Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 60 Great Speaker Ron

"Is that all?"

The emphasis on the opponent's weak power once again explained.

After standing up straight, Ron stroked the place that was actually not hurt by the punch just now, and said teasing words to Kurapika.

Looking at the other party's firm and serious expression, Ron always had an urge to twist the other party down.

And in fact, he did so.

The whole person looked very casual and lazy. This posture did not regard Kurapika as an opponent at all. He did not attack, but kept talking, regardless of whether the other party paid attention to him or not.

At this time, Ron was like a chatterbox, or a sarcastic chatterbox, in short: a big yin-yang chatterbox, the kind of person who would be beaten to death if he did not have the ability to walk out.

He stretched out his right hand and pointed at Kurapika.

"If that's all the power you have, maybe you can consider finding a place to hide. I'm doing this for your own good."

"You know, a guy like you is born to be a big treasure. You're running around with a treasure worth billions of rings. There's a saying, "An innocent man is guilty of possessing a treasure." With your talent, you should be able to understand the meaning of this sentence!"

"Also, what's that thing called? Red Eyes, right? One of the seven beauties in the world. It seems to be very beautiful, but unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be extinct. Maybe the price will go up again. Then I can consider buying it, and it can still maintain its value."

"If the current situation is the case, maybe it's not just the Phantom Troupe that's eyeing you~~ Maybe someone from the Hunter Association is eyeing you?"

While speaking, Ron didn't care that there were several hunters on the scene, and directly blamed the Hunter Association. However, this was not nonsense. Given the nature of hunters, it's not impossible for someone to eye something like Red Eyes.

The people present, the hunters present basically ignored Ron's words, but Menqi glared at Ron with dissatisfaction, and the meaning was very clear.

[The flaming red eyes can't be eaten, who is interested in this kind of thing. 】

Since it is now during the competition, the examiners present did not disrupt the competition. After being dissatisfied for a while, they continued to watch.

"To be honest, I really feel sorry for you. Born in such a tribe, weak, pitiful and helpless, without any ability, and still have such a treasure, so you have such an ending."

"It's really pitiful, it's a pity..."

Ron didn't pay attention to the other people around him. At this time, his attention was completely focused on Kurapika.

Ron, who turned into a poisonous tongue monster and didn't have any self-knowledge.

He shook his head while talking, as if he really felt sorry for the Kurata tribe.

In fact, he kept emphasizing it just to stimulate Kurapika.

In fact, he also knew some things about the Kurata tribe. This matter is far from as simple as Kurapika thought.

As for the Kurata tribe, he probably knew a little bit. In fact, it was not a weak tribe. It can only be said that there were not many combatants, and they were not strong.

Kurapika was obviously very excited about the affairs of his own people.

Ron's stimulation was still very successful.

"Shut up."

"Shut up!!!"

"Shut up!"

Hearing these words, as well as the evaluation of his own tribe, and the words of extinction.

Kurapika, who originally had a very bad impression of Ron, was instantly enraged.

He shouted loudly, and was extremely angry about Ron.

He clenched his hands tightly, and his tone of voice seemed a little low.

And that look was full of resentment. He didn't have a good impression of Ron. From the first meeting to the time when Ron showed his strength and exposed his nature, he didn't have a good impression of Ron.

He didn't want to contact the other party at all, and now, it's not as simple as not having a good impression.

He wanted to press the other party to the ground and rub him.

If it weren't for the little bit of rationality that was left at this time, telling him to stay calm.

Relying on brute force alone, the chance of defeating the opponent was almost zero, and he might have rushed forward to fight with the opponent.

"What qualifications do you have to judge these, rude guy, strength? People like you, if they are all like you, they are just beasts with a little brute force."

The resentful words came out of Kurapika's mouth with a certain gnashing of teeth.

"Being rude and unreasonable, not taking human life seriously! And you like to bully people at will, people like you will always have retribution."

"You won't have a good result!"

The anger occupied Kurapika's heart at this moment, and the most conspicuous thing was that his big eyes were waiting for Ron.

The resentment carried in it can be clearly felt.

Looking at Kurapika barely controlling his emotions, wanting to hit him but not doing it.

And those bright and attractive big eyes made Ron grin and laugh loudly.


And he was a little disdainful of what the other party said.

To him, these things and these words were really very naive and funny.

"Brute force, beast? Retribution? Hehe~"

"Kurapika, why do you say such naive words? I thought you would be more mature~"

While speaking, Ron shook his head, as if he had misjudged you.

"Although what you said may not be completely wrong, brute force is also indispensable in this world. Without brute force, it would be miserable."

"For example, if your Kurata tribe had brute force at that time, you would not have ended up so miserably. This is the simplest example, you should be able to experience it."

When speaking, it was like teasing a child, and Kurapika, perhaps, is now a young boy, childish.

And he clearly knew that the other party did not like people to randomly comment on his tribe.

But Ron kept commenting with a very bad taste.

It seemed that he was doing this just to satisfy some desire, which was simply asking for punishment.

"Oh~~ I know. Generally speaking, only those who can't get it but want it will say such sour words, just like poor people who say that money is useless and can't buy everything, and then they keep working hard to make money."

"And you... hehe. You won't... also..."

After a paragraph, as if he thought of something, he continued to speak again.

At this time, Ron turned into a drama master orator, performing the expression explanation vividly and exquisitely.

The slightly narrowed eyes did not mean to shift their sight at all, just looking at the big eyes on the opposite side that were already red and wanted to kill themselves. Ron did not mean to stop talking.

On the contrary, seeing the other party's emotions and eyes, he was very excited and wanted to be more exciting and wanted to say more.

But it's a pity, it's a pity that Ron's brute force was interrupted halfway through his words.

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