Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 125: Omake#9

Smuggling a group of armed elves out of the city unnoticed proved to be far simpler than I would have ever anticipated.

I wouldn't even use the word 'smuggled' as we were more or less happily let out and rudely told to take an extended vacation away from the city. The Mayor's propaganda as well as the general disgust and hate toward elves boils the blood of the guards.

I almost feel sad for them as they're completely unawares to what will be going down tonight. Almost.

At first my reluctance to the plan I so brilliantly developed was a constant, but stepping out of the North and into the city, I was quickly reminded about truth of my reality. 

This may be the wrong way to go about redeeming the value and worth of the elves within this city, within this country and continent. And even mother may shake her head with disappointment and wave off my actions as those of a blooming youthful rebellious nature…

But, in the end, it doesn't change that we can't take it lying down any longer. The elves have suffered under the boot of humans for long enough.

Exhaling I remind myself of the difference between my thinking and that of the Five, that of Kelv.

Unlike them, I'm not out for revenge. I have no intention of avenging any of the fallen, the past will forever be the past and the future will always be all that remains for anyone left alive.

It's the future I'm trying to preserve, it's the future of these beautiful elven children I'm trying to save.

Asher and I will build a nation for them, a safe place where they won't be spat on for having long, pointed ears. A place where their magically potential has to be neutered at birth, before they even have a moment to marvel at their own power.

That is what I'm fighting for and it's worth a lot more than just burning down a lodge.

Although, for now that will do.

My hand trembles as a rush of static floods through it. A call.

"Speak." I order.

"We're ready on this side, Lady Kaylin." The voice of a man comes through.

"Good that makes a complete six. How's the flatfoot response?"

I can almost hear the man shrug, "Slow, they aren't much interested…yet."

That's good, wouldn't want the fun to start early.

Gerin produced three groups of thirty men and women ready to start out as a rally and inevitably blow into a riot. But that number wasn't nearly enough for the scale of this operation, Aste is a large city and organizing a simultaneous descent into madness and chaos all while leaving a message for the Mayor via the boys…

Needless to say, it would require much larger numbers than just thirty men per group.

Fortunately, Kelv, the apparent leader of the ridiculously named internal group vying for the blood of humans was more than pleased to offer his numbers.

Not like I was in a position to say no to good help. Besides, the endgame of all this is to buy enough time for Asher to get back here from Frozia.

Assigning leaders and equipping them with comms from that artificer Asher found while he was still here was the next step.

Still, everything feels rushed and oddly familiar to the day Asher and Anselm left for Frozia. Hopefully, this doesn't turn out as bad.

"Lady Kaylin?" The man calls out uncomfortably respectable. For whatever reason, seeing me walk around with Aren seemed to have made them associate his 'power' and 'influence' with me.

It's sort of rubbed off.

"I'm here." I answer, stepping out of my reverie. 

"Is the operation a go?" He asks. Behind the sound of his voice, I can hear the other elves chanting the prepared slogan 'Lie No More, Join The North, Be More.'

Not the best but it communicates our feelings swiftly. And more importantly, it actually sounds like something you'd hear from citizens protesting the current rule. It works.

"Yes. Operation is a go, we're in position here, relay the message to the others and radio in when it starts."

The man gives an affirmative and the call ends. Now I'm left with my group, the group that'll burn down the excessively large and glorious lodge sat on the near outskirts of the city.

Looking back at them, the elves in my group. All of them are armed with some menial weapons and even some alchemical bombs curtesy of Kelv.

Their job is simple; Don't let anyone escape alive.

But I doubt anyone of them are actually ready to take a life. They may have been cutting caps and fantasizing about drinking the blood of humans finally at their mercies but…in the end the substance of life is far too much of a thing to bear all by yourself.

"The operation is a go." I announce to them. 

All fifteen turn their attention to me, pulled away from whatever menial activities they were at.

With their eyes all on me, I realize that these men and women would be the first outside, Mother, Merlara, Asher and Anselm to know that I'm a free elf. It's another source of chaos that'll ensue no doubt.

