For Qi Zhe, the most important thing is electricity, and the least valuable and most valuable thing for him is electricity.

There's no better idea than using electricity to advertise power companies.

Three days later, Qi Zhe's warehouse ushered in a batch of brand new battery packs, which were custom-made and delivered from professional manufacturers.

Fortunately, Qi Zhe realized when he noticed that there was a "micro super battery" exchange in the system mall. This may be something that can bring great benefits to Zhongzhe Power.

Therefore, it is also a long time ago to order a batch of batteries designed according to the backup space of the pickup truck from a familiar battery manufacturer.

These batteries are only seven or eight thousand kilowatt-hours, which is the ordinary level, and the price is not very expensive. They are purchased and placed in the warehouse. Then Qi Zhe only needs to exchange the "micro super batteries" of the system to transform them into 100,000 kilowatt-hours of power storage. The power supply of each building is matched with the special car of Zhongzhe Electric Power Company, that is, one power supply car one by one.

And this time, Qi Zhe bought a lot of small batteries. I bought 500 of this batch alone, and only 300 cars were ordered, which is completely enough.


Qi Zhe's side has been paying attention to the construction of the second power plant. After all, no matter what, the more than 5 million power generation of the first power plant still needs to ensure the power supply of the whole city of Binh Duong, and cannot be moved.

Therefore, if you want to develop yourself, the second power plant is the first step.

Just three days later, Qi Zhe also learned that the construction of the second power plant was almost completed, so he immediately arranged for the official website of the staff to publish a recruitment announcement, and Zhongzhe Power recruited a large number of outstanding personnel in various positions in the society.

However, the positions in the circuit maintenance class and the circuit laying class are preferred for those with driving experience.

This is also the choice of Qi Zhe after careful consideration. After the delivery of 300 Dongfeng Auroras, they will definitely need at least 300 drivers after they become mobile power supply vehicles. Can't Zhongzhe deliberately recruit 300 drivers?

When the work of supporting Binhai power supply is over, Zhongzhe will not be able to do charity and support 300 drivers who are not usually used.

Anyway, basically all of these cars will be assigned to the circuit maintenance department and the circuit laying department in the future, and now basically all adults have a driver's license, so simply mark one with driving experience as a priority.

In this way, you can directly recruit into the circuit laying department and circuit maintenance department, which needs the most staff, and finally they will drive to supply power.

According to the past situation, the notices issued by the official website of Zhongzhe Power Group may be glanced at by the internal personnel from time to time, and no one in the society pays attention at all, so the recruitment is all publicized by people.

But now you don't need to, just throw the announcement on the official website, and there are many people who pay attention.

Now the popularity of Zhongzhe Power in Pingyang is basically equal to the big test, especially since the second power plant is about to be completed, it will definitely start recruiting.

Therefore, many people in Pingyang are staring at it, waiting for the Zhongzhe Power Group to issue an announcement, and then apply for the job.

Sure enough, Qi Zhe couldn't even click on it a while after the announcement was sent out. This was because too many people browsed the server and immediately collapsed the server.

After a wry smile, Qi Zhe decided that he might have to upgrade the server when he was done with Binhai.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the server to return to normal, and the report from the staff also said that the number of people who signed up this time also reached a new high. It took more than an hour after the announcement was sent, and the number of people who signed up exceeded 1,000.


When Qi Zhe went to work the next day, the number of applicants had reached a terrifying 3,000 people, which surprised Qi Zhe.

Co-authored by all the unemployed youths of the right age in Pingyang have their eyes set on this place?

Since there are so many applicants, it is impossible for Qi Zhe to be a charitable organization, so some of them must be selected from the best of the best, and it is impossible to let them all come over for the written test and interview.

With more than 3,000 people taking the written test alone, Binh Duong estimates that the largest school in Binh Duong has some hardships, let alone its own factory.

According to Qi Zhe's request, the background staff also directly passed some resumes that were not very good in terms of academic qualifications and skills, and then finally left a scale of 500 people to enter the written test.

In fact, when it comes to the written test, basically, as long as it's not too bad, it's almost guaranteed. After all, this time Qi Zhe plans to recruit more than 400 people.

But the written test must also exist, after all, to prevent some people who are fake and shoddy, because one of the items in the written test is to check the authenticity of the resume.

Two days later, the cars from Matou Town have not stopped since the morning. They have never seen so many people here. Now they are all sent to join the recruitment of Zhongzhe Group, which is like the college entrance examination. Yes, there is even a family of young and old cheering on.

Basically, the roads around the factory area and Matou Town were blocked, and the Binh Duong traffic department had to temporarily dispatch a team of traffic police to maintain traffic order.

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