Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

083 Crazy "containment" Lanfeng Power, Binhai recruitment begins

The most important components of a business are its employees and users.

Good companies will focus more on the user side, while better companies will focus on both.

Regarding the top floor, Qi Zhe asked Boss Chen to design a huge top floor garden, and then set up several coffee shops on it for rest and walks.

Anyway, it's empty and empty, and it's beautiful to plant some flowers and plants.

But now that the office building has been built, Qi Zhe also intends to carry out a second round of expansion, but before that, the Lanfeng Power Plant must be completely shut down.

At present, the second floor of the power production pool has been built. In the past few days, the workers have also rushed to pour all the soil into it, and the leaves have also been transported to Binh Duong in advance.

Qi Zhe directly chose to exchange Volt Ants, and then sent them all to the second floor of the power generation pool.

After connecting to the central circuit, the daily power generation level of Binhai Qidu Power Plant of Zhongzhe Power Group has reached 4,000 kWh, which is more than half of Binhai's daily electricity consumption.

There is no shortage of electricity on hand, and now the remaining corporate users who have won the Lanfeng Power Plant will be able to let go.

For these enterprise users, Qi Zhe thought about it and came up with a plan to add a "trial period".

During the trial period of contracting Zhongzhe Electric Power Supply, each kilowatt-hour of electricity will be reduced from the market price of 60 cents to 50 cents, and the original price will be restored after the trial period ends, and the company can freely choose not to sign the contract.

Saving a dime per kilowatt-hour of electricity, even if it's only for a month, is an objective figure for these companies that consume huge amounts of electricity.

Therefore, Qi Zhe believes that no company can resist this temptation and may choose to sign the contract with Zhongzhe Power Group.

As for the restoration of the original price after one month, Qi Zhe also considered it. In one month, Lanfeng Power Plant will definitely not last for a month after stealing most of the users.

Qi Zhe bets that Lanfeng will definitely go out of business within a month's time.

At that time, Lanfeng Power Plant has closed down, how will they choose after the probation period is over?

Of course, it is for the convenience of continuing to choose Zhongzhe Power to maintain the power supply.

After thinking about it this way, Qi Zhe immediately met Li Jian in the new office. He is now the director of the operation department, and he has a lot of people.

After talking about this plan, Li Jian's eyes radiated light.

"Mr. Qi, this way, Lanfeng Power will definitely not be able to last for a long time. At that time, all users will be our Zhongzhe Power."

After a slight smile, Qi Zhe nodded, then reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, take your operations department to a meeting, talk about it and start taking action,"

"Understood, Mr. Qi, I'm going to apply for a meeting in the conference room, and then I will list the list of corporate users of Lanfeng Power Plant and come to the door one by one."

With the opening of the office building, Zhongzhe Power Group Binhai has also added a "dispatching room", which is not much staffed, only two people.

The two of them are responsible for the application and scheduling of all small and medium-sized conference rooms in the company.

Because it is impossible to assign a conference room to a department, in the case of sharing, it will be scheduled to prevent collisions.

When department A needs a meeting, go to meeting room C, and department B meets in meeting room B.

This can also be regarded as a little trouble after the company grows, and operation scheduling is a lot more troublesome.

However, after moving into the building, the enthusiasm of the employees has obviously risen by a notch.

Two days later, I walked around the building and noticed that there were still so many vacant offices, and that the second wave of expansion that began after the Lanfeng Power Plant was taken over would require a lot of manpower.

So Qi Zhe decided to start recruiting again.

Unlike the previous recruitment, who had to borrow the personnel department of Gu Qinghan's company, this time Qi Zhe used the personnel department of Zhongzhe Power Group, and they were responsible for the second recruitment.

And for the first time in a temporary office, this time in the Binhai Office Building of Zhongzhe Power Group.

The day after the assignment was sent out, when Qi Zhe came to work, he saw that the security section was obviously busy, and asked everyone who entered or exited the company building without an employee card to show their application documents.

The generous treatment of Zhongzhe Power as always attracted a lot of people, and Qi Zhe encountered dozens of strange faces all the way to the office.

They looked a little nervous. They were probably fresh graduates with no work experience. They were naturally nervous when they came to apply for such a good position in Zhongzhe Power Group this time.

After coming to the office, Qi Zhe suddenly had a little bit of wickedness, why don't you go take a look?

When he came to the personnel department on the second floor, Qi Zhe noticed that the long queue had already formed. Good guy, it was estimated that there were at least one or two hundred people in the queue, not counting those waiting in the office.

