Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 61 Darkened people are three times stronger, whitened people are three times weaker, good pe

"Shut up."

Faced with Ron's teasing, Kurapika couldn't stand it anymore and roared.

Kurapika, who is usually knowledgeable and has read countless books, didn't know how to argue with Ron at this time.

It's not that he didn't have any ideas or rebuttals.

If it were normal, no matter how much the other party said, he could always use his knowledge to block the problem.

But now, his mind is a little confused.

Especially when Ron talked about the Kurta tribe.

Especially when the other party repeatedly emphasized how the Kurta tribe was.

Even later, when Kurapika heard about the Kurta tribe, he had an impulse to directly cut the other party into several pieces.

Anger, resentment, unwillingness, all kinds of emotions grew.

At this time, Kurapika's eyes had already turned into a fiery red color at some point, so beautiful, so pure, but not many people could appreciate this look.

Standing there, Kurapika panted and took a deep breath after shouting angrily. At this time, he could only control himself through such deep breathing.

Be calm, be calm.

He was also thinking about rebuttal in his heart.

And he knew what Ron meant very well.

Kurapika originally wanted to stop Ron and mock him for being a beast with brute force.

And Ron naturally didn't care what the other party meant, and instead mocked the other party for mocking brute force while pursuing power.

Although this is a bit of generalization, what Kurapika said at the beginning is also true.

Both sides generalized each other, but Ron was more shameless, and kept talking about things in a sarcastic way with the Kurta tribe.


"Where did I say something wrong? I'll correct it if I said it wrong. Don't you really want power? Or do you think that what I have is brute force, and what you have is some kind of transformation?"

Although he was blocked by the words and asked to shut up, how could Ron stop casually?

"What a pity. I originally thought you would be smarter and understand what I want to say and my thoughts. Now it seems that I don't need to explain the so-called retribution to you~"

I immediately refuted the other party's words and even distorted the other party's words.

"According to what you said, the reason why your Kuruta tribe was completely destroyed is also retribution, the retribution for doing evil things, hehehe~~This is also quite interesting!!"

Twisting the meaning of others' words and saying some twisted logic is a way of persuading others, and it is also a meaning of speaking.

"Evil people will eventually be punished, and good people will live a peaceful life. Is that right?"

"In fact, I have another saying, which is that good people don't live long, but evil people live for thousands of years. Do you understand?"

Then he continued to speak along the distorted meaning of the other party.


"Be straightforward, how about joining me? I will teach you how to grow and how to have powerful strength. Then, show me how you can be so-called brute force without being a beast?"


While talking, Ron smiled and provoked Kurapika.

Retribution is ridiculous. In his opinion, it is just the wailing or curse of the weak.

This is not incomprehensible, because there is no other manual action besides this. Otherwise, it would be called revenge, not retribution. Ron has seen countless such examples.

He also got countless joyful emotions from it.

Feeling the other party's emotional changes and watching the other party's possibility of blackening.

Ron felt inexplicably happy about this matter. At this time, Ron smiled very happily.

To be honest, at this time, winning or not is not important. As long as he can continue to feel this emotion, he would rather win later. Anyway, winning is a must.

As long as he continues to stimulate, as long as Kurapika continues to accept stimulation and continues to dwell on this matter, he will definitely turn evil, three times stronger when he turns evil, and three times weaker when he turns white.

All of this is Ron's good intentions.

And Ron had just finished speaking.

He was just trying to organize his words to stimulate this child who could no longer speak.

Outside the competition area, someone obviously felt that this was not going well. With a roar, a loud voice roared and said.

"Kurapika, don't listen to his nonsense, don't pay attention to him, that guy has been talking nonsense all the time, this must be trying to fool you, use you to do something."

"Believe in yourself, don't listen to the other person saying something nonsense, just treat him as a fart, treat him as a stupid thing."

"Didn't you say this before? Just treat him as if he doesn't exist, just kill him."

The loud voice attracted everyone's attention. Although those words were a bit messy and inconsistent, they also successfully diverted people's attention to that side.

Even Kurapika, who was originally very excited and full of hatred, turned his head to the other side.

When he saw the other side, his red eyes shrank a little and calmed down a little, and he also made a judgment.

The loud and angry voice was undoubtedly the spirited boy Leorio.

"Leorio, don't say that~ It's better to have value than not to have value. Just like you, I have no interest in using you."

After Leorio spoke, Ron turned around and smiled at Leorio.

For this passionate young man, who was very impulsive and irritable, Ron also liked the emotions of the other party, and it was very rare to have emotional will.

Hearing that Ron dared to talk to him and tease him, Leorio put on his suit and took out his short knife.

"You are looking for death, right? If you have the guts, come here and we will fight."

"Come here, I will definitely not bear with you this time."

"Come here, I will definitely not beat you to death."

Furious, Leorio was stopped before he could make a move.

Among them were the referee and the undead soldiers brought by Ron.

There was no chance to make a move at all.

"This examinee, if you go on the field, it will affect Kurapika's battle, and you will also be disqualified."

"This examinee, calm down, please don't interfere with the game."

"This examinee..."

Before he made a move, he was stopped. Ron didn't care too much about it. With the opponent's strength, it didn't matter even if he could go on the field.

But now here, it's a battle between Kurapika and Ron.

That's right.

But the next situation is a bit regrettable.

When Ron turned his head to Kurapika, Kurapika had already made a decision.

It took me four hours to write two chapters.

I feel like I want to beat him up as the protagonist.

What about you.

"The rubbish author wrote such a shit? Is he going to poison us?"

"Come out, rubbish author, I just ordered you some good stuff, it's still hot."

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