Hundreds of millions of times understanding! I teach Brother Ming how to unleash bullies!

Hundreds of millions of times understanding! I teach Brother Ming how to unleash bullies!


040 Chapters Ongoing Status

Traveled to the world of pirates and became Doflamingo’s younger brother: Rosindi, who awakened billions of times more understanding, comprehended the cell super evolution technique in the mother’s womb, and infinitely strengthened the body


Traveled to the world of pirates and became Doflamingo’s younger brother: Rosindi, who awakened billions of times more understanding, comprehended the cell super evolution technique in the mother’s womb, and infinitely strengthened the body!

Knowing the darkness of the world, he is crazier than Brother Ming!

The two brothers joined hands to compose the elegy of fate, and climbed to the throne on the road of blood and killing!

[You watch Doflamingo’s awakening of domineering domineering, triggering billions of times of comprehension! You have successfully awakened the Overlord Color Domineering Qi! 】

[When you eat the fruit of the operation, your understanding will trigger billions of times! You break the boundaries of fruits and control the domain of dominance energy! 】

[You have used Bawang color domineering for a long time, and your comprehension will be triggered by billions of times! You have created a miracle – creating the method of awakening domineering color! 】

[You eat the multiplication fruit, triggering hundreds of millions of times of comprehension! You break the limit of fruit – create infinite multiplication! 】

[Your armed arrogance has been multiplied by a hundred times, the ultimate defense, invincible! 】

【Your domineering aura has been multiplied ten thousand times…】

[You study Blackbeard, your enlightenment triggers billions of times, and the devil fruit is infinite…]

Those who follow me prosper!

Those who oppose me will perish!


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