Hunting High School

Chapter 261 After School

Assistant Teacher Hilda was extremely annoyed now.

He was not the two young wizards who were annoyed and bloody fighting in front of them, because he knew that it would happen sooner or later if the students of Jiuyou Academy and Alpha Academy stayed together in class.

What annoyed him was that the school knew that there was such a possibility, but because of some funding problems and some stubborn old men who despised the practical class, they refused to open the empty hunting ground as a teaching site for the practical class, which eventually led to the accident in front of him.

Just like in a fire, the resident who owns the well refuses the firefighters to pump water from his well to put out the fire.

"It's murder!" The teaching assistant, whose face was covered with copper rings and iron nails, trembled angrily. He was not only complaining about the school's relevant policies, but also describing the accident that happened before him.

Although Nicholas was limp in the grass, he still looked fiercely at the white robe not far away from him, and the deep roar in his throat made everyone clearly feel the threat in it.

"He's murdering, sir!" The students of the Alpha Academy were excited. Several tall men in white robes crowded at the front of the crowd, pressing the dharma books on their waists, and they made no effort to hide the expression of revenge on their faces.

"It's your people who are cheap!" Zhang Jixin led the wizards of Tianwen 08-1 class to greet him without fear: "Everyone knows how low-key Nicholas' character is!"

"Yeah, low-key repeating twice, low-key enough to declare to everyone in front of the wall that they want to keep their names in history, low-key enough to accept an interview with the Beta Town Post, and let all the students in the school know!" Alpha has never been lacking Sharp-tongued character: "The First University couldn't find a more low-key student than him!"

Without saying a word, Zhang Jixin was about to pounce on him, waving his fists.

Dozens of thick vines suddenly drilled out of the void, binding the excited red-faced wizard and several white-robed wizards who were equally excited into rice dumplings—Mr. Assistant Teacher absolutely does not allow these young wizards to fight in front of him of.


Hilda applied magics such as 'shock' and 'amplification' to her own voice, and the low-pitched sound wave echoed within a range of tens of meters, completely suppressing the noise caused by the red robes and white robes: "Any disturbance Behaviors of order in the classroom will be deducted three credits of conduct credits!"

The double suppression of physical and mental quickly restored order to the chaos in the classroom.

"Merlin, can't you spend a day in peace?" Mrs. Bella, who came over after hearing the news, couldn't help but support her forehead after seeing the scene in front of her: "The white fresh food I used this month is more expensive than last year." It's going to be more years!"

"How is it?" After Hilda calmed down the students on both sides, she looked down at Mrs. Bella who was treating the Alpha student. He was asking about the Alpha student.

The little nurse who was assisting Mrs. Bella looked optimistic: "It's great... people are still alive."

Compared with her slightly playful answer, Mrs. Bella's answer is clear.

"If you hadn't stopped him in time, he probably wanted to pull the poor boy's tongue out." Mrs. Bella said with concern, "Is the situation on both sides so serious?"

She was not alarmist, even Zheng Qing could see that in just a few seconds, a big gash had been ripped out from the corner of the alpha student's mouth - the word 'torn mouth' could not be more appropriate.

It hurts to look at it.

Zheng Qing smacked his mouth in admiration and made a 'tsk tsk' sound.

"Why, are you happy that nothing happened?" Hilda gave Zheng Qing a squinting look, raised her eyebrows, and asked angrily. The young public finance student spread his hands innocently, with a dazed expression.

I didn't do anything? !

The teaching assistant does not intend to answer the confusion in the hearts of public-funded students.

He bent down and looked at Nicholas with a serious expression:

"Why did you do that?"

Nicholas clenched his teeth, the muscles in his cheeks twitched, but he said nothing.

Liu Feifei stood not far behind him, her eyes were full of tears, her hands were tightly clenched in front of her chest, and several witches surrounded her, comforting her in a low voice.

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Until the end of this practical class, Nicholas did not answer that question from beginning to end. And that Alpha student's mouth was covered with a thick layer of white cream, and Mrs. Bella strictly forbade him to speak. So no one knows what they said when they clashed.

But this does not affect the wizards of Tianwen 08-1 class to regard Nicholas as a hero. After class, everyone cheered around him:

"Nice job! I've been wanting to rip the mouths of those hypocrites!"

"Let me know before you do it next time, with one more pair of fists, one more Alpha's nose can be smashed."

"Have you finished your homework on alchemy? I can borrow it from you for reference!"

Nicholas ignored the foamy friendly voices in his ears, and staggered away from Green Valley with Liu Feifei's support.

"He should seize the opportunity to denounce those hypocrites with everyone." Xin Fatty commented: "At least this way he won't be isolated by his own people."

"Even if he doesn't speak, he won't be isolated anymore." Xiao Xiao looked deeper than Fatty: "He has already proved himself with actions."

Zheng Qing did not participate in the lively discussion among his companions, for some reason, he always felt a little awkward. On a side road leaving Green Valley, he waved goodbye to his companions.

"What are you going to Atlas Academy for?" Fatty asked curiously after hearing Zheng Qing's plan.

"Private matters," the young public finance student explained vaguely, "It's just a little personal matter."

He must not tell his companions that he will go to Atlas to find those clay sculptures and wooden bodies to burn incense to fulfill his vows, and he will be laughed at for a whole semester. According to people's consistent understanding, people in Jiuyou College should find their soul's destination between textbooks and homework.

"I think your private affairs are in the back." Fatty motioned to pout backwards.

Zheng Qing followed his indication and looked in surprise to see two witches walking side by side.

It was Jiang Yu and Yi Lianna.

Li Meng was carrying a small schoolbag, bouncing around ten steps away from the two witches, throwing himself into the grass from time to time, trying to catch the little twin-tailed squirrel with its head popping out. These newly grown two-tailed squirrels have beautiful orange fur, which gives people a warm and soft feeling.

"Shut up, it's none of my business!" The young public fee student looked as if he had been stung, and suddenly closed his eyes, stammered his answer to Fatty's words, and then fled amidst the laughter of his companions.

Until burning incense to Taishang Laojun, he kept guessing what the two witches were discussing in his mind.

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