But today is the second day. Asher will be here in three more days. I'll live under their scrutiny and their inevitable envy at my ability to use magic, and they will endure being constantly reminded by my presence, by my abilities what they've been stripped of.

Just like Merlara did. 

Except, this time, they will have something to take solace in. They too will be free in a mere matter of days. They too will be free to do as they please, they too will hold power, if only here in Aste, they too will be strong and brave and proud once more to be who they are.

Because that's what we're fighting for. That's what this is all about. Yes. They will be strong, if not today then tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the next. But one day their chests will swell with pride and avarice at being who they are.

"In any moment, I'll get the signal, and then our operation will be a go. We'll charge in there and we'll fight, we'll win and we'll win tomorrow again, and the next and the next after that."

Hearing this they nod, barely resisting the urge to cheer as for the moment we've got to keep quiet.

Like clockwork the familiar feeling of static from the comm ring rushes through me. I wave the flashing ring at them and they nod.

"Is it a go?" I ask immediately after answering.

"It's a go." Is all I hear before the call cuts off.

I turn my attention back to my elves, "It's a go. Let's move."

Heart pounding and lip trembling the elves jump out of the bushes and tall grass for a mad dash at the lodge.

It doesn't take long before something is on fire, no doubt the product of Kelv's alchemy.

Following closely behind I begin to reach within myself like mother taught so strictly so many years ago.

Carefully, I begin to mould it, gently and slowly cascading into a fiery fold of friction until.

"Flames!" I scream, my hands outstretched blast out a wave of destructive flames that blow the gate of the lodge off its hinges.

I get some questioning stares and some outright gasps. As expected. 

"Move people!" I yell, paying their slack jawed gazes no mind. Yelling works and once again they remember when they are and what they're here to do.

Up ahead, waiting for us in shock are…maids. Baskets drop, brooms fall and water spills as they scream for help and run for their lives.

Gritting my teeth, I run ahead, leaving the maids for the elves. The rest of the lodge, the long fancy trees, the buildings, the fountains and shrubs. 

I set it all on fire.

It's not all a walk in the park however. I am soon cut off on all sides by what look like guards wearing a strange coloured ring.

"Who are you!" One yells out and for his trouble I set him alit first.

Seeing no conversations would be had as their comrade wails in agony, tumbling all over the place, the other guards jump into action.

Their rings begin to glow and my senses pick up glaring signs of magic about to be used.

I won't let you!

"Ring of fire!" In a quick and rough remodelling of the spell in my hands I blast out a four-foot-tall ring of fire.

In mere seconds the three remaining guards are left writhing on the ground with their comrade, although his corpse has gone farther in the charring process.

With everything around, me burning, even the large mansion Audwin walked me into not too long ago, I begin to wonder. 

Where is everyone?

Security was meant to be lax but not four men lax. Behind me the elves move, killing all the staff completely unhindered.

Another strange bit. I was expecting to meet the Matron. Where is she? I know she isn't burning in the mansion or any of the buildings.

Could there have been some underground passage to help them escape?


I shake my head and take in the orange, hot view of my surroundings. Soon all that's left of the once beautiful place will be ash.

Time to check in.

A torrent of wind blasts me off my feet just as I'm about to channel mana into the ring and ping one of the group leaders to ask how it's going.

Landing roughly, I fall back into combat mode and begin to channel my mana for a fist of flame when I hear claps.

"You've done quite a number on my home away from home..."

My head whips up to the voice coming from the same direction as the torrent that blew me off.

The mirage of heat and my own sweat obscures my view, but it's most definitely a man walking towards me.


The man chuckles, his shoulders rising as he does, "Close, but not quite. Would have been near the tip had you said…Mevir or even Nelvar."

My eyes become saucers as realization dawns on me, "You're…"

"Yes, the most hated Mayor apparently," he drawls, "Only a Mayor that's hated by his denizens would have his home burnt down, no?"

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