"Bio-friendly power generation, this is a technology industry, and we in Ping Duong should give strong support."

After saying this, he paused for a while, and then slowly said:

"At that time, the combined daily power generation of the two power plants will be 10 million degrees, right? This is the six counties in Pingyang, and the total is estimated to be 5 million degrees. Xiaoqi is planning to Like development outside the city?"

For this matter, Qi Zhe completely avoided the necessity and nodded directly.

"Yes, Zhongzhe Power Group is going to go out, which is also my goal at the beginning."

"Okay! It's good for young people to have goals and ambitions! An old man like me admires young people like you. Have you heard about Binhai?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Qi Zhe became serious.

"Are you referring to the fact that Binhai is currently in peak electricity consumption period and the power supply is insufficient?"

Then the first elder didn't hold any air at all, and directly told Qi Zhe about the recent situation in Binhai.

With the high temperature, Binhai's water power supply has experienced a sharp drop in power generation, and even several hydropower stations have experienced cutoffs, and now it is Binhai's peak electricity consumption period.

Therefore, in order to ensure power supply, Binhai also urgently allocates electricity from nearby cities with sufficient electricity.

But things are not so easy. Electric wires are all laid out in advance, and several UHV wires leading to Binhai are now at full capacity. Now, even if there is electricity from other places, it cannot be sent to Binhai.

At present, this situation is still going on, and some places in Binhai have already decided to cut power. If Qi Zhe's Zhongzhe Power can appear at this time, I believe it will not only help Binhai, but also relieve some of the power consumption.

Moreover, it will also be of great help to the next step of Zhongzhe Power Group in the future, such as entering the coastal market.

The first elder said that these days he just wanted to gently "help" Qi Zhe. He was given this information. Whether he could catch it or not depends on Qi Zhe's ability.


His fingers tapped lightly on the table for a while, Qi Zhe's eyes shone with light, which he and the elder thought were the same, this was his chance.

"Elder, you said that I will support Binhai Electric Power this time. I will not sell electricity to local power plants. How about I supply power to residential communities for free?"

Others don't know about Qi Zhe's "black technology". Before the system, there was a "miniature car battery" that could be exchanged, which can completely transfer electricity from one place to another without setting up a circuit.

The elder was also surprised when he heard it. After all, if an ultra-high voltage circuit is built from Pingyang to Binhai, it is estimated that the cost will not be cheap. The key is that it will take more time. If Qi Zhe still supplies power for free, is the cost a bit high? ?

But he doesn't care much about Qi Zhe. Since Qi Zhe has this courage, he naturally appreciates it.

"Okay, then I look forward to seeing Zhongzhe Electric Power from our Pingyang on the streets of Binhai one day."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

After saying goodbye, Qi Zhe pushed open the door and walked out. When he came outside, the people outside basically dispersed. After reaching the Audi door, Qi Zhe habitually took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag and planned to light one.

It didn't matter when he took out his pocket, he took out two packs of cigarettes directly from his pocket, because his own pack was almost finished and the pack was shriveled, so he didn't notice anything different.

After a wry smile, Qi Zhe also shook his head. He was used to taking out the cigarette case and putting it in his bag when he left.

Maybe it's a little too casual, but he actually kept this habit just now and took back a pack of white cigarettes, which made Qi Zhe a little dumbfounded.

On the other hand, the elder who was still in the lounge gave a wry smile when he was about to order one and found that there was no cigarette.

"This kid, why is he carrying a cigarette with a lighter, but Qi Zhe is still very optimistic about it."


In the early morning of the next day, Qi Zhe came directly to the Dongfeng 4S store where he purchased pickup trucks last time with purchases and finances.

As soon as I entered the door, it was a coincidence that the same sales manager came over after seeing Qi Zhe.

"Mr. Qi, you are here again, what do you need this time?"

Qi Zhe is no nonsense, he seems to be really short of time now, so he directly stated his needs.

Just like the same Dongfeng Aurora series pickup trucks as last time, I directly need 300 vehicles this time, and the request is faster, so I have to ask their store to urgently transfer goods directly from the manufacturer, complete the painting and color change as last time, and then print again. The wording and logo of Shangzhongzhe Group.

After these requirements were finished, the sales manager's eyes widened. Three hundred vehicles? That's more than 30 million to nearly 40 million. This list is completely out of control. After all, the number of 300 vehicles is not enough even if the number of Dongfeng 4S stores in the neighboring city is added up.

"Wait a moment, I will contact the store manager, and then directly contact the headquarters to see if I can arrange the goods for you, Mr. Qi."

After about an hour, Qi Zhe and the sales representative of Dongfeng regional manufacturers signed and paid, and then the car will be delivered to Zhongzhe Power Group within ten days.

In a week's time, Qi Zhe felt that it was almost too late.

These 300 pickup trucks will all have batteries installed at the back, and then undertake the task of power transmission.

According to Qi Zhe's vision, it is quite difficult to forcefully enter the power supply market in Binhai, so I just took advantage of this opportunity to take a shortcut.

That is to use mobile power supply vehicles to supply power to the residents for free, and those communities with power outages will send mobile power supply vehicles to the past for free power supply. Just drive over and connect the "micro super battery" on the car to the main line of the community.

Other power plants don't have this technology, and their batteries of the same size that can be put into a car can only store up to 10,000 degrees until they die. Under such conditions, Qi Zhe's plan cannot be completed at all.

And Qi Zhe has black technology. The micro super battery on a car can store 100,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, plus some power consumption restrictions to prevent people from being smashed. The daily electricity demand of one or even several districts.

At that time, everyone will notice Zhongzhe Power, a group that provides them with electricity in summer for free, and will be deeply impressed.

After all, the streets are full of special work vehicles with the logo of Zhongzhe Electric Power Co., Ltd. It is difficult for them not to notice. In addition, this is also an action to "support" Binhai's electricity use, and it will also be noticed in the news and public opinion at that time.

In other words, it's just spending money to advertise, and the key advertising effect must be very good, and for Qi Zhe, it doesn't cost a lot of money to send electricity for free.


ps: I saw some book friends talking about the question of "the great elder", saying that it was very awkward to read, and I couldn't help it... I wrote it very awkwardly. If it wasn't for the plot, this person would not appear. In the future This kind of person basically doesn’t appear, and it’s a one-off appearance. If I don’t write it like this, I’m afraid I won’t be able to post it, and you won’t be able to see it when I post it. Understand [grievances]

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