Hundreds Of Millions Of Ants Generate Electricity, And I Open A Power Plant To Become The Richest Ma

085 shot again, Zhongzhe Power urgently supports the mountain city of Shudi!

Continued extreme high temperature weather, power outages can not use air conditioners and fans, residents can only go downstairs to find a cooler place to cool down.

Many elderly people with limited mobility have been greatly affected.

There are also shocking photos of fish ponds on the scarf. Because of the high temperature and lack of oxygen, the generator burned down, and the oxygen supply was not available. Tens of thousands of fish were all overturned on the surface of the water, while the fish pond owner just stood there blankly. aside.

There are also dead chickens lying on the roadside, just piles on the roadside, the farmer's eldest sister cried and didn't know what to do.

In such a high weather, the chicken coop can only survive by relying on the electric fan to blow air, but the engine was overwhelmed and burned directly. The spare engine also burned out after two days, and the chicken was alive and dead.

Taking a deep breath of the cigarette butt, Qi Zhe felt stuffy in his heart.

Fortunately, the next news is very exciting. The official has dispatched emergency support forces, and emergency generators and power dispatching in several surrounding provinces are already on the way.

There are even high-altitude artificial rainfall equipment. Hundreds of rocket launchers have been set up. As long as the sky floats over suitable clouds, artificial rainfall can be carried out immediately.

People in Shancheng and Shudi are waiting for a heavy rain from the sky.

When he saw this, Qi Zhe threw away the cigarette butt. As a member, his compatriots need support at this time. He has this ability, and Qi Zhe will not sit idly by.

Yu Dayi said that Qi Zhe could not afford to see these people who have the ability to support them, which is contrary to the principle of Zhongzhe Electric Power.

For privately speaking, if Zhongzhe Power takes action this time, it will be able to "show its face" in front of the whole country and gain a wave of goodwill, which is very necessary for the future development of Zhongzhe Power.

After all, Qi Zhe's vision is not only in Binhai, the electricity of Zhongzhe Electric Power is to be delivered to any place, and this is the goal.

Therefore, Qi Zhe made this decision without hesitation. Zhongzhe Power Group must set an example this time and cooperate with the official actions to support the people in the mountain city of Shudi.

"Hello Minister Liu, please bring the staff above the level of team leader to the meeting in Conference Room No. 1. 35

"Director Li, please go to Conference Room No. 1 for a meeting. 35

"Leader Wang, please take the deputy team leader to the meeting room on the No. 1 meeting room of the office building.

With the announcement of Assistant Qi Zhe, all the middle and high-level employees of Zhongzhe Power Group in Binhai gathered in the conference room.

When all the people arrived, Qi Zhe also came to the conference room from the office.

Then Qi Zhe first asked about the current data, and confirmed that there was no discrepancy with the reports he had seen.

At present, the Binhai Qidu Power Plant of Zhongzhe Power Group generates 40 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per day, and the second power plant in the Binh Duong Industrial Park will generate 45 million kWh of electricity.

The electricity supplied every day is about 28 million kilowatt-hours, so every day the surplus electricity will be stored in the "super battery" in Binh Duong and Binhai, and after this period of balance, the previous 500 yuan will be stored. The "miniature battery" is also fully charged and placed in the warehouse for backup.

28 million kilowatt-hours a day, with a balance of 17 million kilowatt-hours of electricity. If these electricity does not continue to expand the market, it can be fully invested in the power to support Shu.

After thinking about it, Qi Zhe spoke.

"Everyone, Zhongzhe Power Group has been people-oriented since its establishment, and now I believe everyone has read the news about the situation in the mountain city of Shudi. What do you think?

Qi Zhe's voice was just behind the words of a person in the conference room, his eyes were full of tears, at this time he couldn't help but say it.

"Mr. Qi, I am a native of Shu. This year's situation has happened once in a century. There is a power outage at home every day. My uncle's fish pond has been wiped out. The pond with water is too far away. My uncle's family has lost all their livelihood for a year."

"My second sister works in the hospital, and now they have a large number of heat stroke and heat stroke patients coming to see the doctor every day.

"We people in Shu have been really suffering during this time!

Having said that, the Shu native of the company has been crying, and the other employees are also solemn.

"Mr. Qi, I was very worried when I watched the news.

Hearing the words in his ear, Qi Zhe sighed, and then tapped the table to open:

"Everyone seems to understand the situation, I won't say more, give me a plan, give me a list of all the employees from Binhai Energy, and they will support Shudi Mountain City on behalf of our Zhongzhe Power! 99

"Bring the batteries, bring the wires, and go to Shu! Go to the fields in the mountain town to support the local farmers, and pull the wires to their ponds and their farmhouses! 35

After dropping this sentence, Qi Zhe turned around and left, and the meeting room was boiling.

