

Sengoku frowned, none of these two titles had been heard, and where did the other party come from?

“Say, what exactly is your purpose?” Sengoku suppressed the shock in his heart, took a deep breath and asked.

“Yehahaha, there is no purpose, just think that Qi Wuhai is fun and want a dangdang, so I killed this guy who used sand.” How? I am not welcome in the Navy? Or do you want me to help you solve the other Seven Martial Seas?” Anilu said in an arrogant tone.

Even Rosinandi is a little impressed, Anilu’s ability to pretend is absolutely first-class!

From leaving the empty island to now, Rosinandi has told Anilu about the situation in the sea, and the other party has shown strong interest, conquering this sea seems to be more interesting than going to the kingdom of God!

Rosinandi didn’t expect that the accidental hit stimulated Anilu’s interest.

It’s just that now he dares to speak to the Warring States in this tone, and after improving his strength a little, he can’t go to Mary Joa to jump?

Dying is a skill, and sending death is great stupidity.

If nothing else, Anilu’s arrogant posture did make Rosinandi appreciate it.

“Anilu. The old man agrees that you will join the Seven Warrior Sea, tell the old man your location, and the old man will send someone to discuss the next thing with you. “The Warring States immediately made a decision.

Qiwu Hai is the guy who selected seven pirates to balance the pirates, it doesn’t matter who they are, as long as they follow the rules.

As for Klockdar’s death, Sengoku was only a little surprised.

It is a pirate who dies, it will not shake the navy, unless a guy of the level of the four emperors dies, maybe the navy will pay attention.

“Alabastan, but I will enter the new world and meet in the new world.” Anilu said in a nonchalant tone.

“Good! Alabastan, soon the navy will come to you, don’t leave yet, talk to you about specific things and the requirements of the Qiwu Sea back then. Sengoku said directly, with a tough attitude not giving Anilu a chance to refute.

The sooner he figured out who Anilu really was.

“Okay.” Anilu said lightly: “As soon as possible.” ”

The two sides hung up.


Sengoku looked worried and called the phone worm again.

“Hmm~Marshal of the Warring States, what’s the matter~” came the lazy voice

Sengoku said in a deep voice: “Borusalino, you now drop all tasks and go to Alabastan to meet a guy named Anilu!” He killed Klockdar to become the new Nanabu Sea! ”

“Hmm~ kill Klockdar? Alabastan … It’s so far away~”

“Go quickly! That’s an order! Sengoku ordered sternly.

“Hmm~ got it.” The voice on the other end of the phone worm is still unhurried.


“It’s over, boss.”

Anilu turned his head and suddenly saw Rosinandi with black lines on his face, and said in surprise: “Boss, I didn’t say anything wrong just now, right?” Our relationship has not been exposed at all. ”

“Well, it’s really fine. I just want to kindly remind you that you want to be arrogant and have arrogant capital, otherwise, you don’t know how you died, understand? Rosinandi warned solemnly.

Anilu, it is indeed worth cultivating.

“I understand, cultivate well, physical skills, domineering!” Anilu did not dare to refute, and answered honestly.

Rosinandi nodded, then looked at Nicole Robin and spoke: “Now, read the text of the history and see what the so-called ‘Hades’ is.” ”

Robin walked to the historical text with a heavy face, frowning and reading the words on the historical text.

“World Battleship ‘Hades’! An ancient weapon with the name of “God”, the lethality is enough to penetrate an island with one blow… Ruins buried in Wano Country? Robin read with a shocked face, and his heart was extremely shocked.

She would never have imagined that Hades had such terrifying power!

This is simply a weapon of destruction!

Rosinandi nodded slightly, this news should be correct, that is, I don’t know where Hades is buried in the country of Wano.

“Wait, there’s the most critical information on it! The ‘Hades’ hidden in the Land of Wano lacks some of the most critical starting devices, which point to… Mary Joya! ”

Listening to Robin’s words, Rosinandi fell into deep thought.

Is that so?

Hades is so powerful that even the world government is afraid of it, and even wants to get Hades’ design drawings for various reasons, it turns out that the most important thing is that they control the most critical starting device.

Maybe the world government doesn’t know where Hades is, so it thinks of rebuilding it.

“It seems that it is not so easy to obtain Hades directly, so you can only start with the drawings.” Rosinandi squinted in thought.

After getting the news he wanted, Rosinandi was ready to leave.

So he ordered: “Robin, you stay by Anilu’s side first, and when you go to the New World, the people of the Don Quixote family will come to pick you up, and there is still a piece of history, which will be handed over to you at that time.” ”

“And a piece of historical text… Good. Robin readily agreed.

The text of history has an infinite attraction for her.

“Also, my identity cannot be exposed, especially with the Anilu and Don Quixote families, this is a forbidden area not to step into, understand?” Rosinandi warned lightly.

“I understand.”

Robin nodded, curiosity about the text of history, more than everything, if Rosinandi can lead her to explore the hidden secrets of the world, she doesn’t mind really following Rosinandi!

“Good.” Rosinandi looked at Anilu, “Store the small ark full of energy, leave the big ark to you, don’t be too ostentatious, contact me at any time if there is anything.” ”

“Don’t worry, boss, I promise to do everything well!” Anilu smiled confidently, Rosinandi should have explained everything, as long as there are no accidents, everything will go well.

After dealing with all this, Rosinandi took a small ark, identified the direction, and left.

The structure of the small ark is the same as that of the large ark, but the size difference is huge, the large ark can only operate with the powerful lightning provided by Anilu himself, and the small ark can store a certain amount of energy for consumption and maintenance.

I don’t know how long it took, Rosinandi looked at the deep fog and lingering darkness under his feet, as well as the huge shadow of the sailing ship in front of him, and was immediately a little speechless.

“I didn’t expect that one day, I would get lost!”

Rosinandi, who originally wanted to go to the capital of seven waters, inexplicably came to the terrifying three-masted sailing ship!

“Forget it, since you are here, then talk to Moria, I hope he will not let me down.” Rosinandi shook his head helplessly, and then controlled the ark to land.


Rosinandi docked the ark and traveled all the way.

Those zombies that emerge will make it difficult for the other party to move just by virtue of his courage.

A swarm of ants.

“Hello, haa Dare to intrude into Lord Moria’s territory, intruders, and wait for Princess Ben to turn you into a zombie. A strange laugh suddenly sounded, and then a figure floated out accompanied by a white ghost.

A little girl with a pink double ponytail, a crown on her head, and a burgundy umbrella appeared in front of Rosinandi, staring at Rosinandi condescendingly with a commanding and arrogant appearance.

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