Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

084 Lanfeng Power Plant stopped supplying, and Zhongzhe Power became the first power company in Binh

The interviewer was also surprised after seeing Huang Yunxiao's performance.

President Qi specially came in to explain the person who wanted to stay. They originally thought that He Qi always knew each other, but in the end, it seemed that this person didn't even know President Qi?

Although there were some doubts, the name and resume of the person mentioned by President Qi could not be wrong, so the interviewer also continued to repeat it.

"Mr. Huang Yunxiao, you have been hired, and you will report to the company's personnel department at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

After hearing the news that he was hired again, Huang Yunxiao took a deep breath and walked out of the conference room with a bow.

Huang Yunxiao still felt dizzy when he walked outside.

Why is it that when others go in for an interview, they ask a lot of questions for at least a few minutes before deciding whether to admit or not, and when they go in and sit down, they are notified of the appointment? The time from entering to exiting does not exceed one minute.

After seeing Huang Yunxiao coming out of the office, there were people who were queuing up behind, both regretful and gloating.

After all, if there are fewer people, their competitive pressure will be less.

Going in so quickly and then coming out so quickly, the result is nothing more than one, and if you look at your resume, you feel unqualified and pass it off.

Just now, it can be seen from the interview status of the people in front that the few people who came out happily and were admitted all took a long time and asked a lot of questions.

Just when they were each thinking about their own, the interviewer suddenly rushed out, and then he was relieved to see that Huang Yunxiao had not left.

"Huang Yunxiao, don't forget to bring your ID card when you report tomorrow at eight o'clock, the company will handle the salary card and so on."

When I interviewed the 240 people appointed by President Qi, I forgot to mention it. If I didn't get it, I would not be able to get the salary card.

At this time, the others were all the same as Huang Yunxiao's expression when he first went in and heard that he was admitted, with a look of disbelief and surprise.

"Holy shit, what kind of education is this dude? How come you were admitted as soon as you entered."

"It is estimated that it came from a top foreign university, you don't need to look at other, just look at your resume and you will definitely want it. 35

"It's really awesome, I envy the people who have joined Zhongzhe Electric Power, and I hope I can go ashore too.

Just in the past few days, Zhongzhe Power Group launched the last wave of "sales" to the corporate users of Lanfeng Power.


As the second largest power plant in Binhai, of course, Zhongzhe Power has been born now, and their number of users is still not low. At present, a total of 762 enterprise users under Lanfeng Power Plant have been directly poached by Zhongzhe within a few days. Four hundred and thirty-three.

The power supply has also changed from more than 19 million kilowatt-hours of daily power supply at its peak to more than 3.6 million kWh now.

Looking at the report on the table, the boss of Lanfeng Power slumped on the chair.

In the past, the power plant generated electricity 24 hours a day, with dozens of motors running non-stop. Now, because of the loss of a large number of users, the motors are burning money when they are running. Twenty-three motors in the factory have been stopped.

According to this progress, he understands that his Lanfeng Electric Power will not last long, so it is better to end it early and withdraw from the market directly.

After he signed his name on the notice of power cut off, he began to regret it. Maybe he shouldn't have messed with Qi Zhe in the first place.

If you don't do that "little thing", maybe Zhongzhe Electric Power will expand slowly and not be so "violent", and you can end up in a decent manner, not as embarrassed as it is now.

But now it's useless to say what these are.

With the official announcement of Lanfeng Power Plant, their remaining hundreds of users also immediately found replacements.

Some of them chose Qi Zhe, and the rest chose other power companies in Binhai.

So far, Zhongzhe Power Group has established a firm foothold in Binhai, and it has also directly killed the second power plant in Binhai, which can be regarded as "Liwei".

Let other Binhai power plants be afraid, if they also choose to deal with Zhongzhe Power by means of inferior means, then Zhongzhe will choose the "crazy money-burning" mode to hard steel with you.

Who can resist this?

Gu Qinghan's Lamborghini Urus has almost become Qi Zhe's car. Now if Gu Qinghan wants to use the car, he has to ask Qi Zhe to get the key.

"I'll go first, bye. 55

After speaking, Gu Qinghan closed the car door directly, and then Qi Zhe continued to drive to the office building of Zhongzhe Electric Power.

After parking the car, Qi Zhe got out of the car and walked a few steps to the door, only to see Huang Yunxiao who he met that day, he put a steamed bun in his mouth and waved his hand excitedly when he saw Qi Zhe .

