Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 218 Actions of both parties

The Hunter Association's task platform has quite a lot of functions.

For example, in the case of Ron and the boxing champion, both parties can submit evidence to prove that what the other party said is false, and then the Hunter Association will directly send someone to intervene in the matter.

If you lie and cheat, you will be fined, and there may even be other punishments if the case is serious.

So under normal circumstances, no one will mess around with such things.

And the money has been paid, even if Ron wants to take it out now, it is impossible, unless the other party gives up the task.

Of course, the other party has no way to get the money before Ron confirms it.

The money is in the hands of the platform.

This is equivalent to a third party intervening, although there is a handling fee, but it is normal.

"Hey, okay, you hurry to the Sky Arena as soon as possible, it should be no problem."

As if he had seen that 100 million ringgits had arrived at the platform, the boxing champion replied quickly.

"I will buy the ticket and wait for you, call my cell phone when the time comes."

It can be seen that the other party has no intention of hiding anything now, after all, the money has been paid.

And according to the other party's statement now, the other party is the fighter of the Sky Arena.

And there will be a battle tomorrow.

If ordinary people don't pay attention to the Sky Arena, they may not know what the abilities of the fighters there are.

Of course, there are exceptions. Now Ron's mission is a good deal in the eyes of the other party.

After the other party fights tomorrow and more and more people discover this mission, there will definitely be more people competing for this mission.

No wonder the other party wants to seal this mission directly and act so quickly. They are just worried that Ron will cheat and not pay.

But this is nothing to Ron. Originally, this intelligence is an information gap.

Buying something unknown from others, this news, although 100 million Jie Ni is a bit of a loss, but it is nothing.

"Okay, contact us when we get there."

No nonsense, in the Sky Arena, those with the ability of Nen can basically reach the 200th floor. Of course, beginners who have not yet developed the ability of Nen are not counted.

Now it is obvious that his goal is above the 200th floor, but he is not sure whether it is the host or something like that.

If it is an ordinary ability user, the chance of persuasion is very high. As for the host, it is a bit difficult.

It is not certain whether beings like them will teach Nen ability for a little benefit from him.

I can't think of it specifically, so I can only wait and see.

After packing up his things, Ron didn't waste any time. He took action directly after confirming the time.

As for the Undead Army here, he just handed it over to the slug and let them practice directly.

Ron didn't even care about Jin Guang and the others. If they behaved honestly, they might be able to survive after he mastered Meteor Street. If they didn't behave honestly, the slug would kill them in the next few days.

Fortunately, they are now clear about their situation and did not resist or do anything.

Even if Ron took action to kill people before, there was no reaction from Anros. They stayed honestly, eating when they were asked to eat, sleeping when they were asked to sleep, and evacuating when they were asked to evacuate.

After losing one hand, Jin Guang was indeed much more honest.

The next day.

The sky was just getting bright, and the airship that Ron was riding landed directly on the Sky Arena.

This place is already very famous, and it is quite normal that there is an airship that goes directly here.

As soon as he landed, he squeezed through the crowded crowd and left.

Ron directly called the boxing champion.

With such a name, the other party is probably also a fighter here, not a spectator or a gambler.

"Hey, are you here?"

The boxing champion sounded like he had just gotten up, a little lazy, and a little dissatisfied with being woken up.

"Yes, do you come to me or I will go there."

Ron didn't say anything nonsense about this. Not sure when the fight would be, Ron didn't waste any time and took the airship that arrived early in the morning.

As for resting, it was naturally on the airship.

In fact, there was no difference.

As long as there was no bad weather and it was not bumpy, the airship was still very comfortable.

"You can find a restaurant to do it, I'll come to you, send me the name and so on."

The boxing champion obviously didn't plan to meet him at his place, and Ron didn't care about it.

As long as the news and intelligence given to him later, don't fool people, as for the rest, just do it casually.

After finding a random restaurant, ordering some breakfast and sitting down, Ron compiled the location and name of the restaurant into a text message and sent it over.

"Slug, how is Paknota?"

Sitting and eating breakfast, Ron did not forget that several of his subordinates with abilities are still with others.

I wonder if they are still studying hard.

According to the current time, they should have arrived, and they should have arrived earlier than him.

"Just met with Paknota, and haven't started practicing yet."

Ron's question was quickly answered.

Ron didn't say much about this. It's normal that he hasn't practiced yet after just arriving.

It's good to make sure that the person has gone there and there is nothing wrong. As for how many days it will take to deal with Paknota, it's uncertain.

While Ron was eating breakfast.

On the other side.

Youkexin City.

Chulolo, Paknota and others received the person.

Looking at the guys in front of them with average Nen abilities, they also showed some weirdness.

They didn't expect Ron to really send people here, strangers, people they didn't know before, obviously people Ron met later.

And such people can make Ron believe them and send them here to learn abilities.

And it's Paknota's Nen ability.

This means that these guys are more trustworthy than him and Paknota?

Kuroro thought.

But he didn't say anything. He came here just to see the situation out of curiosity. On the one hand, he was also worried about the danger of Paknota and was worried that she would be kidnapped directly.

Although Ron is unlikely to do such a thing, who knows if he is crazy.

"Go back first."

After receiving the people, Kuroro and the others didn't say anything nonsense.

This time they were four people, Kuroro, Paknota, Machi and Knight.

Coming here, in fact, is basically just curiosity, and also intends to change the temporary base.

The people sent by Ron didn't know anything yet. They just listened to the instructions of the slug and followed the actions. They only knew that they were here to learn.

"Are you really going to teach them?"

Walking on the road, Maggie looked at Paknoda and asked. She knew what happened later.

It was Paknoda who said it directly.

However, Paknoda didn't say what requirements were put forward for the transaction between the two parties.

The other party didn't say it, so Maggie didn't ask about this aspect.

But other things, she still cares a little.

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