Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 112: Call

Before spilling anymore of the sweet beans, Surgies demands a break and refreshments.

I agree with him because I could use one too, I really want to wash the taste of human out of my mouth. In my spiritual hungry frenzy, I killed a lot of people I shouldn't have and did a lot of stupid things.

I've got to try not to fall into such a pit again.

I take advantage of the break to review what's been uncovered. In a single sitting I've realized so many truths about the Synagogue and my surroundings that it's frankly a bit overwhelming.

First off, the Synagogue has some way of watching me. If they've watched me all the way since I killed Perlman at Ioina village and all the way to Carbina, then they must certainly know my plans for Aste.

This is a bit alarming. For the most part it seems like they are reluctant to interfere because of the promise or rather order given to them by Anera herself but they could just as easily disrupt my plans by capturing either Kaylin or Aren.

It annoys me to think I've been blacked out for an unknown number of days, without Anselm nearby to deal me in on the happenings while I was out, I'm pretty lost.

And that's another one of my worries. Anselm has never been away from me this long, could it be that I wandered around in a frenzy for so long that he just gave up?


Secondly, there's the previous Necromancer. There is now solid proof that she had a System like I do. I've always wondered why the denizens of this world called a Necromancer a Necromage, I thought it was just the way they named Mages- according to the magic they practiced.

But there's a difference between us after all. A stark one. The System is the only thing in this world that calls me a Necromancer, and I refer to myself as a Necromancer too, just like the previous did.

But this isn't the only proof.

Keep off the System.

Words spoken by a Goddess. Anera knows about the System, I suppose if anyone would it'd be a deity of her level. Now though, I wonder if Lotar knows as well, it may claim to only be a lowly deity but a deity is a deity.

Thirdly, the Synagogue is cautious of me because of Anera's orders. But that doesn't seem as important as why Anera gave those orders in the first place. We still don't have the slightest clue why the Goddess would revive the lost child of the previous Necromancer and command her servants to let her go free.

The previous Necromancer had also become a Lich, a creature of undeath that somehow manages to grant immortality and even more power than she had before turning. I suppose the continent truly would be in trouble had Anera not come down.

Though, I'm interested in this Lich creature, if the previous Necromancer went ahead to become it then that would mean the option that was presented to her back then will be presented to me at some point as well.

The thought frightens me though, to think in the search of life you'd cause so much death. I fear that the heights I may have to reach to keep my promise to Anselm, are way beyond my capabilities.

Or will I become a Lich and call down Anera like the previous did? I'm not so sure I want to meet that Goddess face up yet, her light is blinding enough.

There are even more questions besides these. The Synagogue is quite obviously serving two deities, Anera and Phien. Why would they change their loyalties now? What could a fallen God give them that Anera can't.

And why the hell does Anera overlook it?

Fourthly and most frighteningly, Phien wants me. The fallen god has claimed it wants to kill me itself, I'm hoping that means through its minions because I am so not up for this God business.

I suspected there might be something up when I spoke to the first Gamma I killed, but there wasn't anytime to spare for idle conversation, perhaps in the future I can hold them down and seriously ask what the heck their God wants with me.

Why do I have to become some Alpha Warrior under the service of some cast off God?

No, no, no. I can't have that. Still, there's very little I can do in terms of resistance. My circumstances dictate I have to be around the Cultists lest I go insane with hunger again…something that needs to be worked on…damned Wolf.

If anything is to save me, it'd be to become an S-rank mage.

B-rank Mages can barely take on Gamma Warriors, Beta Warriors require teams of A-ranks or at least a single S-rank Mage to be defeated.

As things stand, I've just progressed into the comfortable A-rank category, I am leagues stronger than I was when I faced the first Gamma Warrior at Carbina, as I am I could take that thing on without bothering myself too much. And I haven't even yet received my boon from that Lotar, I wonder what the wait is.

But at the same time, I am leagues away from S-rank, the power I need to hold before I can dream of facing off with a Beta. 

The one that formed in Carbina almost killed me without even batting an eyelid, that Mind-Field was something I've never seen before, if all of them have such power then it'd be much more than an uphill battle.

As it stands, if I encounter a Beta-Warrior it's a fact that I'll die. Goodbye Asher, no more Necromancy.

For now, it's best I steer clear of them while learning as much as I can about the freaks.

Still, the gap in power frightens me. I think I now truly understand the fear Maylin felt when she spoke about them. If a single Beta is worth an S-rank…how strong would an Alpha be?

Would there be any way to stop an Alpha from consuming all that stands in its way? 

I shake my head lightly. It'd be a pipe dream to put up resistance. Perhaps if one appeared it could be taken down with the combined magics of ten S-rank Mages.

But S-ranks don't grow on trees now do they?

Aside from Maylin, I don't know of any S-ranks that would step up to fight an Alpha. But I suppose the problem here isn't fighting one, it's not becoming one.

If Phien is adamant about me being the first Alpha then I should take some relief in that. It means an Alpha won't be making an appearance unless I've fallen to Phien. All I have to worry about at the Gamma and Beta Warriors.

The plates are cleaned of food and the table is cleared. At last, the Diviner is ready to speak.

Surgies has a toothpick in his mouth and an inflated belly. He's lost all perception of being a clergyman. He belches loudly and sighs, "Well then, we've had a satisfactory meal not spoiled by any words about such dangerous matters…with the food in your stomachs do you really want to know why the Synagogue would serve an entire city to the Cultists, hm?" 

"Of course, it's my city, ignorance is not acceptable." Matthias says, his eyes narrowing at Surgies.

"Yes, it's my city as well, I want to know mostly why the Goddess the Synagogue serves would condone this cruelty to her followers, why would she overlook this sin?" Leon near growls.

I can understand his anger given what he told me earlier. If it's my guess then I'd say the man is sick and tired of Goddesses abandoning his people.

"I want to know why Leriva and Mathilda had to die. I want to know why Carbina was wiped out. So, tell me your truth already."

Surgies breathes in deeply as he nods, "You all asked for it then, don't blame me when you lose your faith."

"I never had any." Is my rebuttal. Surgies gives me a side glance and then focusses his attention on me, except, obviously not on my face.

In that moment I feel rather familiar jolts, similar to a bit of static rushing through me starting from my hand. I follow his gaze and find the source of these jolts. My ring, specifically my comm ring.

Kaylin's calling. She's the only one with direct contact with my ring. I suppose it's been a while since we spoke, we were meant to dial in every night and make reports on our progress but…that's likely been halted by my blackout.

"That seems important." Surgies smiles.

I shake my head disapprovingly at him, for whatever reason he just doesn't want to spill the beans on this question, surely it can't be that bad, can it?

Either way, he's right, this call is important. I'm not sure what's been going down at Aste and I'm certainly going to be here a bit longer than anticipated. I better take the call and at the very least, let Kaylin know I'm alive.

"I'll be back." I say, firmly glaring at Surgies as I stand leave the room.

I step out of the room and walk far past the guards that stand beside the door, making sure to get out of earshot and no one is around the hallway, I answer the call.

"Kaylin, I'm here, can you hear me?"

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