All the things that should be bought were bought back. On the morning of the day when Dachuan's stall opened, he Mai put out a long whip. The white smoke and the lively sound attracted more than half of the villagers to look around.

"Radish and mutton soup, two Wen for a bowl, meat pancakes, five Wen for two! Uncle, let's have a pancake. It's hot and fragrant! " Summer flower warmly greet.

"Yangza soup, yangza soup, two Wen a bowl!" Li Chang'an also yelled at the top of his voice.

Originally, the business of porridge shop was good. Today, with a new breakfast, those old customers naturally went to hold it. He Mai told Li Chang'an: "Chang'an, those uncles and aunts who often come here, today they all have a bowl for one Wen, and meat pancakes can be sold individually for two Wen!"

"Why are we so expensive?" Today, the new guest gave up and asked.

"These are regular customers who usually come to our shop. I'll sell them at a lower price. If you come here often, I'll give you a lower price in the future." He Mai Shuanglang tunnel.

"We come to miss Hemei's buns shop every day. The buns and porridge of her family are the best in this street. Well, this meat pancake is more delicious!" A frequent visitor said.

He Mai knew that her steamed buns and porridge were unique, but in front of Dachuan's breakfast, I was afraid that more people would prefer the mutton soup and meat pancakes.

She said with a smile, "wait till next spring. Maybe there will be more food on the stall. At that time, all the old customers will give you a good price!"

"This girl can do business. The store will be bigger and bigger in the future!" An onlooker said as he nibbled at the pancake.

"Thank you for your good words!" He Mai gave the old man a smile.

Dachuan is an experienced cook. When he was in Juxiang shop, he was alone with the guests at seven or eight tables. He was busy serving in the back kitchen, not to mention the breakfast shop where he only had to cook pancakes.

The meat pancakes were baked now, but the radish and mutton soup was cooked early in the morning after he came here.

The mutton soup is fresh and delicious. A clear bowl of mutton soup, with some coriander powder, chili oil, pepper powder and so on, has a strange smell that goes straight into people's nostrils.

When he put the pancakes into the special oven, seven or eight pieces of meat pancakes can be baked in one oven. He can help wheat cook steamed buns or go out to help Li Chang'an and collect money. He has a lot of work in his eyes.

When Li Chang'an handed the empty bowl to the inside, he rushed to Dachuan Nunu and said to he Mai, "sister he Mai, where did you find such a diligent master? It's amazing that you can make breakfast and be a worker

"Go, he's a serious chef. He's been a chef for generations. You haven't eaten his cooking skills. If you eat it once, you'll know how good master Dachuan's cooking skills are!"

"Oh, master Dachuan has to make two good dishes for me one day. I'll taste them!" Li Chang'an said excitedly.

He Mai flicked his head, "what I think is beautiful. Why do you want to be a smelly boy? If you're busy, tell me when you're greedy and just eat my food

Li Chang'an grinned happily and went to work obediently.

This morning, with the help of Dachuan, he Mai was much more relaxed. Looking up at the guests' low tables, he saw two familiar figures.

Changxin and auntie Fang.

When he saw his old neighbors, he gave them a warm reception and left a table for them to sit down. After a while, he personally brought steamed buns, pancakes and mutton soup to the table. "Auntie Fang, brother Changxin, I haven't seen you for a while. Are you still living here?"

"Changxin has been living here. I go home a few times a month. I usually live in my master's house. Are you and you going to be the boss of a shop? Have you made a lot of money? " Auntie Fang looked at the clean and tidy shop of porridge buns and the customers all around, and said enviously.

"It's just two hard money," he said with a smile. He passed the question and asked Changxin, "brother Changxin, are you still teaching in the village?"

"Yes, teaching in the village." Chang Xin said with an easy-going smile, "I always get up early. I have to take my children to study and read. If I want to come here to see you, I can't be free."

"Girl, I heard from Changxin that you open a shop here, but you haven't come here all the time. I heard that the store rents a lot for a month. You're doing a good business. I'm afraid you want to make a lot of money?" Aunt Fang asked again.

He Mai mildly smile, said: "this store is a familiar friend lent me, not a few money. Auntie Fang, brother Chang Xin, you wait, and I'll serve you a bowl of porridge. "

When she turned around, she heard Auntie Fang murmur behind her, "Hey, this girl can make a fortune! This girl is so capable. I knew you had married her

"Mother!" Chang Xin stares at Aunt Fang discontentedly, "you talk nonsense again, I can go!"

"No more, no more..." Aunt Fang's mouth said nothing, but her eyes were still looking at the shop with envy. She was very envious.After a while, Li Chang'an came to Hemai and asked, "do you know the guests at that table? Do you charge for steamed stuffed buns? "

"No," he Mai said, "they are my former countrymen. You don't have to worry about them. Go ahead and help yourself."

As soon as Changxin was about to get up and say hello to Hemai, he saw that Hemai came over.

"Auntie Fang, elder brother Chang Xin, how are you eating?"

"Well," Auntie Fang nodded and wiped the oil on her mouth. "It's delicious, girl. You're a good craftsman!"

"Then come back often," he said with a smile.

Chang Xin said with a smile, "how much is it, Ho Mai Mei Zi?"

He saw he Mai move his mouth as if he wanted to refuse. He took out more than ten articles from his pocket and put them on the table. He solemnly said, "today you are opening business. I specially brought my mother here. If you don't accept the money, how can I come back?"

But aunt Fang grinned and put her face close to he Mai. "Girl, I see there are so many girls in your shop. Are they all hired? How much do you pay them each month? "

"Two dollars a month," he said.

"Quite a lot!" Auntie Fang smacked her tongue in shock. "Like our Huanyi shop, it's hard to work for a month. It's only a little more than a dollar when your hands are soaked in alkaline water. It's easy for you to get two dollars before noon? Girl, you are so stupid

"Mother!" Chang Xin pulled aunt Fang's clothes and said, "since he Mai can open a shop, don't you know how much she will pay for her own staff? Don't talk too much here, it's disgusting

"I'm not disgusting! Girl, my aunt is telling you something. What do you think of my aunt? If you don't want to hire your aunt, it's not cheap, these outsiders! "

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