Hunting High School

Chapter 270 The Final Choice

The black cat that Xiao Xiao talked about wandering around was squatting on a large tree stump at the moment, watching the witches not far away who were busy building the final stage of the magic circle with a numb expression.

Floating in front of it was a piece of parchment curled head to tail, and the surface of the paper exuded a faint golden light. Whenever the witches finished a task, a phantom white quill emerged from the air to mark off the corresponding item on the parchment.

As the third-party supervisor of this parchment contract, every time an item is ticked off, the black cat needs to leave its own paw print in the corresponding position.

Like an overseer in charge of stamping.

The thought slipped through the bottom of the black cat's mind, and a look of hopelessness appeared on his face. He would rather roll around under the cat fruit tree than stare blankly at this piece of parchment and be forced to act as a cat meat marking machine.

for a long time.

Until the black cat crouched on the tree stump and almost fell asleep, the witches finally finished the finishing work of the magic circle.

The translucent essential oil is evenly applied to each brick and each wire. Under the combined sunlight and moonlight, it shimmers slightly, making people feel a strange appetite inexplicably. A wave of incense powder floated in the center of the magic circle, and the light passed by, showing a colorful shape, which made people fascinated.

On the top of the six pillars around the magic circle, each burns a Gublai fairy fire, which is an eternally burning magic flame, which has the effect of Bixie and dispelling darkness. It is a bit subtle when used in this magic circle .

The black cat stared at the jumping flames for a few moments, then looked away, because there was something more interesting to him in the center of the magic circle.

It was a black goat, slightly smaller than the black goat raised by Linguo, and it had no beard and no horns on its head. The black cat guessed that it was a ewe?

The black goat was placed in the center of the magic circle. In front of the arch, there was an oval-shaped tray-shaped floor tile under the goat's feet. Side dishes such as onions, mushrooms, fungus, and celery were also depicted on the tile. There was no rope tied around the sheep's neck, but it was unknown whether it was due to the magic bondage or the deterrent effect behind the magic circle. Although the little black sheep had frightened eyes, it only dared to stomp its tiny hooves on the spot, and did not dare to step on it. Take out the oval floor tile.

The moon above the head did not move at all, like a silent spectator, which made the black cat who had been nervous from the beginning slowly relax. But even so, there was still a faint uneasiness in his heart.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"My intuition tells me that you should choose another day to activate this magic circle."

When Korma walked to the stump where the black cat was squatting, it lost no time in raising its own opinion: "This is my advice as a senior magic expert... That thing is in a weird state right now."

Saying that, it raised its paw and pointed to the position of the moon above its head, without looking up.

"Pfft." The red-masked witch's uncontrollable low laughter came from beside her. Elena gave her a reproachful look, and then looked the black cat up and down a few times.

The black cat felt that Own's cheeks were getting hot, but he firmly believed that no one could see Own's real body through this layer of cat skin. So I still met the witch's eyes fearlessly.

"If you report own's real name, maybe we will be more cautious about your suggestion." Elena answered Zheng Qing's question instead of Korma: "As for now...compared with a black cat of unknown origin, I believe in the results of my own divination even more."

Perhaps it was because the magic ceremony was well prepared, and Kerma also showed a trace of relief on his face.

After hearing the gypsy witch's explanation, she added: "Today most of the high rank wizards in the school are tied down by other things, Lei Zhe and Augustus also arranged a meeting, the student union and the school work committee arranged There are the fewest manpower on the surveillance of the guardian formation, and they are all newcomers. There is no better opportunity than today."

She didn't explain what those high rank wizards were caught up in, nor did she explain where she got the news from. But considering her status in the student union, it's hard for the black cat not to suspect that she has done something in it.

This made it feel the witch's determination even more.

It can be said that if Korma is found to be tampering with the school circle or other affairs with the help of her identity in the student union, then what awaits her is not only her dismissal, or the school's punishment, she may also be raised by Dan Hager public prosecution. It would be tantamount to suicide for a promising witch.

The atmosphere in the arena was silent for a moment.

Korma rubbed her hands, with a look of anticipation on her face, she looked at Jiang Yu, and then at Elena: "Then now, the crucial step... soak the Sacred thing with spiritual blood."

Unknowingly, a brass tray appeared in Yelena's hand, and on the tray was a piece of jelly-like wreckage. Under the sunlight and moonlight, the piece of jelly trembled, as if it was still alive.

The black cat felt the soft fur on the back of its neck explode suddenly, and it was keenly aware of the great malice and hostility coming from the piece of 'jelly'. Somehow, it knew the origin of that piece of 'jelly'.

"You are crazy!" the black cat murmured, licking its mouth, not hiding the shock on its face.

Jiang Yu glanced at it silently, paused, and then took out a transparent glass test tube from her handbag. The pink blood was rolling happily in the test tube, just like that nervous little spirit witch.

"Are you sure?" she asked one last time.

"Let's get started." There was a hint of impatience on Kerma's face.

The pink blood slid through the transparent glass tube, slowly flowing down, and landed on the dark red jelly-like wreckage. There was no fluctuation, as if a drop of water fell into a sponge, it blended into it silently.

The three witches and a black cat looked at the piece of 'jelly' nervously.

The jelly seems to have become more translucent.

Kerma closed her eyes and paused for a moment. When she opened them again, her eyes were already blank, and her originally calm face was replaced by a fanatic expression:

"ia! shub-niggurath! ut ftaghu wk'hmr shub-niggurath! ia! ia!"

(Listen, Shabu Nicholas, I call you, put on this skin, be Shabu Nicholas, listen! Listen!)

Accompanied by a weird and tongue-in-cheek murmur, Kerma tore off her headband, spread her hair, tore off the sleeves of her arms, revealing her white arms, then took off her boots, barefoot, and held a copper plate to France. Go to the center of the array.

Yi Lianna held a silver knife and followed Kerma with a solemn expression.

"I don't know what they are going to do, but I feel that I will definitely regret today's choice in the future." The black cat looked at the backs of the two witches, its paws restlessly stepped on the growth rings on the stump, and murmured.

The witch standing beside it glanced sideways at the black cat.

"I won't." She replied simply.

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