This time, the personnel department dispatched a total of three HR personnel to be responsible for the interview process. The small office was not big enough, and a large conference room was also directly applied to apply for the job.

But there are still so many people taking pictures on the corridor.

Maybe it's because he's busy, so Qi Zhe didn't see the official employees of Zhongzhe Electric Power.

After coming to the back of the line and queuing in, Qi Zhe coughed twice, and then said hello to the young man in front of him.

"Dude, are you also applying for a job at Zhongzhe Electric Power?"

Hearing this, the boy was a little confused. Why didn't he come to apply for the job in the office building of Zhongzhe Power Group?

Although he didn't understand why Qi Zhe asked this, he nodded politely, then looked at Qi Zhe and hesitated.

After noticing his gaze, Qi Zhe looked down, and he didn't splash the juice on his clothes when he ate breakfast.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

As soon as Qi Zhe asked, the young man nodded.

"Dude, you're going to wear this for an interview? Don't you wear something more formal? Go back and change before you come back in time. I'll line up for you.

Qi Zhe also smiled bitterly when he heard this. He didn't realize the problem at all. On weekdays, the employees wore "serious" clothes to work, but he was more casual, just a t-shirt and shorts.

But this person is still quite good, reminding myself that it's okay, but I'm kind enough to line up for myself.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe said:

"Dude, what major is your university? Can you read your resume, let me compare.""

Although it felt a little strange, the boy still handed Qi Zhe his resume.

Some people don't know how to write a resume before, so it's no problem to borrow someone to look at it and learn the format.

Huang Yunxiao, whose name is quite stylish, Qi Zhe's eyes brightened when he saw the school, it was actually his alma mater Binhai University, he was the sophomore at Binhai University and then went to study abroad.

Finance major, this time the applicant is also the financial accounting position of Zhongzhe Power Group.

In addition, some of his various achievements in college are listed in detail above. Generally speaking, he is a very good young man with good abilities, but it is still a little difficult to enter Zhongzhe Electric Power.

After all, Qi Zhe from the financial side knows that there is only one person who has obtained the first-level accountant, and the others have all kinds of certificates in hand.

Although his ability is in place, there are too many applicants for Zhongzhe Electric Power. If the best is selected, his condition is estimated to be washed down.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe spoke.

".~ My buddy, I'm from Bintang University too, we're still alumni, why don't you have any credentials? You didn't get a lot of credentials when you were in college?

Hearing this, Huang Yunxiao felt a little more favorable towards this stranger in his heart, and then quickly waved his hand and said embarrassedly:

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have time at all, and it's tiring to do part-time jobs. 95

Then the two chatted for a while, Qi Zhe also got a general understanding, the Huang Yunxiao family is not very good, and there is a younger sister who is in junior high school, so he is also working all kinds of part-time jobs desperately in college, and he has no time at all. To do things other than schoolwork.

Now Qi Zhe understood, and it was a bad fate.

But since the ability is online, then he will be self-willed and open a back door for him?

Just when Qi Zhe thought so, Huang Yunxiao got acquainted with Qi Zhe now, and also took the initiative to speak.

"Dude, I feel that I don't have much hope of applying for this job. I heard them chatting very well just now. I don't think so, how about you?"

Hearing this, Qi Zhe smiled.

"Don't worry, I feel you can do it, it doesn't matter to me."

After speaking, Qi Zhe stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, then walked straight ahead.

After seeing Qi Zhe leaving, Huang Yunxiao is still a little cloudy, this is really weird, but I feel that he is a good person, and he is handsome and tall, and the mobile phone in his hand is also the latest fruit, I guess the family is also Seaside locals with no shortage of money.

He really envy such a person, but envy is envy, he will not be jealous.

Thinking of his family again, Huang Yunxiao sighed.

Although there is little hope this time, if you are lucky enough to apply for the job, you will be lucky. The benefits of Zhongzhe Power Group are so good, and the application can ease the family's economic situation.

Originally thought that the person just went to the toilet or something and would come back, but he has not come back after all the queues to Huang Yunxiao, so he simply ignored it.

After hearing his name, Huang Yunxiao walked directly into the conference room.

"Hello, three interviewers, I'm Huang Yunxiao, I'm here to interview the financial accountant this time, and this is my resume. 99

Just after he finished speaking, the interviewer in the lead looked at him with a strange look, which made Huang Yunxiao nervous.

"Huang Yunxia, ​​right? You have been applied for, and you will report to the company tomorrow at 8 o'clock. 35

Huang Yunxiao couldn't believe his ears for a while, did he hear it wrong? What's the situation?

"Cough, sorry, what did you say?"

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