Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 217 Mission, Boxing Champion?

Just like Chrollo and Paknoda, both of them are special telekinesis users, but the telekinesis abilities they developed are completely different.

None of them are the same.

As for whether other people can develop telekinesis abilities like hers, Pikenota is actually very unsure. At least until now, she has not met anyone with similar abilities to hers.

The trait system itself is special, but it is even rarer to develop such abilities that have nothing to do with combat.

In fact, no matter what the system is, the abilities related to combat are often the most popular and used by the most people.

As for other logistics, there are fewer.

For example, in the strengthening system, it can actually strengthen the healing ability, but there are very few people who actually spend their energy to strengthen the healing ability. Most of them strengthen their attacks, strengthen their bodies, and even strengthen their weapons.

As for strengthening the healing ability? That's something.

Although this world shows all kinds of weirdness, in essence, combat power is everything.

"That's enough."

Ron actually also developed other abilities, which were actually based on his own sufficient combat effectiveness.

When he finds that his combat effectiveness is not enough, he will continue to develop his abilities and improve his combat effectiveness.

And like this time, the development of various other abilities is also necessary.

If one person doesn't work, then use two. If two don't work, then use three, four, ten, or even more.

As long as there are enough people, there will always be a chance.

After the two parties agreed on the contact information and meeting city, Ron hung up the phone.

It was only then that Ron realized that Pike Noda's ability was actually very suitable for him.

If his undead army developed the same ability, how about reading other people's knowledge and developing experience abilities, and then transmitting them?

Although this must take a long time, after all, it is not easy to read a large amount of other people's information, think about it, but is time really a problem? ?

"It seems like there was an unexpected surprise."

If Pike Noda's ability to read and remember was truly available, then Ron's learning speed for the Immortal Army would probably go up a notch.

Thinking of this, Ron's current idea is to send the person there as soon as possible.

He directly asked Slug to contact the people who joined the Immortal Army, and sent all the previous ability users with special abilities who had not yet developed their abilities.

Pak Noda's ability, this is the first telekinesis ability he needs to learn.

In addition, he also has the ability to control trees. Perhaps this is what he relies on to truly become his own custom-made S-class telekinesis user.

Creating a large number of trees with sufficient vitality requires a lot of mental energy, and for Ron, this is nothing at all.

Now, after solving this matter, he may really need to spend a lot of time studying this.

On Pike Noda's side, Ron directly asked Slug to contact people. Those with special characteristics should just let them go by themselves. As for whether they can get used to living in the Phantom Troupe.

That's not what he should care about.

And he didn't sit idle. He went directly to the hunter website and started posting news.

No one paid attention to the news he posted before, and now he needs to re-post the task.

The first task is an identification task. Ron plans to find someone to identify what the small pot is and what product it is. He plans to see if anyone knows it. If so, he might be able to discover something.

The second task is to find people with abilities, people with abilities who can create trees. The reward is arbitrary.

Although this condition is a bit weird, if you have the money and the ability, you should still be able to find it.

After all, he was just looking for information. If someone came to help him later, it would be Ron's business.

Ron was not an honest man when it came to things that really affected his plans.

I just hope that the transaction can be completed by then.


After releasing the task, Ron originally planned to put the computer away, but he didn't expect it.

Suddenly I received a system prompt.

"Have you been contacted so soon?"

The computer had just been closed, and Ron opened it again to check the information.

This is a little friend named Boxing Champion, a very arrogant name.

"I would like to ask if the telepathic person you are looking for can make trees?"

Looking at this question, Ron looked a little weird. Did he find it so quickly? It is still possible to develop such an ability very easily, so it should not be a problem.

Although there were many thoughts in his mind, Ron still gave an answer.

"Okay, as long as you make sure there is someone with such abilities, it's best to bring someone over. You can ask for any reward."

Even if it's just a very weak ability developed in an ordinary way, Ron himself can improve it step by step, which is nothing.

Something of value is worth learning.

Learn from others' strengths and avoid your own weaknesses.

Ron is still aware of this matter.

"Bring people there, I may not have the ability anymore. I only have information to provide you, and I won't deceive anyone. One hundred million nuns. If you are interested, let's trade."

"In addition, there is another chance to see each other tomorrow, and I can give it to you directly."

After Ron said it was okay, the boxing champion gave a direct reply.

And this tone is not small, it is directly 100 million nuns, and it is said that it is not a scam.

"Will there be a chance to meet tomorrow?"

Seeing this, Ron was a little entangled. If it were normal, of course, the sooner the better, but now.

Should I do that thing first?

In this situation, after thinking about it, Ron decided to go and see. It's okay to delay this matter now.

"Yes, that person's status is not low. If you miss it tomorrow, it may be a bit troublesome for you to find him later."

Although I'm not sure what the person's status is, but to be able to let people say that, that person should have some strength.

"Okay, I'll pay the money directly on the platform. As long as the information is confirmed, the money will be given to you. No problem, of course, if you are willing to take me to meet the person directly, as long as it is confirmed, I will pay on the spot."

The news is confirmed, which is a good thing, but Ron will not be stupid enough to pay people directly. One hundred million ringgits is a small matter, but being cheated, this mood will not be good.

"It's good to go through the platform, it's good to go through the platform, and there's no problem meeting. You transfer the money, and I'll take you there tomorrow."

Ron was worried about being cheated, so it was normal not to transfer the money in advance. The boxing champion should also be worried that Ron would ask for information but not pay, or maybe he had some other ideas.

"Okay, that's it, give me the address, and see you tomorrow."

Ron didn't hesitate and transferred the money directly, and then the task was sealed.

As long as Ron confirmed that he had received the information, the platform would transfer the money to the other party's account.

Both parties can appeal if they have any problems and submit evidence themselves.

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