Hunting High School

Chapter 268 Lakeside Conflict

Although it was noticed last weekend that the conflicts in the academy were expanding, the speed of its fermentation still exceeded the expectations of the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

On Saturday morning, not long after the black cat slipped out of the window, Xin Fatty was woken by a flying and exploding paper crane. The red paper crane slipped into the dormitory through the window that the black cat opened when it slipped away, screeching like a sky monkey, hovering above Fatty's head, leaving behind a string of red bubbles, every time Every two or three seconds, a bubble exploded.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

Even through the quilt, it couldn't stop the louder and louder explosions. Fat Cat Tuantuan screamed twice angrily, threw out its sharp claws, and stabbed viciously on Fatty's heel.

Under internal and external difficulties, Fatty finally had no way to continue to sleep. He raised his arms with great effort, rubbed the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, then grabbed the paper crane's wings, and dazedly unfolded the letter paper, squinting at the bright sunlight outside the window. Turn one eye.

There are only six large, scribbled characters on the letter paper, and two huge exclamation points:

"Something went wrong! Linzhong Lake!"

The handwriting is Linda, director of the editorial department of the school newspaper, and Xin Fatty's direct supervisor. After Fatty stared and muttered twice, he suddenly woke up, jumped up from the bed with more sensitivity than Fatty, and shouted:

"Get up quickly, something happened outside!!"

No one in the dormitory paid attention to him, only Fatty was taken aback by Fatty's actions, and after howling angrily at him, he jumped off Fatty's bed angrily and got into Zheng Qing's bed. The elves hanging on Zheng Qing's tent comforted the fat cat, and stretched out their little hands to help it scratch the roots of its ears, so that the anger of the group slowly subsided.

Sim Fatty looked around.

Zheng Qing's bed was empty, and Xiao Xiao's bed was also empty. He must have gone to do morning exercises. Only Dylan's coffin was tightly closed, and it sounded like he had just fallen asleep.

Fatty's howling silenced the grunting behind the tent for a second or two, and then Dylan replied in a low voice from the coffin: "None of my business, I'm going to sleep!"

Xin Fatty took the hot towel and the toothbrush filled with toothpaste from the elf, wiped his face, stuffed the toothbrush into his mouth, and squeezed to Dylan's bed, tearing open the thick red curtain :

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"Why sleep for a long time during life, you will sleep forever after death! We must grasp our limited life and devote ourselves to exciting and unlimited careers!"

While speaking, he wanted to forcefully lift the lid of Dylan's coffin.

But the lid of the coffin was firmly locked, Fatty pushed for a long time but did not push it. Instead, Mr. Vampire Werewolf's impatient voice came from under the coffin lid: "The person who said that died in his thirties...and I'm already dead!"

The strength in Xin Fatty's arm suddenly released, and a dazed expression appeared on his face: "Oh... I almost forgot, you are already an undead. Although it is an atypical undead."

Since Dylan refused to get up, Fatty naturally wouldn't waste any more time in front of his coffin. Soon, with the help of a group of elves, he packed up, slammed the door of the dormitory amidst the howling sound of the full-length mirror, and rushed towards Linzhong Lake with his own notepad and quill pen.

On a normal Saturday morning, there are very few students on campus, and most young wizards will seize the short good time to supplement their never-enough sleep.

But today, on the way to Linzhong Lake, Xin Fatty keenly noticed that there were more students. And most of them were young wizards, they walked in twos and threes, and many of them were even disheveled, as if they had just gotten out of bed and hadn't fully washed.

The closer to the lake, the more students there are, and the noise becomes more and more noisy. When we arrived at the open space in front of the lake, which was the small square in front of the Shushan Pavilion, there were already hundreds of people—the entire Jiuyou College, and all the students added up to less than 2,000 people. Now this small square has gathered nearly a quarter.

When Xin found Minister Linda following the message sent by the paper crane, the blond witch was standing on a slightly higher stone step, assigning tasks to the surrounding school magazine reporters.

She was wearing a neat little suit, with a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her golden hair was randomly tied up in a bun behind her head, tied up with a thin brush as a hairpin. Xin noticed that the tip of the brush was still a little wet, as if it had just been picked up from the inkstone.

"Alex, Alex, you led the first reporting team to track the actions of the Ouroboros Hunting Team. They were the first Alpha students to appear near Linzhong Lake, and they must know the cause and effect of what happened..."

"Mickey? Mickey Raul?! You are in charge of the second reporting team, as close as possible to the members of the 3a community, and pay attention to the backlight when taking pictures. The last time you captured a photo, you saw everything except the big fireball in the sky. Unclear!"

"Han Zhiyuan! Follow Jin Taeyoon to find a way to get something out of Zhao Qiao's mouth. I know you have a good relationship with Zhao Qiao..."

"Minister, we have already broken up!" A witch with a pointed chin and big eyes argued loudly, "Can someone else interview him? Let Xin Fatty go, for example."

"Zhao Qiao, or Soprano, I believe you will make the right choice." Minister Linda's voice was very cold, and the suggestion he made was somewhat unreasonable: "I can give you an excuse...for example, you Want to get back together with him?"

The pointed-jawed witch grabbed the notebook in her hand and left angrily.

Xin Fatty carefully controlled the sound of her breathing, stood on tiptoes, and tried to move behind the classmate Minister, so that she was in the blind spot of her vision. But it's a pity that the damned Han Zhiyuan announced his name just now, Minister Linda just turned her head around, and saw Fatty's huge figure.


As soon as Linda spoke, Xin Fatty quickly raised his hand and protested: "Minister, I can't interview Soprano, I'm from the forgiveness hunting team, and our captain just sent Soprano into the school a few days ago." The know about it! Don't think that we have the same body shape and we have something in common...If I appear in front of that guy, I'll definitely be shitted by him!"

The words were vulgar but meant to be a bit of a joke.

The editor-in-chief of the school magazine, who was in a state of anxiety, couldn't help laughing.

"No, you don't need to worry about being kicked out. Soprano gave it to me, and you are in charge of Nicholas Green Oswald." Minister Linda's voice became softer: "You are in the same class as him, Should know what to do."

Only then did Fatty notice that the wizard standing in the center of the crowd was Nicholas.

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