuit maintenance departments to land was an entire team, led by a squad leader.

At this time, after ordering the name and sorting out the personal equipment, I planned to contact the local power plant for assistance, and then directly invested in the work of circuit repair, but at this time, the reporter walked over with a photographer.

"Hello, may I ask for an interview?"

Since it is from a TV station, it will appear on TV. Thinking that he represents the Zhongzhe Power Group, the workers and masters are full of energy, and the monitor of the first power maintenance team also stood up and nodded.

"Okay, thank you, are you here to support the repair of Xihe Circuit?"

Facing the camera, although the squad leader was a little restrained, he still spoke energetically:

"Yes, we received an order from the group. Because the road from Pingyang to Xihe is different, the emergency flight department of the group dispatched us by helicopter to support the restoration of power supply at the local brother power plant."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. The local power plant is about to close down and merge into the Zhongzhe Power Group, so it is not wrong to say that it is a brother unit.

However, the reporter and the host were still a little moved after hearing it. After all, according to the truth, this has nothing to do with the Zhongzhe Power Group, but they still spent manpower and material resources to support it.

It even made an emergency landing with a helicopter in the wind and rain.

"Then master, can you provide the names of ten of you? I'm here to keep records, and I'll use it when I send a report."

Hearing this, the circuit maintenance squad leader who took the lead smiled and shook his head.

"No matter the registration, we are all members of the Zhongzhe Power Group, and not only ten of us, the helicopters can't be transported in one trip, but there are also two trips with a total of 30 brothers to support this operation."

After hearing this, the reporter instantly became uneasy. There are two more times? Thirty people in total to support Xihe?

This does not say anything else, it will cost a lot of gas just to come and go, but Zhongzhe Group still chooses to do so.

"Okay, on behalf of the local residents, I would like to thank you Zhongzhe Power Group again, and I hope all the masters will pay attention to safety."

After nodding, people from the local power company also arrived, so the first class of Zhongzhe Circuit Maintenance Department rushed out of the rain screen in a neat and uniform manner, and then got into the car and went to the scheduled location to start the circuit repair work.


The host in the studio also took a deep breath, and then said with a serious face;

"It can be seen that this time, Zhongzhe Power Group has done a lot of work for this emergency repair work. Let us thank Zhongzhe Power. Their sense of corporate responsibility is what a large enterprise should have!"

Watching the broadcast on TV, Qi Zhe was also a little surprised. He originally just wanted to make a good impression on the local Xihe residents during the repair work. If it spreads like this, once the circuits in the other six counties are opened, When all users are replaced, everyone can cooperate a little.

But it's actually on TV now, which is quite a coincidence, and Qi Zhe asked, the pilot really didn't choose to land at Wuyi Square because of a reporter.

But there is no suitable place to land around. Only Wuyi Square has a large number of open spaces, so I chose where to land. I didn't expect to find that there was a reporter who happened to be a reporter nearby to capture this scene after landing.

With the return of the helicopter, the second batch of workers from the maintenance department of Zhongzhe Power Group also boarded the plane and flew to Xihe, and the landing place was also in Wuyi Square. will be simple.

After taking out a cigarette from the cigarette case, Qi Zhe continued to stare at the TV in front of him. The picture was still Wuyi Square in Xihe.

What’s different from just now is that there are actually quite a few people crowding around. It seems that the nearby residents came around spontaneously. After seeing this scene, the reporter immediately walked over with a photographer to start an interview.


"We are all from Xihe."

"Our house hasn't had a power outage yet, and I saw this interview on TV, so I wanted to come over to welcome the workers of Zhongzhe Power and express my gratitude."

"Where did I lose the power, but I saw this on my mobile phone, so I came over spontaneously to welcome and thank Zhongzhe Power Group."

"Yes, yes, I brought my children here on purpose, just to want them to thank them and learn something from them."

These people have only one purpose for coming here, which is to thank them.

In the wind and rain, the helicopter of Zhongzhe Power Group hovered and fell, and then the electric power personnel worked tirelessly to restore the residents' electricity consumption as soon as possible.

Therefore, many people in Xihe who knew about this matter ran over by some means. The small town is not big, but this kind of thing is exciting enough. Everyone decided to express their gratitude by welcoming them in Wuyi Square.

Even if it is raining heavily, everyone's enthusiasm has not been extinguished. Everyone is eagerly looking at the sky, looking forward to the reappearance of the helicopter of Zhongzhe Power Group.

As the crowd gathered, the local policemen also dispatched armed vehicles, and then many policemen began to maintain order, forming a circle, and everyone was in the circle.

After all, landing a helicopter is very dangerous, and the crowd must leave enough space for the helicopter to land.

"As you can see, the enthusiasm of the local residents is very high. As a local, I was also moved."

With the sound of the reporter holding the microphone, the roar of the helicopter propeller came from the air again, and then the crowd erupted in cheers.

"It's from Zhongzhe Power Group!"

"Coming! Coming! The people from Zhongzhe Electric Power are here!"

"Wuhu! With them we can have electricity earlier!"

The crew members and the workers on the helicopter also saw this scene, and some people clenched their fists for some unknown reason. This time, they must work hard to get the circuit done as soon as possible, which is worthy of everyone's enthusiasm.

Not only the local residents were touched by Zhongzhe Power, but also the workers on the helicopter and Qi Zhe in front of the TV were touched.


ps: I would like to thank "18216 (the numbers in the back cannot be seen)" for the monthly pass, thanks, and thanks to all the friends who support this book, every flower and every evaluation ticket of yours is a great help to me, grateful.

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