Zhang Kuo stood at the back and said lazily, "can we arrest you? There are still 100 ways to make you regret. What's more, "his eyes became frivolous," even if I find someone to sleep, I won't find an old, ugly woman like you. "

Widow Xu's feet jumped angrily, but before she could cry again, Zhang Kuo called several other street secretaries in the courtyard and moved away widow Xu's wonton stall.

All the stalls on Changting street were full, and the only ones left were the three ring walls and airtight stalls where he Mai stayed at first.

If you set up a stall there, you can't see a living person during the day!

"Next time I see the widow, I'll look for something else. Don't mention it. Just let me know what I can do. I'll take care of the trouble." Zhang Kuo joked half true and half false.

He Mai said, "I know why this crazy woman came to scold me all of a sudden? I didn't say a few words to her before! Thank you very much, Zhang Kuo. "

"Thank you," Zhang Kuo said with a smile. "I can't help you with this. Bai is a street secretary here, isn't he?"

After that incident, half of the customers were missing from the stall. Now that he got the Kung Fu, he Mai told Zhang Kuo that he wanted to sell radish and mutton soup and meat pancakes in the new shop.

"That feeling is good, I can eat and drink again later," Zhang Kuo grinned. "Can I get credit this time?"

"Yes," he Mai nodded, thinking of chasing Zhang Kuo and asking him for money, he was a little embarrassed. "I didn't know this shop was yours before, did I? I'm still chasing you and asking for money. Don't take it to heart. If you come back in the future, it will be equivalent to half of the shop owners. They don't need money to eat and drink. "

Zhang Kuo tut tut two, "that where become, I know you this is to say, I want to really do so, you still have to tear up with me?"

He Mai laughed and said nothing. He pointed to the plaque of Yongyi porridge shop and said, "when the new shop is finished, the plaque will be hanging between the two shops. It's not small, is it?"

"The plaque given by the county magistrate, even if it is small, who dares to say it is small," Zhang Kuo said lightly.

At the end of the stall, Liu Lang came to pick up Wo Mai, but widow Xu came from the East. Seeing the love of their husband and wife, she spat on the ground and scolded her.

LIULANG was puzzled. Seeing that widow Xu was really scolding Hemai, his face faintly showed his displeasure.

"Well, what can a woman do to her? I've already taught my lesson, and she's got me. " He Mai's tone relaxed and comforted, "Zhang Kuo has been transferred to our original booth to go out of the stall. I can't see her and I'm not upset with her. It's OK, ah."

She was bullied and scolded, but in turn she had to comfort LIULANG.

Liu Lang can't help feeling distressed. "There are too many troubles in opening a stall. When will we open a big shop? When we hire someone to open a shop, there won't be such a mess."

He Mai said with a smile, "how big is the stall to hire people? But I'm looking forward to the day when I can open such a big shop and buy a big house in the town? "

"Before winter, I'll be able to finish the work in hand, and I'll get some money, about five or six Liang silver." Liu Lang touched the head of he Mai and said.

He Mai's eyes were round and his voice was distressed. "What you earn is hard money. You get up so early every day, and you usually have to go to the construction site next day. You can't rest for two or three months. You always say that I'm tired, don't you?"

"I'm a man. I'm different from you." Liu Lang's big hand took her and gave her a smile.

a few days later, when he Mai was closing the stall, he went to the town with Liu Lang and bought all the necessary tables, chairs, benches, dishes, chopsticks, spoons and dishes.

Previously, she said hello to the rice shop on Changjie street. The rice for Baozi and the coarse cereals for porridge were all taken from here at a low price. This time, Dachuan started to make meat pancakes and needed more white flour. She only said hello to the manager of the rice shop, and the manager responded happily. She only charged her six Wen a Jin. As soon as he bought cereal, he bought five Dou.

Radish is easy to get. After all, she lives in Xiaoqing village. It's not a rare thing. Everyone grows radish in their fields. Although she and LIULANG have no fields, they can buy ready-made radish from Shancao's or Lu Changming's home with a word of warning. It's very convenient.

And the need for fat and mutton, cereal and wheat also have to find a place to buy.

The stuffing in the meat buns she made before was all made of her own bamboo mouse meat, so she didn't have to worry about where to buy the meat. But this time, we need a lot of pork.

But fortunately, LIULANG gave him a call: "isn't my cousin in a slaughterhouse? The boss there is familiar with me. There are sheep and pigs there. It's cheap and fresh to buy them there. "

In fact, he Mai also thought of Hu Guangsheng's slaughterhouse. However, she was worried about whether it would be troublesome to go there, so she didn't say anything. Now Liu Lang mentioned it. He Mai thought about it and said, "let's go to my uncle's first. If it's not convenient, we'd better buy meat at the butcher's shop.""All right." Liu Lang saw that he Mai was so understanding, and his lips could not help but evoke a warm smile.

Before they went to Hu Guangsheng's slaughterhouse, they also went to a restaurant, gave Hu Guangsheng a pot of sorghum wine, bought a roast chicken and cut half a jin of beef.

Hu Guangsheng was very happy to see LIULANG. He touched LIULANG's cheek as if he hadn't been so intimate for many years, but now he couldn't recognize who he was.

"Did you take the medicine prescribed by doctor Chu on time?" LIULANG asked him.

"Take medicine? I eat, I eat Hu Guangsheng said excitedly, "every day! Isn't that medicine for strengthening the body? It's good to eat, LIULANG. Do you have anything to eat? "

LIULANG nodded, "I'll take it too, uncle. I'll take it by the meal. Remember?"

"Remember!" Hu Guangsheng nodded his head, looked at he Mai and said with a smile, "who is this girl? He's so handsome... "

The owner of the slaughterhouse is Zhu. He seems to have known LIULANG for a long time. When he inquires about the fact that he Mai is here to buy mutton and pork, he is very forthright and asks he Mai to take whatever price he wants. He can give it or not!

When he saw that boss Zhu was so straightforward and coy, he said, "brother Zhu, don't worry, I won't make you lose. How much money do you sell this pork to those butcher's restaurants? You can sell it to me at a price! This mutton miscellaneous I need a lot. Look... "

"Well, why do you calculate so carefully? I'm so embarrassed! " Boss Zhu said with a smile, "there's no one to ask for the mutton, just some game restaurants, not serious restaurants! I'll send you the sheep's miscellaneous, and you'll take it every day! As for pork, you can give some money if you like! "

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