Hunting High School

Chapter 12 Four Seasons Square

This is a spacious Great Hall, with hundreds of huge columns scattered throughout the area, supporting a huge curved dome. Shops with bright gates stand around the pillars, shining with lights of various colors, and the plaques surrounded by five Rosy clouds show a seductive mystery. Various customers wearing Taoist robes, Kasaya, and Confucian uniforms come and go, and occasionally one or two foreigners wearing large cloaks or gorgeous cultivator clothes make the atmosphere of the entire Great Hall extraordinarily lively.

"This is the gathering place for wizards to trade. It is called Four Seasons Square, which means a place where the market will be open all year round. There are a total of nine Four Seasons Squares in the entire wizarding world, and China has three of them: Daming Square , Forbidden Square, and Jinling Square." Thomas dragged Zheng Qing, who was hanging around, and explained as he walked: "This is Daming Square, which is the closest to your home. Everything listed on the list can be bought here."

While talking, the two passed by a grass-green mailbox. Thomas took out his wallet from his pocket, pulled out a card, and swiped it in the card slot on the side of the mailbox. Ink-scented newspapers spit out from the mouth above the mailbox.

"Is this magic?" Zheng Qing asked curiously.

"This is a vending machine." Thomas shook his head and opened the newspaper.

Zheng Qing turned his head in embarrassment, and saw a huge headline on the side of the newspaper: "The Grand Opening of the Pan-China Wizards Congress in Anyi... Ji Zi Delivers an Important Speech." The head poked there quietly, making the silhouette of a man waving his arms extraordinarily huge.

"Luozu clothing, your honorable choice." Accompanied by soothing music, a seductive voice came from a nearby store. Zheng Qing couldn't help turning her head to look, behind the transparent glass window, several stunning models were dancing to the soothing music, and Zheng Qing couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva at the snow-white skin that was faintly exposed to the music.

"If you don't have enough strength, definitely don't come here." Thomas flipped through the newspaper without raising his head, and hummed, "Otherwise you will really understand what the businessman means."

"It's so beautiful." Zheng Qing's eyes were a little dull, he smirked and said, "I'm going to buy clothes."

"You will, but not here." Thomas reluctantly pulled out the brown notebook again, patted Zheng Qing's head twice, and sighed: "These guys are getting more and more subtle. But those puppets It really took a lot of thought.”

Shivering all over his body, Zheng Qing, who was sober, no longer dared to look around, and followed Thomas obediently with his hands folded.

"That's right here," Thomas pushed Zheng Qing into a small shop that looked very busy, and said, "After entering, pass your list to Mica, and stay here and wait for me after you get the ready-made clothes. I'll help you buy Dan Equipment such as tripod jade."

Before Zheng Qing could speak, Thomas turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared in place.

Zheng Qing sighed and looked up at the tailor shop.

Yun Xiangyi.

The name is pretty, but the shop doesn't look very big. Zheng Qing pouted, pushed the door open and went in.

Compared with the small shop, the space in the shop is very spacious. The shop with a size of hundreds of square meters is full of robes and gloves of various colors.

There was no one in the shop. Except for the clouds and robes floating around the room, there was not a single clerk, and there was no sound at all. It was eerily quiet.

Could it be a clothing store opened by a ghost? Zheng Qing, who has just come into contact with the wizarding world, is full of fantasies.

"Welcome to Yun Xiangyi!" A white cloud floated down from the roof in front of Zheng Qing, rolled and spit out a few words formed by the cloud.

Zheng Qing stared blankly at the white cloud, wondering if he should take out his own brush and write.

Then he remembered the list in his hand, so he handed it over foolishly.

The clouds rolled for a long time, forming an old woman's face with a monocle hanging on it.

Zheng Qing probably understood what Thomas mentioned about mica just now.

"Ha, it turned out to be a student at public expense!" The wrinkled old face in front of him suddenly blossomed into a blooming chrysanthemum, spewing out a string of cursive words: "The clothes are the most authentic in my shop, and a batch just came out yesterday. Old cold silk. As for the gloves, how about yellow buckskin? The price is right and the quality is also very good."

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

"Measure the size first." After the old woman sprayed out these words, they scattered into small clouds. The clouds rolled around Zheng Qing deftly, gathered, and soon woven into a robe of Integrated Union. Zheng Qing understood why the shop was so quiet.

"Stand up straight!" Yun Duo spat out a huge exclamation mark.

Zheng Qing quickly straightened her body, not daring to move.

"Okay, I need to wait for a few minutes." The style of the robe woven by Yunqi changed several times, and finally left Zheng Qing's body, re-imagining the face of an old woman, "Freshman?"

Zheng Qing nodded with a smile.

"Looking at you young dolls makes me feel good." Mica spat out a string of swashbuckling words: "Public-funded students can get a free drink. Do you want Green Bee or Amber Light?"

Zheng Qing tried to point at Green Bee.

Mica nodded, flew away slowly, and soon brought back a cup of light green drink.

"You can go outside for a while and wander around." The old woman looked at Zheng Qing kindly, and a string of cursive characters flowed out: "I need to brand the finished product with talismans, and it will take a while."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Zheng Qing nodded obediently, but stood aside with a drink and looked around, without going out.

Yun Xiangyi's guests came and went quietly and quickly. Many people buy the finished robes and cloaks directly, and few choose to customize them on site.

"Why don't you let me in!" A gruff question came from the door.

Zheng Qing turned his head and saw a bald-headed Fatty holding a roast chicken, trying to enter the shop but was blocked by a dark cloud.

"Eating and drinking are prohibited in the clothing store." Wu Yun spit out a string of square and square characters.

It turns out that these clouds can hear voices, Zheng Qing thought silently in her heart.

"Why can he!" Fatty narrowed his eyes, saw the cup in Zheng Qing's hand, and asked loudly.

"He is a public-funded student, and the drink is a gift from our shop." Yun Duo's reply was rigid and short.

Fatty froze for a moment, then stuffed the grilled chicken viciously into the bag on his shoulder. Greasy hands rubbed casually on the bag, and looked at the dark clouds again.

The dark cloud drifted aside silently.

Fatty squeezed into the tailor shop with trembling jaws.

Looking at the unfamiliar scene in front of him, Zheng Qing felt a little confused.

At this time yesterday, he was talking with his high school classmates at the wine table, reminiscing about the youthful years and her at the same table, and imagining how high-spirited he would be in three to five years.

Today's self just crashed into this magical world, watching the white clouds utter words, Rosy clouds weaving clothes, and dark clouds blocking the way.

Sometimes life is so wonderful, today you never know what kind of self you will face tomorrow.

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