When they saw the news, they all felt uncomfortable and wanted to support their compatriots, but no one dared to say so. After all, they really wanted to support, not to mention labor and other costs, just electricity.

If 10 million kilowatt-hours of electricity is sold manually, it will be a full 6 million! Who dares to open this mouth to morally kidnap the boss?

But now Qi Zhe took the initiative to open this mouth and asked them to support Shudi and Shancheng, which moved them very much.

"Damn, we are always good, we have nothing to say to the employees, every time something like this happens, we are always at the forefront.

"I've worked to death in this life, as long as Zhongzhe doesn't drive me away, I'll continue to work."

"Zhongzhe cattle ratio!

After returning to the office, Qi Zhe picked up the phone and called the manufacturer who had purchased the "battery" before, and asked them to expeditiously deliver a new batch of batteries.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Zhe picked up the car keys, then got up and went downstairs directly. While others came up with plans and made a list, he still had things to do.

After driving to the railway station, Qi Zhe went directly to the management room, and then contacted the traffic leader of Binhai Railway Station.

"Hello, Mr. Qi."

The leader of the railway station did not take it lightly when he knew that he was the president of Zhongzhe Power Group. After all, no cooperation now does not mean that he will not cooperate in the future.

"Hello, I'm here to ask if you can plan a special compartment to store a large number of battery storage devices."

After hearing this, the leaders of the train station frowned. After all, let alone large-scale power storage equipment, power banks with larger capacity are not allowed to be carried on the plane. Naturally, their railway department is also tightening control in this regard. 99

After thinking about it, he still asked the reason, and he was immediately awe-inspiring when he learned that Zhongzhe Electric Power was going to do its best to support Shudi and Shancheng this time.

.....for flowers.0

Although it was difficult to do, he had to do it. He also watched the news, and felt somewhat touched in his heart.

"Mr. Qi, leave this matter to me, I will dispatch a special vehicle for you to drive from Binhai to Shudi and Shancheng to fully cooperate with your Zhongzhe Electric Power's support operations.

After getting this answer, Qi Zhe was relieved, and then reached out and shook it.

"Then I would like to thank your department. What is the cost of contracting the special train? Let me settle it here."

Upon hearing this, the leader of the train station directly waved his hand.

"Mr. Qi, we are an official company for people. We don't charge you for this kind of thing, we fully support it."

Now that he has said that, Qi Zhe is no longer hypocritical, expressing his gratitude and leaving his contact information, and then walked out of the train station.

The leaders of the railway station also immediately organized a meeting, and then asked to plan a line immediately, and then set up a special train from Binhai to Shu, stopping at Shancheng on the way to take charge of this matter.

In the afternoon, when Qi Zhe and Gu Qinghan went home from get off work together, Gu Qinghan noticed something was wrong with Qi Zhe, and then the two chatted, Qi Zhe also told Gu Qinghan about it.


After listening to Qi Zhe's words, Gu Qinghan's eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled together.

"Qi Zhe, on behalf of my company, I will also donate a batch of materials to you Zhongzhe Power, electrolyte replenishment, sunscreen and so on."5

Hearing this, Qi Zhe, who was driving, smiled and said:

"I said Qinghan, Zhongzhe Power supports Shu, you support Zhongzhe Power, right?"

After a chuckle, Gu Qinghan nodded, as long as it was done by Qi Zhe, she would support it, and she just took out the phone and started the person on duty to do it.

Zhongzhe Electric will set off immediately after all arrangements are made, so she naturally has to hurry.

Looking at Gu Qinghan's serious face on the co-pilot, Qi Zhe's heart also flashed a warm feeling, who wouldn't love such a girl?

"Qinghan, when this high temperature is over, let's go to Sichuan to eat skewers, and go to the mountain city to eat hot pot.

"Well, okay, listen to you, and bring your parents over there.

"Mom and Dad? We're not married yet, so you've changed your mind?"

"What, can you not be cheeky, I'm talking about my parents. 39

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of "How Can You Huanyan", thank you.

There should have been a chapter in the early hours of this morning, but the temporary request to go downstairs and queue for a few hours for testing resulted in a missing chapter. Yesterday's update was only 12,000 words, and I will make up for it today.

15,000 a day seems to be really the limit for me, I'm sorry for the brothers who have been supporting and want to watch more.

I am a person who is blunt and hypocritical. It could have been said that this book should have been released once it was published, but with the support of everyone, it has come to this day. I wrote 18,000 words a day, and it didn't meet everyone's expectations, especially my friends who have been subscribing, which made me feel guilty.

Let's see if you can break out one day and break through 20,000 words. Thank you again for your subscription and support. You will definitely achieve what you want. Thank you ten.

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