Hunting High School

Chapter 269 The Cause Of The Conflict

Nicholas was wearing a slightly old red robe, standing at the end of the small square, his face turned pale.

Opposite him was a group of Alpha students in white robes. Those white robes all had the badges of the '3a' club pinned to their chests. They all looked arrogant and had bad eyesight.

Not far behind him, groups of Jiuyou College students wearing red robes stood in twos and threes. Because this place is very close to the library, and the library is one of the nodes with the largest flow of middle school students in Jiuyou College, there are constantly new arrivals. The students were attracted by the crowd in the small square and gathered together.

Between the two colleges, on the edge of the lake, there are dozens of stinky murlocs, with their heads sticking out of the lake, rolling their huge protruding eyes, staring at the young wizards on the shore, roaring excitedly from time to time. Voice.

The big red birds and white buffaloes that roamed the lake in the past have already smelled the disturbing smell in the air and hid on the other side of Linzhong Lake; the two-tailed squirrels and tree sperm on the trees also hid in the tree holes , shivering in the noise of the students.

With excellent physical fitness and thick skin, Xin Fatty quickly passed through the crowd that was not too crowded and came to a place not far from Nicholas.

Without much effort, he pieced together the general context of the matter based on the few words of the students around him.

It is still related to the conflict in yesterday's practical class.

In the practical class yesterday afternoon, Nicholas beat up a student from the Alpha Academy. But the bad thing is that that student happened to be a member of the '3a' club in Alpha Academy, which has always been known for its 'blood supremacy'.

A pure-blood wizard was beaten to death by a mongrel werewolf, and it was done in public. This kind of humiliation made the members of the 3a club excited. Even Sir Friedman, who wanted to reconcile the conflict between the two colleges, Facing the almost boiling material debate, there was nothing he could do, and he was coerced to seek revenge.

Normally, to carry out personal revenge in school, one should choose a secret time and an unnoticed corner, and then attack quietly when the person being retaliated against is alone.

Stealthy, decisive, quick.

But in this way, it will not be able to meet the requirements of the members of the 3a club to wash away their shame.

Therefore, these fanatics wearing white robes and full of 'blood' and 'glory' chose to intercept Nicholas in public. Fortunately, Sir Friedman has not completely lost his mind. Under his persuasion, the members of the 3a club did not directly rush into the library.

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Xin Fatty was holding the notebook, with his ears pricked up, capturing every word he heard, and the quill in his hand quickly slid across the page, leaving a string of scribbled and concise records.

Just when he was about to ask an insider why there were those murlocs on the shore of Linzhong Lake, a short wizard in a red robe rushed over from a distance and squeezed towards a taller blonde witch. go.

Fatty's eyes moved slightly.

He recognized the short wizard as the secretary of the student union, and the blond witch as a member of the club association, both of whom belonged to the student representatives. In this case, there must be some news when the two meet.

Fatty moved silently, bringing his ears closer.

"...the professors are not here, and their offices in the office building are also closed. The door gods don't know where the professors have gone, they only know that they left in a hurry, as if there was something urgent!"

The short wizard looked anxious, and said quickly:

"Today, Atlas and Starry Sky Academy held a hunting competition between departments. The teaching assistants and the school working committee are all supporting on-site, and they are not in the office!"

"Where's the student union?" The blond witch seemed a little confused: "In this case, people from the student union should come forward!"

"I'm from the student union!" The short wizard who reported the message growled lowly, but seemed weak: "Do you want me to stand in front of those fools in 3a, or in front of Soprano? I'm just a An ordinary first-year officer! By the way, a classmate who is proficient in murloc language told me that those murlocs who were on the sidelines had bad intentions..."

"No, no, no," the witch obviously realized that Own made a mistake, blushing, and quickly added: "I mean, where is Lei Zhe? Where is Hoffman? Where are the senior cadres of the student union and the people of Sacred's will? Friedman and Soprano from the Friendship Association are both by the lake, why did the Sacred Will come to Zhaoqiao?"

"Lei Zhe took people outside the school to chat with Augustus. This is a plan that the two sides have made up for a long time. They set off at five o'clock in the morning." The short wizard's voice was a little weak, but also a little annoyed: "I I bet this was planned by those hypocrites long ago!"

Xin Fatty listened to these not-so-secret but very straightforward conversations, and his spirit became more and more excited. He felt that he had caught a big news. He had already thought of the headline for his report, so he wrote 'Augustus out of the mountain, Nicholas Facing 3a wrath'.

Thinking of Nicholas, Xin Fatty realized that the editor-in-chief had given him the task of owning, and immediately looked towards the center of the crowd.

Perhaps because the gathered students were beyond expectations, the white robes of the 3a club behaved a little restrained, and did not make any drastic moves under the watchful eyes of the red robes.

Xin Fatty noticed that Sir Friedman was standing on the side of the boulevard at the left rear of the crowd, with his arms folded, and his face was a little gloomy; Soprano was standing on the other side of the boulevard, smiling and facing Andrew Taylor whispered something, and behind him stood a tall young murloc. Xin remembered that murloc once visited the store when it opened, and its name was Iseni.

A few red robes stood not far from Iseni, looking at the rebels in the lake and the enemies outside the academy with unfriendly eyes.

"What a mess."

The chubby reporter classmate sighed with emotion in a low voice, but the quill in his hand did not stop for a moment, and he quickly profiled the characters on the scene - the gloating murloc, the angry red robe, the arrogant white robe...

A finger stretched out abruptly from the side, and clicked on the words 'high and proud', preventing the quill pen from going any further.

"It's wrong for you to write like this," a familiar voice sounded in Xin Fatty's ear, he turned his head in surprise and saw Xiao Xiao's familiar pair of glasses: "'Arrogance' describes being full of air and complacency, those white robes are now It’s not a state of pomp or complacency.”

As he spoke, Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and suggested, "It might be better to use 'anxious'."

"I'm more professional than you in this matter. I'm writing a report, not taking notes." Xin Fatty waved his hand, vetoing the doctor's suggestion, and stretched his neck to look around: "Hey, I just Thinking about where you have gone, you will definitely participate in this kind of excitement... Where is Brother Qing? Didn't he go to morning class with you? He was abducted by Yi Lianna?"

Xiao Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth.

"He hasn't had morning classes on Saturday mornings for three consecutive Saturdays." Dr. Xiao Da seemed to have a bit of resentment in his tone: "It's the same today, I'm the only one going to Green Valley... In the morning, before dawn, he became a The cat slipped out of the house and wandered off to god knows where."

Fatty squeezed his chin, with a serious look on his face: "Well... Hearing what you said, I suddenly became interested in the reproductive principle of wizards after transformation. You know, it's still spring. Can a cat There's not a lot of fooling around."

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