Hunting High School

Chapter Thirteen Yun Xiangyi

"Why is there no suitable one! This is discrimination! Discrimination, naked! Naked! Naked! Discrimination!"

The commotion interrupted Zheng Qing's thoughts.

He turned his head and saw Fatty, who had squeezed into the store just now, was waving his stubby arms and yelling hoarsely: "I want to complain! I want to file a complaint with the Four Seasons Square Management Committee! I want to file a complaint with the Public Security Bureau!"

"But the largest mica in the store can't measure your body completely." The old woman spat out a series of huge italic characters helplessly: "I'm really sorry, customer."

Zheng Qing looked at Fatty in front of him with a three-tiered chin, a head as smooth as an ostrich egg, and a body like a hill, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Two sword-like gazes pierced fiercely: "What are you laughing at!"

Zheng Qing blushed, a little at a loss.

"Just now they said you were a public fee student?" Fatty walked up to Zheng Qing with a big belly, and looked down at him condescendingly.

At least two meters high, Zheng Qing estimated in his heart. The clouds in the shop drifted over in twos and threes.

"Public-funded students of First University?" Fatty asked.

Zheng Qing nodded, and took a sip of Green Bee.

This drink really matches its name. The color is as green as jade, the mouth is cold, and there is burning pain like a bee sting, but it slides into the stomach but is warm, very comfortable.

It tasted like a very weak wine.

"Public-funded students can look down on people! Can they laugh at others?!" Fatty's grievances were loud.

Zheng Qing took a step towards the retreat carefully, he felt that own ears were going to be deafened.

"Privilege to eat in the store for public servants?" Fatty tried to open his small eyes wide, glaring at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing took a mouthful of the green bee, and when he heard this sentence, he didn't know whether to swallow it or spit it out.

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The burning pain from the bee sting fermented in his mouth, making his eye sockets reddish.

"Pull out your dharma book, let the spell wash away my shame!" Fatty opened his posture, chant as if singing, and pulled out a thick, thick, bulging soft cover book from the greasy bag, clattering in his hand tossing. Weird moaning and flickering light came faintly from the pages of the book, exuding a hint of danger.

"What is a Dharma book!" Zheng Qing swallowed the green bee in a hurry, and shouted, "What are Dharma books for!"

Fatty's three-tiered chin trembled for a long time, and the pair of small eyes on the fat face were almost squeezed into a slit. There was a "ho ho" in his throat, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Zheng Qing held the green bee with a dazed expression on his face.

The soft-cover book was eventually tucked back into the rucksack.

Zheng Qing let out a deep breath from the bottom of his heart, and drank the remaining half of the cup of Green Bee in one go.

The intense stimulation made him blink hard.

"I'll come back later, I hope there will be a suitable Yunyi, otherwise, I will definitely complain to the school and Sijifang!" Fatty turned around and expressed his dissatisfaction with the mica on one side angrily.

A few dark clouds invited him out politely.

"These little guys are becoming less and less polite now." A white cloud floated in front of Zheng Qing, forming a Mica's frowning face, spit out an air circle, and sprayed out a string of words: "It's outrageous! It's getting more and more outrageous The upbringing is unreasonable, and the figure is even worse...Young man, this is your school robe."

A big handbag was handed to Zheng Qing. Zheng Qing opened it and counted. Inside were two courtyard robes, a cloak, and seven pairs of deerskin gloves.

"Thank you for your drink, sorry for your trouble." He returned the cup, took his pocket, and showed a bright smile to Mica.

"Welcome to come again next time." Mica sent him out of the shop with a smile.

On the street, Thomas was greeting him with two cups of turquoise drinks.

"I just drank this in the store." Zheng Qing closed the cup, took another sip of the light green liquid, savored the stimulating taste of 'Green Bee', and couldn't help asking: "How do I feel about 'Yun Xiang'? According to 'there are some special discounts for public-funded students?"

"It's not a feeling, it's a fact." Thomas flipped through the pockets that Zheng Qing brought out, took a sip of Green Bee, smacked his lips, and said, "Public-funded students mean that your potential is so great that the school is willing to train you for free The merchants in Four Seasons Square also like to add icing on the cake, and give you some preferential treatment without cost... This is your toolbox."

As he spoke, he handed a yellow wooden box two feet long and one foot high to Zheng Qing.

"Thank you." Zheng Qing nodded, took the box, and continued to ask: "Just now I always wanted to ask, why are those school robes made of some strange materials?"

"The school robes made of cold silk can help you keep a clear mind in normal times. A clear mind is the most important thing when doing experiments. As for the gloves, they are mainly used to isolate some toxic and harmful substances in the experiments. Your buckskin gloves are enough for college students I have used it. Of course, the dragon leather is better and can also insulate heat. It can be used for some high-level experiments, but it is more expensive. If you encounter this kind of experiment, you can apply for the school’s public gloves.”

"What is an evil dragon?" Zheng Qing opened the box, looked through it with his head buried in it, and asked casually.

"It's the western dragon, the Zhuo Gen clan, the lizard-like one with wings... You should know these things differently from the eastern flood dragon."

"Why are there electronic scales and the like? I mean, do we still need to learn how to repair machinery?" Zheng Qing, who was squatting, raised his head, held up a screwdriver-shaped object, and looked at Thomas suspiciously.

"Technology is also a kind of ability. Many wizards are great scientists." Thomas answered succinctly.

"After that, I won't worry about not being able to find a job when I come out." Zheng Qing finally felt a little more at ease in his heart, put away his suitcase, and said with some excitement: "I always feel that it is difficult for wizards to find a suitable job."

"What is a wizard?" Thomas asked back.

That's a really big question.

"You said before that those cultivators, priests, superpowers, and even vampires and werewolves are all wizards." Zheng Qing frowned, thought carefully, and slowly replied: "Like astronomers, geographers, and chemists." Scientists and mathematicians are all scientists.”

"If a scientist is a person who discovers a problem and then uses logic and knowledge to solve it. Then a wizard should be a person who discovers a problem and then uses Transcendent ability to solve it."

"The field of vision is a bit narrow, but the analogy is more appropriate." Thomas nodded approvingly: "As you said, since wizards can solve problems, are you still worried about not being able to find a suitable job?"

Zheng Qing was speechless.

The shops in Sijifang are all set up around huge stone pillars. The shops under each pillar are operating similar businesses.

There are two clothing stores next to Yun Xiangyi.

One is called Lvxifang, and the other is called Fudichui.

Under another stone pillar not far from this pillar is a stationery store. On the plaque at the door of the store are written four large characters——the pen and ink are cold.

There is a bookstore on the left and right of the stationery store.

The one on the left is called Sanwei Bookstore.

On the right is Sanyou Bookstore.

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