Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 124: On The Move

"I never asked for you help." 

Matthias is an audacious man if anything. Despite standing witness to me decimating the Gamma he struggled so futilely against, he still puts on a brave, stubborn and undoubtedly foolish front.

"What do you think would have happened, if I didn't decide to butt in on your little…" I suck my teeth as I say this, "Misguided stunt."

His head whips up to face mine, "You're talking down to me, like a child who can't handle himself, I would have found a way. I don't need you so you can get out of my city with your pile of weapons and be sure to never come back!"

At this I simply shake my head. 

"Do you really believe that?"

He glares.

"Fine. I'll leave the last one up to you then, you'd have had to take care of it in the end, wouldn't you? Though, I bet it'll be a tad bit harder now that its adapted to some of my attacks…as well as gained a deeper understanding at how to kill you."

With that I turn my back to him and start walking. I'm not really concerned about Matthias dying anymore, if he's so lost in his pride and power that he can't admit when he's defeated, when he needs help, then he'll be no good to me as a proxy leader of this city.

It's a bit of an inconvenience, but I'll have to look for someone to replace him after he no doubt goes off to fight the last Gamma and dies a horrible death. Maybe that knightly Marshal?

Yes, he could work. I'm glad I didn't kill him now, although…he's a bit of an idealist for me, ideals that crash violently with mine. He might as well be the reason Matthias is so foolish and caught up in his own limited powers.

Any other options? Aren? No, no. I need Aren to proxy Aste, I would ask Maylin to do it but I can already guess her answer. Aren needs to proxy Aste for me, I'm sure it'll be a challenge with the unruly elves but once I get back I'll be sure to put their disastrous ambitions on the back burner until mine have been achieved.

Kaylin is an option, but I'd really love for her to be at my side now that Beta's are the only thing to worry about. I still haven't seen her display her Elven talents with magic, but that's alright, Maylin has faith in them, and I don't need to see Maylin's powers to respect them, her presence alone is enough to naturally earn that.

Who else…shoot, I haven't got many allies do I?

"Wait!" I'm tugged back by the hem of my shirt.

Turning around I find Matthias panting, "You walk pretty fast…"

At this I shrug; perks of walking the land aimlessly for a week, I guess. My leg muscles are a lot stronger and sturdier. I bet I could properly run for my life now if I ever need to do such a desperate thing.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry." He all but whispers.

A smile etches itself onto my face as I harrumph, "Well, well. You've played out the scenario, have you? You can clearly see your death occurring without my help, right?"

He nods mutely.

"Good!" I chirp, "Then let's get to work. While I'm gone, I need you to contact the other cities in this March, there's actually only one more aside from the centre isn't there?"

Again, he nods.

"Then just that one, I don't need the centre hearing confirmation of my existence until I'm ready and just. Tell that one remaining city that if they fold under your rule, then they will be spared an army of rather angry…people." 

Matthias shudders at the way I search for the word 'people'. I'm sure he thinks I'll be using undead to stomp on the opposition, but the fact is I'll be using living, beating hearts for my flip of this March.

It's just one county in a large Kingdom but it's the foundation of all my future operations, nothing can go awry.

"I have one question." He speaks.

"Why are you doing any of this? Why are you taking over cities? Why my city?"

I hum thoughtfully as we walk through the snow. "Why you ask? Because of power of course. I need power."

"You have power!" He argues, "Why not just…go somewhere else?"

I laugh.

"Oh Matthias, I'm such a torn in your side you want me gone so soon? Don't worry, you'll achieve all you want to achieve, albeit, under my rule."

A grimace spreads over his face at the thought of it but my smile remains.

"Besides, don't you think you'll have an easier time as one of my first of many lieutenants?"

"Huh?" he sputters

"Well, you must realize that your city, this March, and possibly this entire Kingdom won't be then end of my goals." Slowly his eyes widen, putting the pieces together, "And I'll be far too busy to oversee so many territories, in fact, I'm already spread thin with just the two I've got under my thumb."

That's technically a lie, Aste has yet to fall into the palm of my hand. It requires a lot more delicacy than with Frozia. They've got Maylin, the Elves, the Nobles, the Mayor and the boys, the nuances of it all prevent me from barging in and waving some fancy mana at the Mayor's face.

Although, that would be nice.

With Frozia I can afford to be as brutish with Matthias as I want because of the Gamma warrior that sits outside the walls, the Nobles within the city can't leave because of the Gamma either, no one can. 

And that's why I'm leaving it alive for now. Once I've toppled Aste I'll have an army of elves at my beck and call stationed comfortably at Frozia and Aste keeping things secure.

Said army will only grow as word spreads that there exists a place where elves are valued far more than humans, granted as soldiers. With that I hope to rapidly recruit an army large enough to threaten the centre. The Marquess.

And once the entire March is in my hands, we stabilize and regroup, and get ready for an all-out war. I don't have any delusions that the Kingdom won't feel the fall of one of their border counties to a foreign, unknown ruler.

There will be investigations. It's at that stage I plan to be revealed. At that stage I don't think I'll have any problem with it.

The elves will protect the haven I've built with their lives, they will protect me.

"I see." Matthias mutters, a sudden confidence smirk lay on his face now.

I resist the urge to laugh at him. The man is far too easy to control. A little stick here and a little carrot there and he's all yours.

Still, my imaginary army will remain imaginary unless I get them the proper equipment they need and fast. The fortune I took from Carbina can only support them for so long, and I bet Kaylin is under a lot more pressure given her new mission.

I've got to hurry up and take over Aste and its economy quickly. Food and supplies will never be cheap.

Matthias and I arrive at the haul of wagons and carriages after a while of walking. I can say he's back to himself now, the same man who looked out for his own interests when we met, disregarding the possible danger.

It's interesting and a bit scary now that I realize the only reason he wasn't so terrified of me when we met was solely because he was far more terrified of losing his power and authority. 

So terrified he would throw his hat in with the insane and bet that the vile Necromancer of legend wouldn't turn him to undead at the spot.

His gamble won out in the end though, fortunately for him.

"Sire!" I hear someone croak. Glancing the way, I find it's just Leon. His throat is noticeably…disgusting from my mild assault on it. It's wrapped in bandages now but I can already smell the rot, plus the green stain on said bandage is a fair giveaway.

"Leon! What happened to you?"

The man grunts, I don't pay him too much mind as he blatantly glares at me. Instead I head to the closest carriage and take a closer look at the weapons.

"He did this to me. We tried to stop him from coming at you for fear of your honour-"

"None of that matters now, Leon." I hear Matthias quip, "We've got a bright future to plan for."

"My Lord?" The confusion in his voice is enough for me to clearly imagine what ludicrous look he has on his face now. Poor Leon.

"Yes! I'll fill you in once our friend, the Necromancer," Ah, he's taken to using my version now, what an asskiss, "Leaves for Aste."

He claps his hands and yells at someone to prepare a proper travelling carriage for me, something I hadn't thought of until he mentioned it. Most of the space in the series of wagons and carriages were stuffed with weapons and armour, there wouldn't be any luxury traveling for me if I were to squeeze in.

"Make sure it has some quality fur and supplies for the journey!" I add to his order.

He grins at me and relays it sternly to the servant.

Good. Now all that's missing is…Anselm.

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