Hunting High School

Chapter 260: An Accident In The Practical Class

The discussion involving spring hunting has actually been going on for more than a week. The spring hunting day, which was supposed to start last Friday, is still far away until this Friday.

The school has never let go, but inconsistent news spread from the student union from time to time. For example, the officer of the External Relations Department vowed to discuss the sponsorship of the Spring Hunting with the Beta Town Chamber of Commerce, but the officer of the Learning Department insisted that the department had not received any notice of the resumption of the Spring Hunting this year, and the people in the Propaganda Department went from beginning to end They were all ambiguous, refusing to admit that the spring hunting was postponed, and they were not sure that the spring hunting would be completely cancelled.

In short, the discussion involving Spring Hunting has become a hot topic after the conflict between Jiuyou and Alpha Academy in the eleventh week of school, and even the occasional restlessness of the Linzhong Lake murloc tribe can't attract more attention from the students force.

On the first day of May, which is the Friday of the eleventh week, a whole week has passed since the opening of the normal spring hunting. There are still people in the school who are expecting to receive a notice from the school tomorrow, telling everyone that the spring hunting will go on normally .

"This has happened in schools before,"

Beside a clump of Xiangfei bamboos on the edge of the green valley, a sorcerer is swearing to his companions: "Listen to my uncle, when he was in school, once because of unidentified demons roaming the campus, the school forced the school to cancel many in- and out-of-school activities. The collective activities, including the spring hunting, were delayed for half a month at that time. Then the monster was caught, and the spring hunting was held normally the next day."

"Your example is completely incomparable." His companion shook his head disapprovingly, and denied: "The reasons for the cancellation of this year's spring hunting are very, very complicated... It is far from comparable to a wandering wild monster. Instead of hugging here Unrealistic fantasy, why don't you hurry up and get rid of the talismans and potions that you have stored in your hands before, so as not to kill them after they fail."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

Then he turned his head to look at Zhang Jixin, and as expected, the red-faced wizard was stern, pretending that he hadn't heard the conversation. But Sim Fatty won't give him a chance to play dumb.

"The talismans of yours have expired, right?" Fatty stretched out his finger, and poked Zhang Jixin's shoulder unceremoniously: "Brother Qing told you a long time ago, asking you to sell the talismans that are about to expire in the store." , didn’t you also agree at the time? Why did you go back on your word in the end... It’s a good thing now, thanks to pawning your underwear.”

Zhang Jixin's face turned purple, and he didn't answer Fatty's question for a while, but changed the subject instead: "How to deal with them today?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the edge of the green valley.

Several companions followed the prestige, and happened to see a group of white robes passing by a group of red robes arrogantly, their chins on both sides were raised higher than the other, and both sides were looking at the road with their nostrils.

The practical class is a large class mixed with several colleges, and the class location is in Green Valley. Green Valley is an open valley located on Phuket Island, surrounded by rolling hills and hillsides, with ankle-high soft grass under the feet, where the first-year practical classes are arranged.

Originally, because of the conflict between Jiuyou and Alpha, the school once tried to separate the practical classes of the two sides, but it only lasted for a week and found that even if they separated Jiuyou and Alpha students who were originally mixed in one teaching class, they In fact, classes are still held in the same green valley.

Conflicts that should have occurred will still occur.

So, since last week, the temporarily separated classes have returned to their original state. Of course, this special case is limited to the practical class of the first grade.

In order to prevent the students on both sides from fighting each other under the pretext of practicing magic, the teaching assistants lost hair one after another, and stared at those restless guys with red eyes throughout the class. Lesson learned. The therapists at the school hospital who were in charge of emergency care at the edge of the green valley turned a blind eye to this.

Under such various pressures, it was ensured that the Green Valley Practical Class was held steadily for the past two weeks.


After listening to the words of the red-faced wizard, Zheng Qing looked at him like a monster: "You forgot the practical class last week, you and Andrew were paralyzed for most of the get out of class, and we will help you leave after class What? Why can't you think about it so much?"

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"I heard that if you suffer from the soft leg curse a lot, you're prone to incontinence." Xin Fatty reminded without losing the opportunity: "If you plan to pee your pants from time to time in the future, I think you can try to provoke Hilda."

Hilda is the teaching assistant in charge of the practical class of the mixed class of Astronomy 08-1 and Alpha Academy students. Due to the high pressure of work, she has had a bad temper these two weeks.

The students on both sides were not less taught by him.

Hearing his companion's persuasion, Zhang Jixin felt a little resentful: "Just let those hypocrites roll their eyes at us unscrupulously? There are some things that you have to do even if you pee your pants."

Having said that, the warnings of Zheng Qing et al. have helped a little. When Hilda summoned the students from the two colleges to stand opposite each other, although Zhang Jixin was still crossing his arms and his face was ugly, he did not take the lead in waving his fists to fight with the wolf cub on the opposite side like in the previous class. Together.

The same was true for Andrew of the Taylor family opposite, with a gloomy expression on his face, but his feet were nailed in place and did not move.

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

But when Calabash was pressed to raise the scoop, when everyone's attention was on those students with fiery tempers, a young wizard with a low sense of existence and usually honest and honest caused trouble.

It was Nicholas who had the accident.

For pair practice, Nicholas teamed up with a skinny wizard from the Alpha Academy. Everything looked normal at first, Nicholas bowed obediently, and the alpha wizard respectfully returned the salute.

The two sides drew out the Dharma books according to the rhythm.

Then the alpha wizard suddenly showed a mocking smile, his lips moved, as if he said something to Nicholas, the half-blood werewolf, who was originally peaceful, suddenly turned red eyes, let out a low growl in his throat, and dropped the magic book , and rushed straight to the alpha wizard opposite.

Because of the sudden incident, Assistant Professor Hilda just turned around and said something to a student next to him who was asking a question. When he heard the exclamation and noise, and turned his head again, Nicholas was already fighting with that alpha wizard. Relying on the strong physical fitness of a half-blood werewolf, the wizard was beaten into a disfigured face, his head swelled into a pig's head, and puddles of blood dripped from his nose and mouth. It looked terrible.


Hilda yelled and used short spells to separate the two young wizards. At the same time, she used deterrent spells to curb the further deterioration of the situation and stop the signs of imminent movement on both sides.

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