Qi Zhe is an "acquaintance" to Huang Yunxiao. He knew Qi Zhe when he came to know those colleagues at Zhongzhe Power Group. After all, he chatted in the corridor for a long time that day.

"It's you, I didn't expect you to enter Zhongzhe too, congratulations.

Upon hearing this, Qi Zhe reacted, then nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I am indeed in Zhongzhe Electric Power, but you have come in too. Do your best."

After hearing Qi Zhe's words, Huang Yunxiao nodded excitedly.

"Yes, let's work hard. After I came to the company, I realized that the company's benefits are really good. No wonder everyone wanted to apply for the job. By the way, what's the name of your department? You can go to the cafeteria for lunch together.

After posing with a smile, Qi Zhe told him his name, and then walked directly into the office building ahead of him.

Qi Zhe? Why does this name sound familiar, but I didn't tell myself the name of the department, or I could go look for it when I get off work and get in touch.

He threw the plastic bag in his hand into the trash can, and after finishing his clothes, Huang Yunxiao also walked in.

After coming to the office and putting things on his desk, Huang Yunxiao got up and planned to pick up a cup of coffee. In Zhongzhe Electric Power, each office has a coffee machine that provides free and unlimited coffee for one day.

And unlike the inferior coffee powder that other companies provide, the coffee of Zhongzhe Power Group is delicious and definitely not cheap.

When there was an empty space between tea and coffee, Huang Yunxiao overheard two colleagues chatting next to him.

"I heard that Lanfeng Electric Power has announced that it will stop supplying electricity.

"Really? President Qi is too good."

After hearing this, Huang Yunxiao reacted abruptly, the president of Zhongzhe Power Group seems to be called Qi Zhe.

After thinking about this, Huang Yunxiao became a little uneasy, right? It should be just the same name.

Even though he thought so, Huang Yunxiao still planned to check it out. After walking quickly to the office of the personnel department, he directly asked a person he knew well.

"Sister Xu, does our Zhongzhe Power Group have someone with the same name as President Qi?"

After hearing this, Sister Xu smiled. If there were so many people with other names, she might not be impressed, but how could Mr. Qi's name not be impressed.

"We Zhongzhe don't have anyone called Qi Zhe except for President Qi. It is estimated that we may not recruit someone named Qi Zhe. After all, people with the same name and surname will be embarrassed by all kinds of things."

After hearing this, Huang Yunxiao was completely stunned in place.

I rely on him, he is actually President Qi, and he is still shouting like a buddy.

After arriving at the office, Qi Zhe first asked his assistant to pour a cup of coffee. Yes, there is no candidate for secretary Qi Zhe, but he first arranged an assistant to help him run errands or something.

After opening the group's data report, Qi Zhe took a look.

According to their own assumptions, if Lanfeng Power "remains recalcitrant", then all the enterprise users in their hands will become Zhongzhe Power.

However, the old man broke his wrist after he broke his arm, and directly announced that the power supply would be stopped, which gave other power companies some diversion users, but did not let Zhongzhe Power "take over" all.

However, although it accepted all the users of Lanfeng Power, it still seized most of the users in advance. This former second largest power company in Binhai was swallowed by Zhongzhe Power, which directly made Zhongzhe Power Enterprise now a veritable Binhai. The first power company.

Now the daily power supply has risen from the previous 17 million kWh to 28 million kWh, which directly occupies nearly half of the market of Binhai Electric Power, and only more than half of the market of other dozen power companies combined.

Qi Zhe, who was in a good mood, also turned on his mobile phone and planned to give Lao Qi a good news. After all, he was worried about himself at the beginning.

But when Qi Zhe turned on his phone, he didn't believe that he ordered the scarf, and the first hot search message that came in was "Save the children in Shu".

The first hot search, Qi Zhe also clicked in, and the more he looked after that, the more solemn his face became.

The high temperature of Binhai during the day is 39 degrees, but after all, near the sea, the hot air during the day will be swept away at night, and it can still hold up. s reason.

Now, the daytime temperature in Shudi and Shancheng is as high as 43 degrees, and electricity is also quite scarce. First, the power was cut off for enterprises, and now residents' electricity consumption has been affected.

However, when Qi Zhe saw the next picture, he also understood that these two places are mainly hydropower places, and now let alone hydropower generation, even the river water has dried up, so the electricity will be generated. so scarce.

Sighing, Qi Zhe took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit one, then looked on.

The situation seems to be more serious than I imagined.

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Fate and Destiny", thank you.

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