Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 111: Truth (P2)

A Lich? What is that? Rather…is that what I'm going to become? Or have to become?

The word sounds familiar, like something offhandedly mentioned in my past life, but given the type of world I lived in, I doubt it was as big a deal as it is here.

Matthias seems to know what that is. So does Leon.

At risk of sounding even more ignorant about what I should rightfully be an expert at, I ask, "What's a Lich?"

As expected, the looks I'm given are those of shock and disbelief.

"You don't…" Surgies starts, cutting himself off with an exasperated sounding sigh. "Well, I suppose it isn't entirely your fault, the Synagogue did scourge all occultic information, anything relating to the previous Necromage or anything bearing some resemblance to her magic was scorched."

Matthias nods, "Yes, although, it does beg the question…how have you managed to learn all these powers you've displayed?"

I chuckle lightly, "Funny thing about that…I can't explain it, and even if I did, you wouldn't be able to make any sense of it as I aren't able to make sense of it either, just answer all my questions and everything should fall into place if we're lucky."

The Diviner nods, getting the idea. Don't ask.

The System as far as I know is something only I know about, perhaps Lotar knows about it, just like he recognized that my soul isn't the original inhabitant of this body, maybe just like that he sees that my powers are given to me by the System.

Another thing to ask when we speak again.

"In that case, a Lich is a type of Undead." Matthias is the one to explain, "Truly, there have been other recorded sightings and meetings with these types of Undead, and more often than not, in the stories written about them, they are portrayed as wise albeit insane Mages that sought and achieved immortality to continue their work."

"I was shocked to hear that the previous Necromage also became one of these creatures but far more shocked to realize that they truly exist and aren't simply frightening tales from a forgotten time."

Surgies hums stroking his chin, "Yes, the Lich are real and as far as I know there should be some still in existence, wandering about this world endlessly in that sickening body of theirs. The previous Necromage became one of them and in doing so attracted the attention of a Goddess as powerful as Anera."

I don't get the full picture of these Lich creatures, but I wonder, if they are classified as Undead then as Necromancer can I exert some sort of control over them?

Likely not seeing as the previous Necromancer became one rather than employ one.

"So, what did Anera and she meet for? What did she do that brought a Goddess down from her domain?"

It can't be as simple as becoming a Lich, after all, if what Surgies says is true and the Lich are real, then becoming one wouldn't be such a big deal to a fricking Goddess.

"That part…the Synagogue doesn't know."

"The Synagogue doesn't know?" Matthias almost screams, "There's something you stuck ups don't know?"

Surgies scoffs, "Do you think it's an easy task understanding or even getting a Deity like Anera to look your way much less even divulge her plans and intentions!"

I suppose such a task would be unreasonable. It's hard enough for me to get through to Lotar and he apparently doesn't even hold a candle to the likes of Anera.

But I'm getting impatient, "So what did happen, what did Anera or the Lich say? What was the promise?"

"Okay okay. I'm getting there." Surgies sighs. "The heads of the Synagogue and many of their servants, numbering up to a thousand people, followed Anera's Avatar to the Lich."

"Frankly the heads of the Synagogue were expecting to have to do battle once again, the last thing on anyone's mind was diplomacy…. but upon getting there, that's exactly what Anera did."

"The records state that Anera and the Lich sat and discussed, alone. Whatever they spoke about, there was a burst of white light, sent down from the heavens that struck the cave they congressed in."

"Did Anera kill the Lich?" I ask, nervous for my future. 

Surgies shakes his head, "No, the Lich and Anera came out of that cave, but one thing was noticeably different. The Lich was no longer a Lich, the previous Necromage was turned back into a human and beside her…in her arms was a child."

"A child?" Leon gasps, "Does that mean that…"

Surgies nods, "Yes, it's the only explanation rather. That child was what the Necromage sought so madly. Anera brought that child back to life and let her go."

"Let her go? But the legions of undead! What happened to them?" Matthias screams.

"The Necromage presumably lost all her powers over the dead as soon as she got her child back, her undead legions, her armies, navies, her towers and forts tightly guarded, everyone of them fell completely unmoving. She became a normal human and lived with her child."

"What happened next didn't Anera say anything?"

He snaps his fingers, "Yes, she did. In the records these words are written in red; And Anera stepped out of the cave with the Lich become human and the child born of her everlasting mercies. And Anera met with the Holy Father and the Arch-Bishops and she said unto them 'Keep off the mother and keep off the child. Keep off the Necromage and keep off the System, a tragedy like this, should be handled by the Gods, wait on us, pray for mercies, for this is but the beginning, another will come but they are not for you to handle.'"

The room spews in silence, reflecting on the words of the Diviner. One thing sticks out like a sour thumb though…

Keep off the System. 

There's a mention of the System at last, and it's from the utterances of a Goddess. What the hell am I supposed to make of this?

"Is that…is that verbatim?" Matthias shakily asks.

"Yes." He nods, sure of himself.

"Are you sure?" It's Leon's turn to doubt.

"What? Are you doubting me? I have to memorize this for the Priesthood tests!"

"Alright," I mutter, still reeling, "What does that mean?"

He shrugs, "It means what it means. Because of this promise or this order from Anera, the Synagogue is hesitant to act against you. That's why they let you stroll into Carbina, most of them thought it was the will of the Gods for you to be taken by Phien…but you weren't."

At this I hum contemplatively, "But then, then why haven't they acted now? They should know where I am, they should know the Cult isn't enough of a deal to take me down. Why aren't they sending their dogs after me?"

Surgies shrugs again, "If I make it into Priesthood maybe I'll know the answer to that, likely not, you're a sensitive matter to the Synagogue."

A sensitive matter huh. It doesn't all make sense though, there's a lot left out I feel, especially what was discussed between the previous Necromancer and Anera.

"I suppose one can assume that the descendants of the previous Necromage still roam this world…" It's Leon who speaks. I turn and look at him, my gaze accusing.

"You couldn't mean to say…"

He nods and my eyes widen, "Could it be that you are a descendant of the previous Necromage?"

Well…I don't think so, I hope not, but then I really don't know anything about Pluzur the Eternal Flame much less what his family tree looks like. 

The reason I have a System like the previous Necromage likely did could be either because this body is one of her descendants or because I'm a foreign soul in an abandoned body…but that hasn't been confirmed in her case yet so…

The facts lean towards us being related.

Matthias snaps his fingers, "That could just be it, Necromagic runs in the family!"

Surgies shakes his head, "This is all I know, I can't confirm or deny anything you fools speculate from this moment. Do as you will with this information, but now don't you think you ought to let me go?"

Matthias lets out a dry laugh, "Let you go? I'm not done with you, Surgies. I still want to know how the heck the Synagogue manages to control the Cultists! How are they sending these guys here and why? Why would they sacrifice an entire city full of devout believers to the Cult?"

"I want to know that as well." I chime in, putting aside doubts of lineage and power aside, "I was present in Carbina before the Beta Warrior formed and changed everything, I also want to know why and how that happened."

Surgies groans deeply, his hand washing over his face, "You fools never stop do you?"

"There are somethings you just have to know, Diviner."

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